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Zones prioritaires pour le Mali pour realiser les objectifs en matiere de conservation, tout en evitant, dans la mesure du possible, les zones a forte densite de population.
Priority areas in the Gambia for meeting conservation targets, whilst avoiding areas with high human population density where possible.
Home > Thematic Areas: PARCC West Africa > Recommandations et planification: Identification des zones prioritaires pour la conservation de la biodiversité
Home > Thematic Areas: PARCC West Africa > Recommendations and planning: Identification of priority areas for biodiversity conservation
Identification des zones prioritaires pour la conservation de la biodiversité
Identification of priority areas for biodiversity conservation
Zones prioritaires pour la Sierra Leone pour realiser les objectifs en matiere de conservation, tout en evitant, dans la mesure du possible, les zones a forte densite de population.
Priority areas in Mali for meeting conservation targets, whilst avoiding areas with high human population density where possible.
Zones prioritaires pour la Gambie pour realiser les objectifs en matiere de conservation, tout en evitant, dans la mesure du possible, les zones a forte densite de population.
Priority areas in Chad for meeting conservation targets, whilst avoiding areas with high human population density where possible.
Les participants ont ainsi contribué à l'établissement de l'ensemble des objectifs en matière de conservation (le degré de protection de chaque élément de conservation), et ont convenu des zones à exclure de l'ensemble des zones prioritaires (par exemple, du fait du développement urbain ou de l'exploitation minière).
The national planning systems were developed as a collaboration between DICE University of Kent and national experts through a series of national workshops, in which biodiversity experts were taught how to carry out gap analyses and developed conservation planning systems for their countries. At these workshops, initial results from the national planning systems were presented and the outputs were refined by the participants so that they could be used to inform conservation policy and practice. The participants helped set all conservation targets (how much of each conservation feature should be protected), and agreed on areas to be excluded from the set of priority areas (for example because of urban development or mining operations). They were also involved in checking fragmentation levels (to ensure a minimum size for the creation of new PAs) and in identifying a set of priority areas for meeting the protection targets.
Les participants ont ainsi contribué à l'établissement de l'ensemble des objectifs en matière de conservation (le degré de protection de chaque élément de conservation), et ont convenu des zones à exclure de l'ensemble des zones prioritaires (par exemple, du fait du développement urbain ou de l'exploitation minière).
The national planning systems were developed as a collaboration between DICE University of Kent and national experts through a series of national workshops, in which biodiversity experts were taught how to carry out gap analyses and developed conservation planning systems for their countries. At these workshops, initial results from the national planning systems were presented and the outputs were refined by the participants so that they could be used to inform conservation policy and practice. The participants helped set all conservation targets (how much of each conservation feature should be protected), and agreed on areas to be excluded from the set of priority areas (for example because of urban development or mining operations). They were also involved in checking fragmentation levels (to ensure a minimum size for the creation of new PAs) and in identifying a set of priority areas for meeting the protection targets.
Ces données sont ensuite utilisées pour réaliser une analyse des lacunes, qui évalue à quel point le système d'AP existantes répond à ces objectifs, ainsi que l'établissement de priorités géographiques pour la conservation, qui identifie les zones prioritaires en vue de combler les lacunes liées aux objectifs.
Systematic conservation planning (SCP) is the most widely used approach for designing and improving PA networks. It involves producing a list of important species, habitats and ecological processes (collectively known as 'conservation features'), mapping their distributions and setting targets for how much of each conservation feature should be protected. These data are then used to carry out a gap analysis, which measures the extent to which the existing PA system meets these targets, and a spatial conservation prioritisation, which identifies priority areas for filling any target shortfalls. PA networks also need to be robust to the impacts of climate change, as the distributions of the conservation features are likely to shift in response to changes in temperature, rainfall and sea levels. SCP can be used to address this issue by identifying priority areas for conservation that protect both the current and the future expected distribution of important species.
Toutefois, il est important de noter que le réseau d'AP du Togo est actuellement en cours de révision. Un nombre restreint de zones prioritaires ont été identifiées à l'extérieur du réseau des aires de conservation existantes.
The Togo conservation planning system classified 7.273 km2 (12.8%) as being already included in PAs and 151km2 (0.3%) as being in currently unprotected IBAs. The Togo PA and IBA system is representing most of the ecoregions and landcover types. The current network is already meeting targets for most species and only a very small proportion are completely missing from the existing PA network. However, it is worth noting that Togo's PA network is currently being revised. A small number of priority areas have been identified outside the existing conservation area network (Figure 20). However, there is still a need to expand the existing PA network in order to meet all the conservation targets, notably with some additional areas in the south.
Nous avons utilisé le logiciel de planification de la conservation Marxan pour identifier les zones prioritaires quant à la réalisation des objectifs en termes de conservation (Figure 15). L'analyse a été conçue pour éviter les zones à forte densité de population humaine, dans la mesure du possible, et pour identifier les zones prioritaires permettant d'agrandir les AP existantes ou qui sont suffisamment grandes pour être écologiquement viables.
We used the Marxan conservation planning software to identify priority areas for meeting the conservation targets. The analysis was designed to avoid areas of high human population density, where possible, and to identify priority areas that extend existing PAs or are large enough to be ecologically viable. The results of the analysis shows that meeting all the conservation targets requires an additional 384,765 km2 to be added to the existing PA network, which corresponds to protecting 21.6% of the region.
Les zones prioritaires ayant été identifiées par Marxan avec le plus de constance sont éparpillées dans l'ensemble de la région, toutefois les zones les plus vastes sont situées en Côte d'Ivoire, au Ghana et en Mauritanie.
The priority areas that were most consistently identified by Marxan were scattered throughout the region, but the most extensive areas were in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Mauritania. For Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, this was because they contained important biodiversity, but also because they contained many small PAs that Marxan sought to link. For Mauritania, the large extent identified results from the relatively low PA coverage in the country, meaning that some ecoregions require higher levels of protection to meet the specified targets.
Zones prioritaires pour la conservation en l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Les zones en rouge sont celles qui ont ete le plus souvent selectionnees par Marxan.
Priority conservation areas for West Africa. Areas shown in red were the ones selected most frequently by Marxan.
Ces données sont ensuite utilisées pour réaliser une analyse des lacunes, qui évalue à quel point le système d'AP existantes répond à ces objectifs, ainsi que l'établissement de priorités géographiques pour la conservation, qui identifie les zones prioritaires en vue de combler les lacunes liées aux objectifs.
Systematic conservation planning (SCP) is the most widely used approach for designing and improving PA networks. It involves producing a list of important species, habitats and ecological processes (collectively known as 'conservation features'), mapping their distributions and setting targets for how much of each conservation feature should be protected. These data are then used to carry out a gap analysis, which measures the extent to which the existing PA system meets these targets, and a spatial conservation prioritisation, which identifies priority areas for filling any target shortfalls. PA networks also need to be robust to the impacts of climate change, as the distributions of the conservation features are likely to shift in response to changes in temperature, rainfall and sea levels. SCP can be used to address this issue by identifying priority areas for conservation that protect both the current and the future expected distribution of important species.
En effet, il n'assure pas la réalisation des objectifs pour quasiment la totalité des espèces, bien que les ZICO non protégées jouent un rôle important dans l'augmentation de la protection pour les trois groupes taxonomiques. Un certain nombre de zones prioritaires importantes ont été identifiées dans différentes parties du pays.
The Chad conservation planning system classified 149,636 km2 (11.8%) as being already included in PAs and 30,373 km2 (2.4%) as being in currently unprotected IBAs. The current Chad PA and IBA network is meeting most of the conservation targets set. However, it is failing to conserve any of the East Saharan montane xeric woodland and very little of the Sahara desert ecoregion. Regarding the current distribution of amphibians, birds and mammals, on average, about 80% of these species have met their protection targets in the current PA and IBA system. However, threatened species are less well protected, although the proportion of species where the targets have been met is still relatively high. Most of the identified priority areas are found around existing conservation areas (PAs and IBAs), with smaller priority areas found in patches in the south of the country (Figure 16). The analysis also showed that large areas in the north of the country should also be included in the PA network to meet targets.
La situation est bien pire concernant les espèces menacées, notamment les mammifères. La plupart des zones prioritaires identifiées sont situées dans les secteurs du centre et du sud du Mali, en particulier autour des AP existantes.
The Gambia conservation planning system classified 422 km2 (4%) as being already included in PAs and 215km2 (2%) as being in currently unprotected IBAs. The current Gambia PA and IBA network does not meet most conservation targets. It is indeed failing to meet targets for almost all species, although the unprotected IBAs are playing an important role in increasing protection for all three taxonomic groups. A number of important priority areas were identified in different parts of the country (Figure 17). These are found from East to West and reflect biogeographic patterns.
Nous avons utilisé le logiciel de planification de la conservation Marxan pour identifier les zones prioritaires quant à la réalisation des objectifs en termes de conservation (Figure 15). L'analyse a été conçue pour éviter les zones à forte densité de population humaine, dans la mesure du possible, et pour identifier les zones prioritaires permettant d'agrandir les AP existantes ou qui sont suffisamment grandes pour être écologiquement viables.
We used the Marxan conservation planning software to identify priority areas for meeting the conservation targets. The analysis was designed to avoid areas of high human population density, where possible, and to identify priority areas that extend existing PAs or are large enough to be ecologically viable. The results of the analysis shows that meeting all the conservation targets requires an additional 384,765 km2 to be added to the existing PA network, which corresponds to protecting 21.6% of the region.
Zones prioritaires pour le Togo pour realiser les objectifs en matiere de conservation, tout en evitant, dans la mesure du possible, les zones a forte densite de population.
Priority areas in Togo for meeting conservation targets, whilst avoiding areas with high human population density where possible.
Zones prioritaires pour le Tchad pour realiser les objectifs en matiere de conservation, tout en evitant, dans la mesure du possible, les zones a forte densite de population.
Priority areas in Sierra Leone for meeting conservation targets, whilst avoiding areas with high human population density where possible.
Identification des zones prioritaires pour la conservation de la biodiversité Gestion, financement et suivi des aires protégées Stratégies d'adaptation et recommandations politiques Lignes directrices pour les gestionnaires des AP face au changement climatique
Identification of priority areas for biodiversity conservation PA management, financing and monitoring Adaptation strategies and policy recommendations Guidelines for PA managers in the face of climate change
Ces rapports contiennent des détails sur la manière d'utiliser les systèmes de planification pour mesurer à quel point le réseau d'AP de chaque pays répond aux objectifs en matière de conservation, et pour identifier les zones prioritaires en vue d'accroître les réseaux nationaux d'AP.
The results coming from the planning systems are summarized in a series of reports, which describe for each project country, how each of these planning systems was developed. The reports include details on how the planning systems were used to measure the degree to which each country's current PA network meets conservation targets, and to identify priority areas for expanding national PA networks.
Notamment, il n'assure pas la réalisation des objectifs pour quasiment la totalité des espèces, particulièrement les amphibiens. La plupart des zones prioritaires identifiées sont situées dans les secteurs du centre et de l'ouest de la Sierra Léone, en particulier autour des AP existantes.
The Mali conservation planning system classified 69,839 km2 (5.6%) as being already included in PAs and 14,501 km2 (1.2%) as being in currently unprotected IBAs. The Mali PA and IBA system is failing to conserve any of the Sahara desert ecoregion and very little of the Inner Niger Delta flooded savanna. Birds are relatively well protected, especially when IBAs are included, but mammals and particularly amphibians are poorly represented. The situation is considerably worse for threatened species, especially for mammals. Most of the priority areas identified are found in the central and southern sections of Mali, in particular around existing PAs (Figure 18). Mali needs to expand its PA network throughout the country to meet conservation targets.
(v) la conception de systèmes de planification systématique de la conservation intégrant les informations susmentionnées. Ces systèmes ont permis de réaliser des analyses des lacunes de la représentation des éléments de conservation dans les AP existantes et l'identification de zones prioritaires pour la protection, c.
Consideration of climate change is therefore essential to maintain PAs effectiveness in time and space. Before joining the PARCC project, these five countries had not yet taken into consideration the full range of current and future climate change impacts in their PA plans and programmes. The PARCC project achieved a number of goals for PA programmes in West Africa including (i) collating climate data and future climate change projections, (ii) modelling the expected future distributions of bird, mammal, and amphibian species, (iii) evaluating the vulnerability of species to climate change impacts, (iv) identifying areas resilient to climate change that would be beneficial to protect as climate refuges for flora and fauna, and (v) designing systematic conservation planning systems incorporating the information mentioned above. These systems allowed to carry out gap analyses of the representation of conservation features in existing PAs and the identification of priority areas for protection, i.e., where new PAs could be established, where existing PAs could be extended and where connectivity corridors could be established or restored.