zones riveraines – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot 25 Résultats
  Service canadien des fo...  
Maintien de la biodiversité dans les zones riveraines
Maintaining biodiversity in riparian areas
  Service canadien des fo...  
Les effets de l'exploitation forestière dans les zones riveraines (2012)
The effects of logging in riparian areas (2012)
  Publications du Service...  
Service canadien des forêts. Points saillants sur la science. L'exploitation forestière des zones riveraines est-elle durable? (Français)
Service canadien des forêts. Points saillants sur la science. L'exploitation forestière des zones riveraines est-elle durable? (French)
  Service canadien des fo...  
Les chercheurs du Service canadien des forêts, avec la collaboration du ministère des Richesses naturelles de l’Ontario, plusieurs partenaires universitaires et l’industrie forestière, comparent les perturbations naturelles qui se produisent dans les zones riveraines de plans d’eau forestiers aux perturbations résultant de l’exploitation forestière.
Canadian Forest Service researchers, in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, several university partners, and the forest industry, have been comparing natural disturbances in shoreline areas of forest water bodies to disturbances from forest harvesting. These disturbances not only create increased shoreline habitat complexity, but they also cause changes in the water bodies themselves that are important for sustaining aquatic ecosystem health. The research has shown that careful shoreline harvesting can be conducted in some areas to increase shoreline habitat complexity and minimize harmful effects in water bodies.
  Publications du Service...  
Nous avons étudié l'influence de l'infestation de dendroctone du pin ponderosa (DPP) et de la coupe de récupération sur la fonction écologique, l'ombrage et la température des zones riveraines et des petits cours d'eau.
We investigated the influence of the mountain pine beetle infestation and salvage harvesting on small stream and riparian zone ecological function, shade, and temperature. Small streams (less than a 2 m bankfull width) were selected because they are the most prominent stream type within a watershed and they determine many ecological characteristics of larger downstream channels. Due to their prominence, they are also the most frequently encountered channel type during forest-harvesting activities, and they have no legislated riparian reserve zones. Riparian areas within the pine-dominated watersheds studied here were primarily comprised of spruce, whereas upland areas were comprised of pine. Field assessment of 39 small streams (n = 19 control and 20 treatment) indicated that grey attack channel reaches had properly functioning riparian areas and streams, whereas salvage-harvested areas were functioning with some level of impairment. Shade levels were significantly lower in harvested areas, which allowed greater light penetration compared to the higher-shade mountain pine beetle-affected streams. Air temperature was also significantly higher above streams with salvage-harvested riparian zones. Stream temperature, in contrast, showed a variable response. Small streams of groundwater origins did not exhibit significant differences in warming trends between control and treatment reaches. Small streams with surface-water origins, such as those from lakes and wetlands, exhibited a significant decrease in cooling in harvested reaches compared to their control reaches.
  Publications du Service...  
La concentration en C et N de l’eau située à une profondeur de 30 cm dans le sol de zones riveraines et de l’eau de lac a été mesurée le long de pentes fortes et douces de l’aire de recherche des lacs Esker dans le nord-est de l’Ontario dans le but de déterminer si la concentration en nutriments était corrélée aux attributs de terrain des bassins versants.
Buffer zones are an important component of forest-management strategies and are thought to reduce the impact of nutrients released after harvesting on water quality. Conceptually, steep slopes have shorter water residence times than shallow slopes, have a reduced capacity to moderate water quality, and therefore, require wider buffers. Carbon and N concentrations in riparian zone shallow soil water at 30 cm depth and lake water were measured on shallow and steep slopes at the Esker Lakes Research Area in northeastern Ontario to determine if nutrient concentrations were correlated to catchment terrain attributes. Field measured slope, slope class obtained from a triangular irregular network model, and upslope contributing area and topographic index calculated from a digital elevation model were calculated for each sampling location. Modeled terrain properties, including those currently used during forest-management planning, were not significantly correlated with soil water N and C concentrations, whereas only dissolved organic carbon levels were significantly greater on field measured steep slopes. Forest species composition and soil N levels were positively correlated with soil water N concentrations. These results from the undisturbed boreal ecosystem highlight the potential limitation of using only catchment slope as a tool for prescribing riparian buffers during harvesting when considering terrestrial nutrient export.
  Publications du Service...  
Des ruisseaux et des zones riveraines du bassin versant de la rivière Bowron ont été évalués à l'aide de l'évaluation de routine de l'efficacité de la gestion riveraine en vue de déterminer leur niveau de fonction écologique de 20 à 30 ans après une activité de récolte accélérée.
Streams and riparian areas in the Bowron River watershed were assessed using the Routine Riparian Effectiveness Evaluation (RREE) to determine their level of ecological function 20-30 years after accelerated harvest activity. The RREE is a procedure that includes both stream and riparian indicators to assess the health and condition of a stream reach. Sites in heavily harvested sub-basins had lower overall evaluation scores than reference sites, mainly because of high failure rates of riparian indicators. Larger streams located lower in the sub-basin appeared to score slightly better than those in the upper basin and this is likely due to a larger riparian buffer at lower basin sites. A regeneration time of 20-30 years after clearcutting was determined to be insufficient for the recovery of riparian indicators to pre-harvest conditions. Variation among sites with respect to stream indicators appeared higher within the harvested and reference groups than between them, indicating that harvesting effects have diminished and natural variability is a stronger governing factor. The within-group variability was explained in part by differences in slope, channel width, coupling and soil erodibility. Recommendations for salvage logging best management practices are given based on observations of recovery from past harvesting activities and site specific characteristics.
  Publications du Service...  
Nous avons étudié l'influence de l'infestation de dendroctone du pin ponderosa (DPP) et de la coupe de récupération sur la fonction écologique, l'ombrage et la température des zones riveraines et des petits cours d'eau.
We investigated the influence of the mountain pine beetle infestation and salvage harvesting on small stream and riparian zone ecological function, shade, and temperature. Small streams (less than a 2 m bankfull width) were selected because they are the most prominent stream type within a watershed and they determine many ecological characteristics of larger downstream channels. Due to their prominence, they are also the most frequently encountered channel type during forest-harvesting activities, and they have no legislated riparian reserve zones. Riparian areas within the pine-dominated watersheds studied here were primarily comprised of spruce, whereas upland areas were comprised of pine. Field assessment of 39 small streams (n = 19 control and 20 treatment) indicated that grey attack channel reaches had properly functioning riparian areas and streams, whereas salvage-harvested areas were functioning with some level of impairment. Shade levels were significantly lower in harvested areas, which allowed greater light penetration compared to the higher-shade mountain pine beetle-affected streams. Air temperature was also significantly higher above streams with salvage-harvested riparian zones. Stream temperature, in contrast, showed a variable response. Small streams of groundwater origins did not exhibit significant differences in warming trends between control and treatment reaches. Small streams with surface-water origins, such as those from lakes and wetlands, exhibited a significant decrease in cooling in harvested reaches compared to their control reaches.
  Publications du Service...  
Nous avons étudié l'influence de l'infestation de dendroctone du pin ponderosa (DPP) et de la coupe de récupération sur la fonction écologique, l'ombrage et la température des zones riveraines et des petits cours d'eau.
We investigated the influence of the mountain pine beetle infestation and salvage harvesting on small stream and riparian zone ecological function, shade, and temperature. Small streams (less than a 2 m bankfull width) were selected because they are the most prominent stream type within a watershed and they determine many ecological characteristics of larger downstream channels. Due to their prominence, they are also the most frequently encountered channel type during forest-harvesting activities, and they have no legislated riparian reserve zones. Riparian areas within the pine-dominated watersheds studied here were primarily comprised of spruce, whereas upland areas were comprised of pine. Field assessment of 39 small streams (n = 19 control and 20 treatment) indicated that grey attack channel reaches had properly functioning riparian areas and streams, whereas salvage-harvested areas were functioning with some level of impairment. Shade levels were significantly lower in harvested areas, which allowed greater light penetration compared to the higher-shade mountain pine beetle-affected streams. Air temperature was also significantly higher above streams with salvage-harvested riparian zones. Stream temperature, in contrast, showed a variable response. Small streams of groundwater origins did not exhibit significant differences in warming trends between control and treatment reaches. Small streams with surface-water origins, such as those from lakes and wetlands, exhibited a significant decrease in cooling in harvested reaches compared to their control reaches.
  Publications du Service...  
Nous avons étudié l'influence de l'infestation de dendroctone du pin ponderosa (DPP) et de la coupe de récupération sur la fonction écologique, l'ombrage et la température des zones riveraines et des petits cours d'eau.
We investigated the influence of the mountain pine beetle infestation and salvage harvesting on small stream and riparian zone ecological function, shade, and temperature. Small streams (less than a 2 m bankfull width) were selected because they are the most prominent stream type within a watershed and they determine many ecological characteristics of larger downstream channels. Due to their prominence, they are also the most frequently encountered channel type during forest-harvesting activities, and they have no legislated riparian reserve zones. Riparian areas within the pine-dominated watersheds studied here were primarily comprised of spruce, whereas upland areas were comprised of pine. Field assessment of 39 small streams (n = 19 control and 20 treatment) indicated that grey attack channel reaches had properly functioning riparian areas and streams, whereas salvage-harvested areas were functioning with some level of impairment. Shade levels were significantly lower in harvested areas, which allowed greater light penetration compared to the higher-shade mountain pine beetle-affected streams. Air temperature was also significantly higher above streams with salvage-harvested riparian zones. Stream temperature, in contrast, showed a variable response. Small streams of groundwater origins did not exhibit significant differences in warming trends between control and treatment reaches. Small streams with surface-water origins, such as those from lakes and wetlands, exhibited a significant decrease in cooling in harvested reaches compared to their control reaches.
  Publications du Service...  
Bien que l'on considère l'infestation de DPP comme une épidémie, les zones riveraines examinées dans le cadre du présent rapport comportent des quantités relativement faibles de pin tordu (lorsqu'il y en a).
The effect of the MPB infestation on channel processes and morphology will largely depend on the response and recovery of woody debris. Although the MPB infestation is now considered at epidemic levels across the landscape, riparian areas surveyed in this report support relatively small volumes of lodgepole pine (if any). In comparison to the volume of wood transferred to the channel during a stand-replacing event, wood transfer to the channel induced by MPB infestation in the next 25 years is likely to be relatively small and within the range of typical conditions throughout the region. In riparian areas with a similar distribution of lodgepole pine in the riparian area, management for the riparian supply of woody debris to small channels in areas infested by MPB may be effectively undertaken using existing regulations and guidelines of the Forest and Range Practices Act, and evaluations undertaken as part of the Forests and Range Evaluation Program.
  Publications du Service...  
Bien que l'on considère l'infestation de DPP comme une épidémie, les zones riveraines examinées dans le cadre du présent rapport comportent des quantités relativement faibles de pin tordu (lorsqu'il y en a).
The effect of the MPB infestation on channel processes and morphology will largely depend on the response and recovery of woody debris. Although the MPB infestation is now considered at epidemic levels across the landscape, riparian areas surveyed in this report support relatively small volumes of lodgepole pine (if any). In comparison to the volume of wood transferred to the channel during a stand-replacing event, wood transfer to the channel induced by MPB infestation in the next 25 years is likely to be relatively small and within the range of typical conditions throughout the region. In riparian areas with a similar distribution of lodgepole pine in the riparian area, management for the riparian supply of woody debris to small channels in areas infested by MPB may be effectively undertaken using existing regulations and guidelines of the Forest and Range Practices Act, and evaluations undertaken as part of the Forests and Range Evaluation Program.
  Service canadien des fo...  
Dans les forêts, les écosystèmes aquatiques sont reliés aux écosystèmes terrestres environnants par les zones riveraines et les milieux humides qui les séparent. Les processus se déroulant dans les zones riveraines et les milieux humides peuvent régulariser la rétention des éléments nutritifs et du carbone et leur libération dans les eaux.
Aquatic ecosystems in forests are coupled to adjacent terrestrial ecosystems by transitional riparian zones and wetland areas. Processes within wetlands and riparian zones can regulate the retention and release of nutrients and carbon into the aquatic system. Research completed in this study has demonstrated the importance of water moving through shallow soil horizons as an important contributor to stream hydrochemistry.
  Publications du Service...  
Les données sur la température ont révélé qu’un refroidissement en aval était fréquent dans les cours d’eau prenant leur source dans des lacs alors qu’on constatait généralement un réchauffement en aval fréquent dans les cours d’eau d’amont, que des récoltes aient eu lieu ou non dans les zones riveraines.
Water temperature is a key factor regulating physical and biological processes in small streams, and streamside logging often results in increased summer temperatures that can be detrimental to resident fish. Recently, Mellina et al. (2002) developed a model to predict downstream temperature trends in small headwater and lake-headed streams using easily measured predictors. During this study, summertime stream temperature and canopy cover data collected from 20 lake-headed and headwater streams in north-central B.C. were used to subject the model to an independent test to assess its predictive capabilities across space and time. The temperature data revealed that downstream cooling was widespread among the lake-headed streams, and downstream warming was prevalent in the headwater streams, regardless of whether or not the riparian zones were harvested. The data also suggested that temperature increases following streamside timber harvesting around lake-headed streams were more modest when compared to headwater streams, and that these increases were likely mitigated by a combination of warm outlet temperatures (promoted by the presence of the lakes) and cold groundwater inputs. Using complete summertime data, the cooling model predicted with relative accuracy the average daily downstream cooling or warming in the study streams (with deviations ranging from 0.02°C to 0.96 °C), and it continued to be relatively accurate when using data from restricted summertime intervals (with deviations ranging from 0.01°C to 2.53°C). Because large-scale clearcut logging is often the only effective control for severe mountain pine beetle infestations in epidemic areas, the model has the potential to become a powerful and costeffective risk management tool that may help managers plan appropriate timber harvesting activities that will minimize the potential impacts on stream-dwelling fish. The independent testing provided by this study will likely increase confidence in the model’s application to management issues.
  Service canadien des fo...  
Partout au Canada, les organismes chargés de l'aménagement des forêts doivent composer avec de nombreux problèmes d'ordre écologique, dont la conservation des débris ligneux, la gestion des zones riveraines, la conservation de la faune, les corridors de liaison, la perturbation des sols, la construction des routes et le franchissement des cours d’eau.
Forest managers must integrate a large amount of ecological, social and economic information when planning and implementing sustainable forestry operations. Understanding the extent to which ecological research is used in updating guidelines and standards is a key component in gauging ecological sustainability. Forest management agencies address many different ecological issues across Canada, such as woody debris retention, riparian management, wildlife conservation, corridor connections, soil disturbance, road construction and stream crossings.
  Service canadien des fo...  
Dans les forêts, les écosystèmes aquatiques sont reliés aux écosystèmes terrestres environnants par les zones riveraines et les milieux humides qui les séparent. Les processus se déroulant dans les zones riveraines et les milieux humides peuvent régulariser la rétention des éléments nutritifs et du carbone et leur libération dans les eaux.
Aquatic ecosystems in forests are coupled to adjacent terrestrial ecosystems by transitional riparian zones and wetland areas. Processes within wetlands and riparian zones can regulate the retention and release of nutrients and carbon into the aquatic system. Research completed in this study has demonstrated the importance of water moving through shallow soil horizons as an important contributor to stream hydrochemistry.
  Service canadien des fo...  
L'exploitation forestière des zones riveraines est-elle durable? (2011)
Is logging riparian areas sustainable? (2011)
  Service canadien des fo...  
La province a par ailleurs publié, entre 2005 et 2008, cinq guides d’aménagement forestier sur l'aménagement des routes, l'élimination des rémanents, les évaluations avant la récolte, la protection du caribou des bois dans les régions boréales et la gestion des zones riveraines.
– Manitoba's submission guidelines for Twenty-Year Forest Management Plans was released in 2007 to provide direction consistent with Manitoba's commitment to sustainable development and an ecosystem approach to achieve sustainable forest management. As well, five forest management guidebooks covering road management, brush disposal, pre-harvest surveys, boreal woodland caribou conservation and riparian zone management were released between 2005 and 2008.
  Service canadien des fo...  
L'exploitation forestière des zones riveraines est-elle durable?
What’s the right harvesting balance to optimize regeneration in the western boreal forest?
  Service canadien des fo...  
Zones riveraines
Riparian areas
  Service canadien des fo...  
Les chercheurs du Service canadien des forêts, avec la collaboration du ministère des Richesses naturelles de l’Ontario, plusieurs partenaires universitaires et l’industrie forestière, comparent les perturbations naturelles qui se produisent dans les zones riveraines de plans d’eau forestiers aux perturbations résultant de l’exploitation forestière.
Canadian Forest Service researchers, in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, several university partners, and the forest industry, have been comparing natural disturbances in shoreline areas of forest water bodies to disturbances from forest harvesting. These disturbances not only create increased shoreline habitat complexity, but they also cause changes in the water bodies themselves that are important for sustaining aquatic ecosystem health. The research has shown that careful shoreline harvesting can be conducted in some areas to increase shoreline habitat complexity and minimize harmful effects in water bodies.
  Publications du Service...  
Les données sur la température ont révélé qu’un refroidissement en aval était fréquent dans les cours d’eau prenant leur source dans des lacs alors qu’on constatait généralement un réchauffement en aval fréquent dans les cours d’eau d’amont, que des récoltes aient eu lieu ou non dans les zones riveraines.
Water temperature is a key factor regulating physical and biological processes in small streams, and streamside logging often results in increased summer temperatures that can be detrimental to resident fish. Recently, Mellina et al. (2002) developed a model to predict downstream temperature trends in small headwater and lake-headed streams using easily measured predictors. During this study, summertime stream temperature and canopy cover data collected from 20 lake-headed and headwater streams in north-central B.C. were used to subject the model to an independent test to assess its predictive capabilities across space and time. The temperature data revealed that downstream cooling was widespread among the lake-headed streams, and downstream warming was prevalent in the headwater streams, regardless of whether or not the riparian zones were harvested. The data also suggested that temperature increases following streamside timber harvesting around lake-headed streams were more modest when compared to headwater streams, and that these increases were likely mitigated by a combination of warm outlet temperatures (promoted by the presence of the lakes) and cold groundwater inputs. Using complete summertime data, the cooling model predicted with relative accuracy the average daily downstream cooling or warming in the study streams (with deviations ranging from 0.02°C to 0.96 °C), and it continued to be relatively accurate when using data from restricted summertime intervals (with deviations ranging from 0.01°C to 2.53°C). Because large-scale clearcut logging is often the only effective control for severe mountain pine beetle infestations in epidemic areas, the model has the potential to become a powerful and costeffective risk management tool that may help managers plan appropriate timber harvesting activities that will minimize the potential impacts on stream-dwelling fish. The independent testing provided by this study will likely increase confidence in the model’s application to management issues.