zones reculées – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Les médicaments et vacc...  
Les revenus des vétérinaires privés liés à la délivrance des produits constituent, notamment dans les zones reculées ou inhospitalières, un complément économique indispensable pour garantir le maintien du maillage vétérinaire territorial souhaitable dans tous les pays du monde ;
the presence of a national veterinary network enabling surveillance of animal populations in all countries throughout their territory must be guaranteed by all governments to effectively detect and control diseases as soon as they occur, and in so doing prevent biological disasters. The revenue that private veterinarians receive from supplying products, especially in remote or inhospitable areas, provides them with an indispensable supplementary income, thereby helping to maintain the nationwide veterinary network needed in all countries of the world;
  Pastoralism : OIE - Wor...  
Pour soutenir l’existence de ces communautés en milieu pastoral, une prise en charge efficace de la santé animale est l’un des principaux défis à relever. Néanmoins, la mobilité des troupeaux de bétail dans les zones reculées complique l’accès à des soins vétérinaires de qualité et à des services de développement agricole.
To support the persistence of these communities in pastoral areas, the effective management of animal health is one of the main challenges. However the access to reliable veterinary care and agricultural extension services is made difficult by the mobility of pastoral livestock herds often in remote areas. To address this particularity, the training and use, under veterinary supervision, of veterinary para-professionals derived from and moving with pastoralist communities is an important and useful tool. “There is a need to better understand pastoralist management practices and movements to better deliver appropriate services and train appropriately veterinary para-professionals within pastoral communities with links to government and/or private veterinarians,” underlined Dr Vallat. The implementation of harmonised veterinary policies is also crucial to reduce the vulnerability of pastoralist communities and can be built on the results of OIE PVS evaluations. Moreover, it is recommended to strengthen the collaboration between Veterinary Services and Public Health Services and to cultivate a “One Health” approach.