zones rebelles – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot      16 Résultats   11 Domaines  
D’Abidjan à Bouaké, des zones rebelles aux zones gouvernementales, j’ai traversé la Côte d’Ivoire afin d’aller à la rencontre de chacun. Hors des sentiers battus, je suis parti découvrir la réalité des populations locales, loin des clichés...
The four stories that make up this film take us from Belgium to the banks of the Senegal river, from the North of France to the Western Sahara mountains. Both lead us to dormant men and women who are wandering between two worlds – the world of those who are gone and the world of the living –...  
Suite à l’avancée des forces gouvernementales dans les zones rebelles et aux contre-attaques des Tigres de Libération de l'Eelam Tamoul (TLEM), les populations civiles fuient les zones contrôlées par les rebelles.
The armed conflict in northern Sri Lanka intensified towards the end of 2008, and fighting has continued in the first few months of 2009. In response to Government forces advances into rebel-held areas and counterattacks by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) civilians are fleeing rebel-held areas.  
Or celui-ci interdit l’acheminement de toute assistance médicale en zones rebelles soumises à des bombardements intensifs ciblant spécifiquement les établissements de santé et tous ceux, du boulanger au médecin, qui tentent d’apporter une aide à la population.
For the past two years, the bulk of international humanitarian aid – provided by the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) – has been channelled through Damascus and distributed according to the whim of the government. This same government prohibits the provision of medical assistance to people living in opposition-held areas. These  areas are subject to intense bombing, targeting health centres as well as all those people – from bakers to doctors – who are trying to help the population. Just a few days ago, a field hospital in al Bab, northern Syria, was bombed by the Syrian airforce, killing nine patients and two medical staff.  
On procédera à des applications d'herbicide Roundup au moyen d'un applicateur à mèche sur les zones rebelles au moment où les mauvaises herbes sont les plus sensibles, soit à l'étape du début du bouton floral pour le chardon des champs, à l'étape du bouton floral pour l'asclépiade et à l'étape de la pleine floraison pour le liseron.
Begin with a general burndown treatment (e.g. glyphosate) after weed growth has begun. Plant the green manure crop, choosing one that grows thickly and suppresses annual weeds. If a grassy cover like cereal or Sudan-sorghum is used, use a selective herbicide like 2,4-D to control broadleaf perennial weeds like thistles. As well, use wiper applications with Roundup targeted when the weed is most susceptible on problem weed patches - Canada thistle at early flower bud, milkweed at flower bud, bindweed at full flower, quack grass actively growing with at least three to four new leaves on each shoot. Where perennial weeds are present, choose the higher rate of glyphosate as listed on the label.  
> CELLULI ATTACK Concentré Zones Rebelles
  2 Résultats  
Somatoline Traitement Intensif Zones Rebelles cellulite...
Somatoline Intensive treatment rebels areas 100 ml  
La France “prendra sa part dans l’accueil des Casques blancs” évacués de Syrie avec leur famille, a annoncé aujourd’hui le ministère français des Affaires étrangères. Plus de 400 Casques blancs, secouristes volontaires dans les zones rebelles en Syrie, et les membres de leurs familles ont été évacués dans la nuit ...
Russian and Turkish troops are to enforce a new demilitarized zone in Syria’s Idlib region from which “radical” rebels will be required to withdraw by the middle of next month, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday after a meeting with his Turkish counterpart. Russia, the biggest outside backer of ...