zones prioritaires – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Plan stratégique de 200...  
Définir et cartographier les zones prioritaires du fond marin
Priority seabed areas defined and mapped
  Plan d'action du Canada...  
Dans les zones prioritaires des cinq zones géographiques du Plan d'action sur les océans, la cartographie du fond marin aidera à accroître la connaissance scientifique du milieu physique et des habitats connexes afin de planifier la gestion intégrée et la définition des zones marines qui doivent être protégées.
Seabed mapping is focused on providing imagery of the seabed characteristics and features. For high priority areas within the five geographic areas of the Oceans Action Plan, seabed mapping will help to increase scientific understanding of the physical environment and associated habitats to support integrated management planning and the identification of marine areas in need of protection. Activities include: determining strategically important areas to implement seabed mapping in the five large oceanic regions for integrated management planning; producing maps, data bases and reports; conducting surveys to collect data; and developing web accessible databases and data collection.
  Océans - Processus  
Sélectionner les sites d'intérêt au moyen du processus de gestion intégrée des océans, plus particulièrement en fonction des zones étendues de gestion des océans (ZEGO), en appliquant un ensemble de critères écologiques et de faisabilité aux zones d'importance écologique et biologique (ZIEB), aux espèces d'importance écologique (EIE) et aux propriétés de communautés d'importance écologique (PCIE), ou encore aux zones prioritaires d'importance écologique à l'extérieur des ZEGO; chercher à obtenir l'appui préliminaire des parties intéressées.
Select the area of interest, primarily through the large ocean management area (LOMA)-based integrated oceans management (IOM) process, applying ecological and feasibility criteria to the ecologically and biologically significant areas (EBSAs), ecologically significant species (ESSs) and ecologically significant community properties (ESCPs) or to priority areas of ecological significance outside the LOMAs, and seek preliminary endorsement from interested parties.
  établissement et gestio...  
En règle générale, certaines zones importantes sont désignées d'avance dans ces plans. Le mieux est de commencer à étudier les zones prioritaires tout en effectuant des études générales des régions marines pour déterminer les ZPM potentielles de façon systématique.
Protected areas for fisheries management can vary in many ways, depending on the purpose and type of MPA created. The size, location, and activities permitted within a fisheries-oriented MPA will be jointly determined, taking into account the management objectives, current fishing activities, the health of the stock, and input from the area stakeholders. In cases where an MPA involves a fishing closure, fishers may have to forgo access to some of their original fishing territory. Such closures may ultimately result in an increase in harvestable fish in waters outside the MPA. The input from, and partnering arrangements with, fishing stakeholders and coastal communities will be critical in establishing such areas.
  Directives et leçons ap...  
par l'entremise d'une série d'activités de gestion intégrée menées dans des zones prioritaires en se servant d'outils de gestion de zones, dont les aires marines protégées.
through a series of integrated management activities in priority areas, using area-based management tools such as marine protected areas.
  ARCHIVÉ - Impact économ...  
Des travaux sont en cours afin d'explorer les zones prioritaires d'intérêts et deux zones de conservation marine proposées dans le Pacifique, incluant Gwaii Haanas et la partie sud du détroit de Georgia.
Parks Canada Agency (PCA): The Agency is developing a network of marine conservation areas (MCAs) to represent 29 marine natural regions found in Canada's Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans, and the Great Lakes. Three MCAs have been designated, one of which is in a saltwater ecosystem: the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park. Work is underway to explore priority areas of interest and two proposed marine conservation areas in the Pacific including: Gwaii Haanas, and the Southern Strait of Georgia.
  Plan d'action du Canada...  
Ces rapports fourniront de l'information scientifique de base afin d'orienter la planification des océans dans les cinq zones prioritaires et éclaireront les consultations des intervenants; ils permettront d'accélérer l'établissement d'objectifs écosystémiques.
These reports will provide basic scientific information to guide user-led oceans planning in the five priority areas, inform stakeholder consultations, and accelerate the production of ecosystem objectives. The reports will also address the ecosystem components and properties, causality and pressures, land-water interface, and water quality. These overviews and assessments will assist stakeholder advisory bodies in making recommendations and governments in making management decisions on long-term environmental trends. Resources will be used to gather and analyze existing scientific information, including the assistance of scientific experts.
  Stratégie fédérale sur ...  
De plus, le Canada crée actuellement des aires marines protégées ou des aires de conservation pour chacune des principales zones prioritaires que la communauté internationale scientifique et de gestion des océans a ciblées comme étant des priorités criantes, tels les espèces marines en péril, les coraux pélagiques en eau froide, les monts sous-marins en haute mer, et les bouches hydrothermales.
Our scientists and our scientific approach to marine protected area designation can serve as a model for other countries, as can our approach of situating marine protected areas within the context of integrated management planning. Given our current and emerging experience, Canada can also demonstrate to the world how marine protected areas can be useful tools in broader oceans management ranging from the coastal area to the full extent of national jurisdiction. As well, Canada is in the process of establishing marine protected areas or management conservation areas for all of the key priority areas that the world's scientific and oceans management community has identified as critical priorities, such as marine species-at-risk, deep cold water corals, open-ocean seamounts, and hydrothermal vents. This is valuable experience for the global community, and an important indication that marine protected areas are feasible management tools.