zones représentatives – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Comités de la Chambre d...  
Je souhaiterais que ce réseau de zones représentatives à conservation et à valeur élevées — bien planifié, avec une plus grande certitude pour le développement économique dans l'intervalle — soit complété pour les autres deux tiers de terres et d'eau douce et pour notre énorme plateforme marine.
In the 1990s, Canada was committed to having a representative network of terrestrial and freshwater areas across the country for all the reasons laid out. Canada got about one third of the way there. My wish would be that the network of representative high-conservation-value areas—well planned, with greater certainty for economic development in between—be completed for the other two thirds of the land and freshwater, and for our enormous marine shelf. At this point, the exercise hasn't even started. That is the smart way to go; complete that network on the basis that was set up in the 1990s.
  Comités de la Chambre d...  
Par aires marines de conservation, on entend donc la préservation de zones représentatives et de l'intégrité écologique dans de très vastes régions, à des fins scientifiques et autres. On met l'accent sur les espèces et les habitats, mais on tient compte en même temps des autres éléments, comme le laissait entendre la question qui a été posée.
So the preservation of representative areas and of ecological integrity over very large regions for science and so on is the national marine conservation area. This focus on species and habitats can link with the others, as the question over here was suggesting. That's the second one. The third one is deep ocean environments, with a skew to or a prejudice to protection of fish and fishing. They're somewhat different in their foci, and legitimately so, but they can be put together in one region or in different places in a region, to achieve different objectives that all sum up to something better for all of us.
  Comités de la Chambre d...  
Habituellement, quand on parle d'aires marines de conservation, on pense aux trois océans mais pas aux Grands Lacs. Nous voulions, comme ceux que nous avons consultés, que les aires marines de conservation incluent les zones représentatives des Grands Lacs et cette expression a pour but de les inclure.
Our understanding is that “internal waters” was included here so that it would specifically include the Great Lakes. When one thinks of marine conservation areas, often one considers the three oceans and not the Great Lakes. It has been our intention, and the desire of the public we have consulted with, that marine conservation areas include representative areas in the Great Lakes, and that phraseology is intended to include those as well.