zones précises – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Annexe - Système d'éva...  
Selon cette exigence, les occupants doivent être protégés contre l’exposition à la fumée de cigarette par une interdiction de fumer dans le bâtiment et l’autorisation de fumer dans des zones précises situées à l’extérieur, loin des entrées et des fenêtres pouvant s’ouvrir.
The second requirement addresses the control of environmental tobacco smoke within the building. The program requires that building occupants be protected from exposure to tobacco smoke by prohibiting smoking within the building and the designation of exterior smoking areas away from entries and operable windows. As the City already has a no smoking policy for public buildings this credit is already mandated.
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La nouvelle orientation stratégique du PO est axée sur des zones précises de densification des aménagements dans le secteur urbain, comme les rues principales traditionnelles, afin de créer des environnements regroupés, polyvalents et accessibles à pied, favorables au transport en commun, au vélo et à la marche.
However, for Stittsville Main Street this direction is modified by a specific Policy 13 that refers back to the Master Plan and Urban Design Guidelines of the former Goulbourn Township. This policy requires that any new construction of buildings, structures or modifications, alternations and additions to existing buildings or structures, which have the affect of altering exterior character along the Stittsville Main Street frontage need to be evaluated relative to those plans. The relationship of this Policy 13 to the core direction of the Traditional Mainstreet designation in the OP has created some ambiguity with respect to how prescriptively the Masterplans of the former Goulbourn are to be interpreted. It also raises the question as to how this Traditional Mainstreet, as with others in Ottawa will contribute to intensification in order to reduce the demand for urban boundary expansion. The CDP will attempt to clarify this apparent conflict.