zones portuaires – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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La mission a conclu que l'état de conservation global du bien du patrimoine mondial est bon car les docks, les zones portuaires ainsi que les bâtiments historiques de la ville inscrits sont soit restaurés, soit bien entretenus, soit font partie d'un programme de rénovation, programme conçu, approuvé et exécuté dans un grand respect de l'authenticité des lignes et matériaux d'origines.
The mission concluded that the overall state of conservation of the World Heritage site is good as the docks and port areas, as well as the city’s listed historic buildings are either restored or well-maintained, or part of a programme of rehabilitation, carefully planned, documented and executed with great respect for the authenticity of the design and materialisation. The wider urban context, which includes seriously degraded areas, is part of renovation, rehabilitation and redevelopment initiatives that essentially aim at carefully re-establishing the city’s coherence through the enhancement of its numerous remaining historical features, the infill of vacant lots and the redesign of the public space.