zones périphériques – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Cours d'Espagnol à  Bar...  
Deux langues officielles sont parlées à Barcelone: le catalan, généralement parlé dans toute la Catalogne, et le castillan. Barcelone compte 1.510.000 habitants, mais ce chiffre atteint plus de 4.000.000 habitants si l'on prend en compte les zones périphériques.
In a privileged position on the northeastern coast of the Iberian peninsula and the shores of the Mediterranean sea lies Barcelona, the second largest city in Spain in both size and population. It is also the capital of Catalonia, 1 of the 17 Autonomous Communities that make up Spain. There are two official languages spoken in Barcelona: Catalan, generally spoken in all of Catalonia, and Castilian Spanish. The city of Barcelona has a population of 1.510.000, but this number spirals to more than 4.000.000 if the outlying areas are also included.