zones proches – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot      64 Résultats   45 Domaines  
Lorsque les dommages subis par l'isolation des tuyaux ou de la chaudière sont limités, la réparation est l'option de contrôle la plus simple. Le plâtre ne contenant pas d'amiante peut être utilisé pour remettre en état les joints ouverts, les aires enrobées ou couvertes de pâltre endommagées et les zones proches des robinets et des brides.
When damage to pipe or boiler insulation is limited, repair is the easiest control option. Non-asbestos plastering can restore open joints, wrapped or plastered areas that are damaged and areas around valves and flanges.  
Au cours de ce programme, le Service hydrographique du Canada a réussi à mettre à l'essai des véhicules sous-marins automatisés à titre de plateformes pour les sonars modernes. Parmi les autres avancées technologiques, on peut citer l'utilisation de sondeurs multifaisceaux et de systèmes laser aériens pour mesurer la profondeur de l'eau dans les zones proches des côtes.
One example of the Canadian Hydrographic Service's focus on collaboration to achieve common objectives includes its role in preparing Canada's submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In recent years, the Canadian Hydrographic Service has worked closely with Natural Resources Canada, Global Affairs Canada (formerly the department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade), the Canadian Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard to map Canada's continental shelf beyond the 200 mile limit. During that program, the Canadian Hydrographic Service successfully tested autonomous underwater vehicles as a platform for modern sonars. Other technological developments include the use of multi-beam sounders and airborne laser systems to collect water depths in near-shore areas.  
Au cours de ce programme, le Service hydrographique du Canada a réussi à mettre à l'essai des véhicules sous-marins automatisés à titre de plateformes pour les sonars modernes. Parmi les autres avancées technologiques, on peut citer l'utilisation de sondeurs multifaisceaux et de systèmes laser aériens pour mesurer la profondeur de l'eau dans les zones proches des côtes.
One example of the Canadian Hydrographic Service's focus on collaboration to achieve common objectives includes its role in preparing Canada's submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In recent years, the Canadian Hydrographic Service has worked closely with Natural Resources Canada, Global Affairs Canada (formerly the department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade), the Canadian Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard to map Canada's continental shelf beyond the 200 mile limit. During that program, the Canadian Hydrographic Service successfully tested autonomous underwater vehicles as a platform for modern sonars. Other technological developments include the use of multi-beam sounders and airborne laser systems to collect water depths in near-shore areas.  
Au cours de ce programme, le Service hydrographique du Canada a réussi à mettre à l'essai des véhicules sous-marins automatisés à titre de plateformes pour les sonars modernes. Parmi les autres avancées technologiques, on peut citer l'utilisation de sondeurs multifaisceaux et de systèmes laser aériens pour mesurer la profondeur de l'eau dans les zones proches des côtes.
One example of the Canadian Hydrographic Service's focus on collaboration to achieve common objectives includes its role in preparing Canada's submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In recent years, the Canadian Hydrographic Service has worked closely with Natural Resources Canada, Global Affairs Canada (formerly the department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade), the Canadian Coast Guard and the U.S. Coast Guard to map Canada's continental shelf beyond the 200 mile limit. During that program, the Canadian Hydrographic Service successfully tested autonomous underwater vehicles as a platform for modern sonars. Other technological developments include the use of multi-beam sounders and airborne laser systems to collect water depths in near-shore areas.  
L'impossibilité d'avoir accès à certaines terres et certaines zones proches de rivières provoque souvent de profonds bouleversements économiques, ainsi qu'une aggravation de la famine et des maladies dans les pays victimes de ce fléau.
There has been much discussion lately about the unacceptable effects of anti-personnel mines. However, not much has been said about their negative impact on the environment. In this context, the ICRC fully supports the opinion that landmines may be one of the most widespread, lethal and long-lasting forms of pollution the world has yet encountered. Indeed, these weapons render large tracts of land dangerous and unusable for decades after the end of conflicts, in turn intensifying the use and environmental degradation of other available land. The denial of access to l and and river areas often results in significant economic disruption, and increased hunger and disease in the countries affected. The ICRC seizes this opportunity to reiterate its support for a total ban on the production, stockpiling, transfer and use of anti-personnel landmines.  
L'impossibilité d'avoir accès à certaines terres et certaines zones proches de rivières provoque souvent de profonds bouleversements économiques, ainsi qu'une aggravation de la famine et des maladies dans les pays victimes de ce fléau.
There has been much discussion lately about the unacceptable effects of anti-personnel mines. However, not much has been said about their negative impact on the environment. In this context, the ICRC fully supports the opinion that landmines may be one of the most widespread, lethal and long-lasting forms of pollution the world has yet encountered. Indeed, these weapons render large tracts of land dangerous and unusable for decades after the end of conflicts, in turn intensifying the use and environmental degradation of other available land. The denial of access to l and and river areas often results in significant economic disruption, and increased hunger and disease in the countries affected. The ICRC seizes this opportunity to reiterate its support for a total ban on the production, stockpiling, transfer and use of anti-personnel landmines.  
La destruction des habitats naturels ajoutée à la fragmentation des espaces vitaux menace la diversité biologique de la Suisse. Ainsi, identifier et maintenir les liaisons entre les zones proches de l’état naturel est devenu une préoccupation majeure pour la sauvegarde de la biodiversité.
The natural habitat destruction and the territory fragmentation threaten the biodiversity in Switzerland. Therefore, it is important to identify and maintain the connections between the still existing wildlife habitats. The project REN (Réseau écologique national) proposes a vision for a habitat interconnectedness on a national scale. The results are based on existing data, their processing within a computer model, as well as on the verification and completion of the dataset. The latter was done in close collaboration with local specialists and the concerned cantonal administrations. The results are presented on maps (scale 1:100’000 and 1:500’000).  
Le point d’ancrage amovible est une protection antichute prisée dans les zones proches des fenêtres. Le point d’ancrage peut alors est mis en place à proximité de la fenêtre car l’œillet d’ancrage est amovible et ne gêne aucunement ni l’ouverture, ni la fermeture de la fenêtre.
Our ABS-Lock I+II system is a popular fall protection solution for securing a window zone. The anchor can be installed directly under the window as the anchorage eyelet is removable, i.e. you can still easily open and close the window. However, the anchor should only be inserted from a safe distance, if the window is open - which is easily done using an ABS-Lock I TelePole telescopic rod.  
Les matériaux personnalisés sur mesure, en acier inoxydable 316/A4 et en aluminium extrudé anodisé sont toujours fournis sur commande à cause d’une rotation inférieure des stocks, étant d’ailleurs leurs applications réduites à des environnements particuliers des conditions difficiles telles que les zones proches à la mer ou les zones industrielles.
At usual consumption rates and average lead times, we always have sufficient stock of standard materials for immediate delivery, ie materials in stainless steel 304/A2 and extruded raw aluminum. Materials with customized sizes or made in stainless steel 316/A4 or extruded anodized aluminum are always supplied by order and are never stocked due to low turnover,as they are only needed for specific applications in harsh environments, such as areas close to the sea or in industrial areas.  
Nous plaidons par conséquent en faveur d'une politique structurelle européenne durable qui réponde pleinement aux besoins tant des zones urbaines que rurales. Le développement urbain ne devrait pas se faire au détriment des zones proches.
11. We note positively the Commission's working document's recognition of the diversity of Europe's local actors. Europe is characterised by a unique polycentric structure of large, midsize and small cities. The large majority of Europeans (80%) do not live in large cities but in small and medium-sized towns and municipalities. Strengthening the rural areas is thus indispensable. We therefore call for a sustainable EU structural policy that addresses fully the needs of both urban and rural areas. Urban development should not happen to the disadvantage of its surrounding area.
  5 Résultats  
D’après le personnel soignant sur place, l’hôpital a été détruit par au moins un bombardement aérien qui a directement frappé le bâtiment, le réduisant en ruines. Une autre frappe aérienne dans le quartier a également touché des zones proches de l’hôpital.
According to hospital staff on the ground, the hospital was destroyed by at least one airstrike which directly hit the building, reducing it to rubble. Other airstrikes in the neighbourhood also hit areas close to the hospital.  
Le chevreuil et l'orignal sont fréquents dans la zone du parc, tout comme des mammifères de plus petite taille dont le rat musqué, le raton laveur, le vison, le renard et le castor. Plus de 160 espèces d'oiseaux ont été identifiées près du lac Grundy, surtout dans la zone des marais. On trouve des nids de héron dans au moins deux zones proches des terrains de camping.
Deer and moose are common in the park area, and smaller mammals such as muskrat, raccoon, mink, fox and beaver can often be spotted. More than 160 species of birds have been identified near Grundy Lake, especially in the marsh areas. Heron nests are found in at least two areas of the park close to the campgrounds.
  5 Résultats  
Mon programme crée et met à l'essai des méthodes nécessaires pour évaluer et prévoir les effets environnementaux de l'aquaculture dans des zones proches et des zones lointaines, et ce, à un niveau écosystémique.
My program develops and tests methods necessary to assess and predict the environmental effects of aquaculture in both near and far-field zones at an ecosystem level. We focus on identifying tracers of aquaculture waste and transport pathways that will determine the ultimate fate or impact of the waste material.  
Pour le cas des cultures, il est recommandé de prendre des précautions particulières avec les champignons qui peuvent se produire de l’humidité, utiliser des produits pour les éviter, est l’une des recommandations que donnent les experts, ainsi qu’éviter de cultiver dans les zones proches où l’humidité est plus présente, comme peut l’être les berges, par exemple.
For this case of crops it is recommended to take special care with fungi that can produce moisture, so use products to avoid is one of the recommendations that give the experts, as well as avoid cultivating near areas where the humidity is expand, as can be the riverbanks, for example.
  3 Résultats  
Puis les éléments de revêtement de sol sont brisés «vers l’arrière» et si besoin recoupés. Dans des zones proches de pièces humides, des portes d’entrée et de sortie, ainsi que zones semblables, sceller les découpes du revêtement de sol en utilisant une matière isolante appropriée.
It is recommended that the flooring elements be cut to size using a straightedge or trapezoidal blade to score the surface/wear layer of the flooring. The flooring elements are then snapped “backwards” and trimmed as necessary. In areas adjoining wet rooms, entrance and exit doors and similar areas, the cut edges of the floor covering are to be sealed using an appropriate sealant.  
Les chercheurs ont également noté que ces effets étaient plus prononcés dans les zones proches de la frontière Mexicaine, et que la légalisation dans les états intérieurs pourrait avoir des « répercussions », et ainsi également causer une diminution de ces crimes dans l'état frontalier le plus proche.
The researchers also noted that these effects were most pronounced in areas closest to the Mexican border, and that legalization in inland states may “spillover” and subsequently cause a reduction in crime in the closest border state.
  5 Résultats  
Mon programme crée et met à l'essai des méthodes nécessaires pour évaluer et prévoir les effets environnementaux de l'aquaculture dans des zones proches et des zones lointaines, et ce, à un niveau écosystémique.
My program develops and tests methods necessary to assess and predict the environmental effects of aquaculture in both near and far-field zones at an ecosystem level. We focus on identifying tracers of aquaculture waste and transport pathways that will determine the ultimate fate or impact of the waste material.  
Le secteur des Transports présente des exigences de Sécurité différentes. Le réseau entier du Transport Ferroviaire et les zones proches des gares sont des lieux exposés aux vols, aux sabotages, aux actes de vandalismes et aux agressions.
The Transport sector displays different Security requirements. The entire network of Rail Transport and surrounding areas are at risk of theft, sabotage, episodes of vandalism and attacks. Ports and Airports are at risk of terrorist attacks  
OPG a répondu avoir découvert une contamination au mazout dans certaines zones proches de la centrale de Pickering-A, et qu’un plan d’action avait été établi en vue de retirer la terre contaminée de ces lieux.
With respect to non-radiological emissions, OPG noted that it is implementing Environment Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory process. OPG also stated that it continues to report and take corrective action on all releases and any monitoring data irregularities under the Ontario MISA (Municipal Industrial Strategy for Abatement) program. With reference to this program for non-radiological contaminants, the Commission asked whether non-radiological contaminants of concern have been observed in the groundwater monitoring program discussed above. OPG stated in response that some fuel oil contamination was found in specific areas near Pickering NGS-A and that there is an action plan to remove the contaminated soil from the site. OPG also noted its discovery of some historic hydrocarbon solvent contamination for which control measures are being considered. OPG stated that it is actively monitoring for non- radiological contaminants, as well as radiological, and that reports are made to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment on a six-month interval.  
Serafettin B.: "C'est l'un des plus beaux parc de Paris, à l'ouest du centre et dans le nouveau boulevard des zones proches de l'Arc de Triomphe. Il vous donne un aspect différent de la ville."
Adam Sigel: "The most versatile park we've been to in Paris. It's got pony rinds and carousels for children, quiet reading spots, running loops, and you can actually sit on the grass here. Very pleasant spot."  
Un programme financé par le gouvernement permet de créer actuellement 12 forêts communautaires en Angleterre. Ces forêts, de 250 kilomètres carrés en moyenne, sont destinées à transformer le paysage des zones proches des villes qui sont mises à nu par l'extraction de minerai ou des champs à l'abandon.
A government­sponsored programme is creating 12 Community Forests in England. These forests, of average size 250 square kilometres, are intended to transform the landscape of areas near the cities which are despoiled by mineral working or the neglect of farmland. About 30% of each Forest area will be planted with trees, with a surrounding mosaic of farms and open lands; and the new landscapes will be rich in opportunities for recreation.