zones qui présentent – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot      24 Results   15 Domains
  3 Hits  
. Dans les zones qui présentent une couverture arbustive ou forestière, seules de longues ondes, comme celles de la bande L ou, mieux encore, de la bande P, peuvent offrir le niveau de pénétration nécessaire à l'estimation de l'humidité du sol.
. For shrubby or forest covered areas only longer wavelengths such as L-band or better yet P-band provide the penetration necessary for soil moisture estimation. Polarimetric data may help by reducing and/or accounting for the effects of roughness and/or vegetation on the soil moisture estimate.  
Pour conclure, les impacts attendus du changement climatique constituent une menace importante pour la biodiversité de la région, qui subit déjà une pression considérable en raison de la chasse et de la perte des habitats. Cette étude a ainsi mis en évidence les zones qui présentent l'impact potentiel le plus important du changement climatique sur les AP.
To conclude, the projected impacts of climate change represent a significant threat to the region's biodiversity, which is already under considerable pressure from habitat loss and hunting. This study has highlighted areas of greatest potential impact of climate change on PAs. Where species are likely to decline, steps must be taken to locate and properly protect potential refugia and to maximise connectivity between sites to facilitate range shifts.
  3 Hits  
. Dans les zones qui présentent une couverture arbustive ou forestière, seules de longues ondes, comme celles de la bande L ou, mieux encore, de la bande P, peuvent offrir le niveau de pénétration nécessaire à l'estimation de l'humidité du sol.
. For shrubby or forest covered areas only longer wavelengths such as L-band or better yet P-band provide the penetration necessary for soil moisture estimation. Polarimetric data may help by reducing and/or accounting for the effects of roughness and/or vegetation on the soil moisture estimate.  
L'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments, Environnement Canada et Pêches et Océans Canada travaillent de concert afin de surveiller de près la salubrité des mollusques et de fermer les zones qui présentent un risque pour la santé.
Shellfish filter water to feed on the micro-organisms it contains. Hence they can amass certain toxic organisms such as toxic algae or pathogenic bacteria. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada work together to monitor shellfish wholesomeness and close zones which pose a health risk.  
De nombreux pays appliquent des stratégies fondées sur le risque afin de faciliter la concentration des ressources en matière d’inspection sur les zones qui présentent de plus grands risques relatifs à la salubrité des aliments.
In addition, Kristen Green, has been serving as our acting Manager of Strategic Initiatives, and leading the use of analytics to help the program better understand what the data is telling us about food safety and animal welfare risks. This work is allowing us to assess trends and determine what resources are needed to better address risks in the field. She has been working closely with Mike Eastment and Dawn Chalut who coordinate our residue and Ready-to-Eat (RTE) sampling and testing program and recently implemented changes to our water testing programs at provincial plants.  
Ce dernier est un programme fédéral-provincial qui se rapporte à la cartographie des zones inondables et à la délimitation des zones qui présentent des risques d'inondations élevés afin de minimiser les dommages à la propriété dans ces zones.
Since floods are a frequent cause of property damage in Canada, the Federal Flood Damage Reduction Program is worth noting. This is a federal/provincial program to carry out flood-plain mapping and delineation of high flood risk areas with a view to minimizing damage to property in those areas. Once such areas are designated, no assistance will be provided under the Disaster Financial Assistance arrangements to meet the cost of repairing or replacing structures subsequently built or installed in the designated areas and damaged by flood.