zones périphériques – Englisch-Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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5.12 Advenant une charge microbienne avant la stérilisation, en particulier par un micro-organisme résistant à l'agent stérilisant, on peut trouver des indices de la cause première de la contamination dans des situations similaires en zones périphériques.
5.12 In the event of the loss of control of presterilization bioburden, particularly if this is due to a type of micro-organism resistant to the sterilization process, clues as to the root cause of the problem may be found in parallel loss of control in more peripheral areas.
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Il est toutefois intéressant de noter que quelques résidents de Vancouver et Montréal ont identifié le méthane provenant des animaux comme une source importante de pollution de l'air (habituellement dans les zones périphériques).
Given that the focus group sessions took place in three metropolitan centres (Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver), it was not surprising that focus group participants also put a very heavy emphasis on vehicle emissions and industry when they discussed the major sources of air pollution in their communities. It was clear from the focus group discussions that participants felt than man-made causes of air pollution are much more problematic than natural causes. However, it was interesting to see that a few residents of Vancouver and Montreal did identify methane from animals as a major source of air pollution (usually in the outlying areas). Meanwhile, Montreal participants were more apt to suggest that a large part of the pollution in Canada comes from the United States.