zones rocheuses – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 2 Results
  Déterminer les hauteurs...  
Les résultats sont très encourageants sur les deux zones : Yves Bühler a pu déterminer très précisément les hauteurs de neige sur les prés et zones rocheuses. Les données ont été également satisfaisantes sur les endroits où poussent des buissons ou des herbes hautes.
The results in both testing areas were encouraging: on meadows in in rocky terrain, Bühler was able to precisely record snow depths by deploying the drones. In regions which were covered with shrubs and high grass, good data were also generated, although since such vegetation is elevated above the ground in summertime and pressed down by the snow cover in wintertime, such gangling surfaces provided slightly less precise data than on meadows and in rock walls.
  Avalanches de glissemen...  
Le manteau neigeux glisse intégralement sur le sol, le plus souvent sur des surfaces lisses (pentes herbeuses ou zones rocheuses de faible rugosité). Les périodes d’activité importante correspondent à des manteaux neigeux épais et assez homogènes, secs ou humides.
The entire snowpack is gliding on the ground, typically on smooth ground such as grassy slopes or smooth rock zones. High activity of glide‐snow avalanches are typically related to a thick snowpack with no or only few layers. Glide snow avalanches can occur both with a cold dry snowpack and with a warm wet snowpack. The release of a glide‐snow avalanche is difficult to predict, although glide cracks open usually before a release.