zones riveraines – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  ARCHIVÉE - Communiqués ...  
Appui financier du Fonds municipal vert de la FCM à la Municipalité de Chatham-Kent pour son Plan de développement durable de collectivité des zones riveraines
FCM’s Green Municipal Fund supports the Municipality of Chatham-Kent’s Shoreline Areas Sustainable Community Plan
  Garder la rivière propr...  
On trouve des zones riveraines le long des cours d'eau et des milieux humides où les sols humides et les nappes phréatiques peu profondes permettent aux communautés végétales hydrophiles de s'y établir.
Riparian areas occur along streams and wetlands where moist soils and shallow water tables allow water-loving plant communities to establish. These 'green zones' are vital ecosystems in the prairie and foothills that provide habitat for wildlife, stabilize stream banks, and protect water quality. Cattle grazing in riparian areas must be managed carefully so that these delicate landscapes are not degraded.
  Garder la rivière propr...  
On trouve des zones riveraines le long des cours d'eau et des milieux humides où les sols humides et les nappes phréatiques peu profondes permettent aux communautés végétales hydrophiles de s'y établir.
Riparian areas occur along streams and wetlands where moist soils and shallow water tables allow water-loving plant communities to establish. These 'green zones' are vital ecosystems in the prairie and foothills that provide habitat for wildlife, stabilize stream banks, and protect water quality. Cattle grazing in riparian areas must be managed carefully so that these delicate landscapes are not degraded.
  Évaluation de la sous-a...  
Cela comprend les méthodologies de télédétection pour analyser les caractéristiques changeantes de la forêt de même que les constatations hydrologiques touchant les pratiques forestières dans les zones riveraines et l’effet de la coupe de récupération sur les sous-bassins hydrologiques.
FIAS contributions to improved monitoring include research and development of new surveillance and detection tools (for domestic and international monitoring) for several high priority invasive alien species.  While CFS interviewees agreed that the monitoring capacity has increased, some stakeholders from OGDs expressed concerns that monitoring capacity has not actually increased.
  ARCHIVÉE - Les caprices...  
Lors d'un redoux hivernal ou printanier, le couvert de glace se fragmente et les blocs emportés par le courant viennent s'amonceler dans les passages plus étroits. Un barrage temporaire peut se former, entraînant la montée du niveau d'eau et l'inondation des zones riveraines situées en amont.
The Montmorency River is known for more than its famous falls. It is also renowned for the spectacular ice jams that regularly form along its length. During a winter or spring thaw, the ice cover breaks up into blocks that are transported by the current and pile up where the river narrows. In this way, a temporary dam can form, causing the water to rise and upstream shoreline areas to flood. This hummocky ice can sometimes reach heights of 5 to 7 m, or twice that of a house. Occasionally, an ice dam breaks suddenly under the pressure of the water behind it, sending an outburst flood surging downstream to inundate the lower reaches.
  Déclaration publique su...  
Comme les activités de récolte continueront d'être assujetties aux normes et aux règlements environnementaux provinciaux, les mesures d'atténuation déjà en place aideront à réduire les incidences nuisibles. Les plans d'exploitation forestière, par exemple, exigent des dispositions détaillées concernant l'habitat, les zones riveraines et la régénération.
Most harvesting activities that will directly control beetle populations will happen on provincial forestlands currently scheduled for commercial harvesting. Given that harvesting activities will continue to be subject to provincial environmental regulations and standards, mitigation measures already in place will contribute to reducing negative impacts. For example, forest harvest plans require detailed provisions for species habitat, riparian zones and regeneration.