zones reculées – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot 6 Résultats
  Discours de Président d...  
Grâce à l’expérience et aux savoirs tirés de près de 35 ans d’activité dans des zones reculées, où peu de partenaires de développement et d’institutions financières internationales se sont aventurés, nous nous distinguons des autres dans notre domaine d’intervention.
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, at G8 and G20 meetings and at the Durban climate change conference last December and the Rio Plus 20 conference this summer – we have continually raised the issue that is close to our heart.  Smallholder farmers can feed themselves and they can help feed the world.
  Allocution prononcée pa...  
Il suffit de se rendre dans certaines zones reculées du Pérou, du Ghana ou de l'Inde, ou de n'importe lequel des nombreux pays où intervient le FIDA, loin des circuits touristiques ou même des routes construites avec l'aide des bailleurs de fonds, pour s'en rendre compte.
The challenges that poor people in rural areas face are daunting. Travel to the hinterlands of Peru, Ghana or India or to any other of the many countries IFAD works in. These are the areas far from tourist trails or even the normal donor highways. The rural poor are the landless, small farmers, nomadic pastoralists, herders and artisanal fishermen. They are ethnic minorities or indigenous people. Above all, they are women, who now constitute the majority of the poor.
  IFAD Participating in t...  
Même dans des zones reculées, les petites parcelles ont valeur de nantissement comme en témoignent les réformes foncières du passé où les terres ont été fréquemment remembrées en domaines plus vastes par des prêteurs ou d'anciens propriétaires.
The potential to create financial resources can be achieved, in even relatively remote rural areas, when the rules governing land (either formal or traditional) make sales or transactions binding (legal registration or communal agreement) and the capacity to transact is seen to be stable and continuing. In this way, a return can be anticipated by buyers who will want to know that they can dispose of the land in the future. Even in remote areas, small parcels of land have collateral value as revealed in past land reforms, where lands frequently became consolidated into larger holdings by money lenders or former owners. However, given the particular nature of rural reform, the appropriate financial instruments required will usually be nontraditional, such as land banks, as in The Philippines, or through community trust funds whereby lending institutions find repayment confidence through its peer-based character. The effectiveness of peer-based approaches has been demonstrated in microfinance programmes in a number of countries.