zones périurbaines – Englisch-Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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  Chapitre : Sociologie ...  
L’un des principaux constats est celui de la « spécialisation sociale » de ces zones. Dès leur origine, les zones périurbaines attirent des populations dont le pouvoir d’achat et les attentes vis-à-vis de leur logement sont similaires.
Who lives in peri-urban areas? This chapter focuses on the characteristics of peri-urban inhabitants and looks at findings and debate on the issue. One of the main findings is that these zones are ‘socially specialised’. Right from the start, each peri-urban zone attracts people with similar purchasing power and expectations of their lodging. Thus it may be noted that some peri-urban zones are relatively well-off, others relatively poor. But peri-urban zones are not just specialised in terms of socio-professional characteristics; they can also be defined in terms of demographic dynamics and racial segregation. Ageing of the population, intergenerational cohabitation and racial conflicts are also important issues to be taken into account in the management of peri-urban areas.
  Chapitre : Sociologie ...  
L’un des principaux constats est celui de la « spécialisation sociale » de ces zones. Dès leur origine, les zones périurbaines attirent des populations dont le pouvoir d’achat et les attentes vis-à-vis de leur logement sont similaires.
Who lives in peri-urban areas? This chapter focuses on the characteristics of peri-urban inhabitants and looks at findings and debate on the issue. One of the main findings is that these zones are ‘socially specialised’. Right from the start, each peri-urban zone attracts people with similar purchasing power and expectations of their lodging. Thus it may be noted that some peri-urban zones are relatively well-off, others relatively poor. But peri-urban zones are not just specialised in terms of socio-professional characteristics; they can also be defined in terms of demographic dynamics and racial segregation. Ageing of the population, intergenerational cohabitation and racial conflicts are also important issues to be taken into account in the management of peri-urban areas.
  Chapitre : Les pratiqu...  
Ce chapitre s’intéresse aux relations de voisinage entre les habitants du périurbain, aux périmètres de leur vie quotidienne et à leur rapport au territoire métropolitain. Les habitants des zones périurbaines sont avant tout des habitants métropolitains.
This chapter focuses on relationships between neighbours in peri-urban areas, the perimeters of their daily lives and their relationships with the metropolitan territory. Inhabitants of peri-urban zones are above all inhabitants of the metropolis. Their daily lives take place in the metropolitan area as a whole, not just in their residential neighbourhoods, and their activities take them both to the city centre and neighbouring municipalities, which explains peri-urban dwellers’ lack of attachment to their place of residence and rather distant social relationships with neighbours. The extent of this perimeter means people are very dependent on cars, but this dependency seems to lessen as infrastructures are developed in peripheral areas. The new conditions contrast sharply with initial development phases, when distance and the lack of infrastructures aggravated the already precarious situation of the first people to move into peri-urban residential areas.