zones rouges – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot      54 Résultats   31 Domaines  
3. Rétablir une présence sécuritaire au moyen de patrouilles actives dans toutes les “zones rouges” (zones dominées par les rebelles).
3. Re-establish a security presence with active patrols in all “red zones” – areas dominated by rebels.  
Au printemps, elle produit sur les feuilles des zones rougeâtres très visibles qui épaississent et forment des cloques; les feuilles s'enroulent et finissent par jaunir et tomber. La cloque peut également toucher les pousses et les rameaux; ces derniers se déforment et des zones rouges apparaissent à la surface des fruits.
Leaf curl is a fungal disease that affects peaches and nectarines. Symptoms are noticeable in spring as reddish areas on leaves, which thicken and blister, causing leaves to curl. Eventually, leaves turn yellow and drop. Twigs and shoots may also be affected, with twigs becoming distorted and reddish areas appearing on the fruit surface. The tree is weakened if disease occurs several years in succession.  
Au printemps, elle produit sur les feuilles des zones rougeâtres très visibles qui épaississent et forment des cloques; les feuilles s'enroulent et finissent par jaunir et tomber. La cloque peut également toucher les pousses et les rameaux; ces derniers se déforment et des zones rouges apparaissent à la surface des fruits.
Leaf curl is a fungal disease that affects peaches and nectarines. Symptoms are noticeable in spring as reddish areas on leaves, which thicken and blister, causing leaves to curl. Eventually, leaves turn yellow and drop. Twigs and shoots may also be affected, with twigs becoming distorted and reddish areas appearing on the fruit surface. The tree is weakened if disease occurs several years in succession.
  2 Résultats  
Les zones rouges (indiquées par des lignes rouges sur le bord de la route) nécessitent un disque rouge, que vous trouverez sur l'autre face du disque de stationnement bleu. La durée de stationnement est de 15 heures maximum.
Red zones (indicated by red lines on the side of the road) require you to use a red disk, which is on the flip-side of the blue parking disk. Parking time is limited to a maximum of 15 hours. These zones are on the verge of extinction and in Lausanne for instance there is already not one left.  
Cette figure présente les marées noires observées par satellite (gauche) et simulées par le modèle OSERIT (droite) pour les 17 et 19 août 2011. Les marées noires sont représentées par les zones rouges.
The red lines show the oil pollution: left: satellite image with the oil spill, right: simulated evolution of the oil spill using OSERIT on 17 and 19 August 2011. Satellite images are taken from a report from e-GEOS.  
(Zones rouges et oranges/jaunes)
(Red and orange/yellow zones)  
Carte des dangers d'avalanche avec les zones rouges, bleues, jaunes et blanches.
Avalanche hazard map with red, blue, yellow and white areas.  
Sélection de 10 zones (= zones rouges). Liste des feuilles.
Selected areas on 10 composite sheets (= red zones). List of sheets.
  3 Résultats  
Quand vos scientifiques ont préparé les levés désignant les zones rouges et jaunes, toute l'extrémité septentrionale des Îles de la reine Charlotte a été désignée comme une zone rouge. L'Institut de la pêche récréative a prétendu que dans une bande d'environ un mille au large de la côte, il n'y avait aucun coho, à l'extrémité des Îles de la reine Charlotte et autour de l'Île Langara.
On the north end of the Queen Charlotte Islands, when your scientists were developing the charts that would designate red and yellow zones, the whole area was designated as a red zone. Some suggestions were made by the Sport Fishing Institute that there really weren't any coho if you stuck to an area that is only a mile or so offshore, along the top end of the Queen Charlotte Islands and around Langara Island.  
Il a fallu des décennies pour que la première technologie de LEP voie le jour, pour la simple raison que son rendu de couleurs était très mauvais, avec une couverture très médiocre des zones rouges du spectre.
LEPs are often sold as full-spectrum and the closest approximation to daylight of any indoor light, but the spectrum is limited by the composition of the gases inside the chamber. Early LEP technology took decades to get off the ground for the precise reason that their colour rendering was so poor, with little coverage of the red areas of the spectrum. Now, fine-tuning of variables such as the gases used, the coatings (such as metal halide salts) and even the pressure of the chamber can create far more precise replications of daylight (and they also have the advantage of emitting some light in the UV spectrum), but the jury is still out on whether they are truly superior to “full-spectrum” LED systems.
  2 Résultats  
zones rouges et orange
Meters in red and orange zones  
Les zones vertes représentent les zones prédites. Les zones jaunes représentent les zones suivies. Les zones rouges les zones suivies dont le plan est connu avec une certitude importante.
Green shapes are predicted regions. Yellow ones are the tracked regions. Red ones are the tracked region with enough uncertainty for the plane estimation.  
Carte basée sur le modèle, indiquant les zones rouges où les prochaines flambées du dendroctone auront probablement lieu.
A map produced from the model showing the red areas that are susceptible areas to beetle outbreak.
  2 Résultats  
Dans les ruines bombardées et les rues abandonnées des zones rouges, nous sommes en guerre contre l’APC. Nous posons des pièges et nous tendons des embuscades à leurs patrouilles afin de reprendre le contrôle pâté de maisons par pâté de maisons.
Don’t just take the KPA head on. Assess your situation and prepare by modifying your weapons. Sometimes it can be better to use a silencer to take out the enemy’s guards for infiltration tactics. At other times you may want to stay as far away as possible, so add the right scope and grips to your weapon to take them out at a distance.
  12 Résultats  
Secondement et afin de mettre les guildes plus petites sur un même pied d’égalité, nous introduisons une limitation substantielle à l’équipement pour les GvG en zone rouge. Cette limitation sera uniquement active durant le combat GvG; les zones rouges dans le monde ouvert ne seront pas affectées par ce changement.
Second, in order to give smaller guilds more of an even footing, we're introducing a soft gear cap for red-zone GvGs. These soft caps will only be active during the GvG fight itself; open-world red zones overall will stay untouched.  
Cartographie couleur de la jupe de colonne après numérisation. Les numérisations réalisées mettent en évidence la présence de corrosion (zones rouges) en partie inférieure.
Once the surface is prepared (sanded and with its insulation removed) by on-site contractors, positioning targets are applied to it. Positioning targets allow the scanner to triangulate its position against the control surface during the 3D data acquisition process. Estimated time: 1 hour.
  3 Résultats  
Dans la troisème rangée, chaque zone jaune et rouge marque cinq minutes. Les zones rouges de la troisième rangée marquent uniquement les quarts d'heure écoulés, à savoir 15, 30 et 45. Dans la quatrième rangée, chaque zone jaune marque une minute.
Each yellow and red field in the third row represents five minutes. The red fields in the third row also mark off the completed quarter-hours, in other words 15, 30 and 45 minutes past. In the fourth row, each yellow field represents a single minute. Because the third row consists of eleven fields and the fourth row consists of four fields, a total of 59 minutes be displayed. 60 minutes are however not necessary, because this is represented as a completed hour.  
Appliqué aux parois de la vessie, le médicament est métabolisé par les cellules malignes, qui produisent un composé fluorescent. Le médecin examine l’intérieur de la vessie avec une caméra endoscopique équipée d’une lumière bleue: les tumeurs apparaissent comme des zones rouges.
Cysview™ is instilled in the bladder. After penetrating the bladder wall it is metabolized mainly by the malignant cells, causing them to produce a fluorescent compound. The doctor then examines the bladder with an endoscope camera equipped with a blue light system: the tumors appear as easily-recognizable red spots. The procedure is not only helpful in diagnosing cancer, it is also useful for the surgeon when removing these small tumors, as he can be assured that the tumor is completely removed when no fluorescence remains. (watch video)  
Les zones rouges et orange plus larges illustrent des lotissements approuvés (en rouge), où des résidences sont construites, les lotissements en attente de décision (orange), qui pourraient être approuvés dans un proche avenir.
The small red dots are individual severed lots scattered along municipal roads. The larger red and orange areas show approved subdivisions (red) where homes are being built and pending subdivisions (orange) which may be approved in the near future. The pending subdivisions are being evaluated by the City as these applications were submitted prior to the effects of the moratorium.  
Vous pouvez alors relâcher la souris pour lancer lorsque le boulet atteint la zone verte de la jauge de puissance. Rappelez-vous de ne pas relâcher la souris lorsque le boulet est sur la gauche de l’écran ou les zones rouges de la jauge de puissance courbée, sinon il volera vers la cage et s’écrasera.
Help the horned dung beetle to defend its throne as the strongest insect on Earth by showcasing its power in the event of Hammer Throw! Your goal in this game is to throw the ball and reach the farthest possible distance within 3 attempts. When the game starts, the dung beetle will get ready in the cage. To start swinging the hammer, you need to press and hold your mouse, then move the mouse around the dung beetle in counterclockwise direction for as fast and wide as you can. A power gauge on the left of the screen will indicate your current swinging speed. When the number of swings is enough, a curved power gauge will appear on the right of the screen. You can then release the mouse to throw when the ball reaches the green area of the power gauge. Remember not to release the mouse when the ball is on the left of the screen or the red areas of the curved power gauge, otherwise it will fly towards the cage and crash. If the throw is clean, the distance will be displayed. The game continues and you can prepare for the next attempt. The best distance and the current number of attempt will be displayed at the top left corner of the screen. When all attempts are completed, the dung beetle will receive a medal if its result is good enough. Can the dung beetle rise to stardom and earn the praises of everyone else?  
Les zones rouges et noires caractéristiquement bordées, monochromes seulement à première vue, et réellement structurées de manière interne sont, tels des sons, dures ou douces, légères ou denses, rondes, mouvantes, calmes ou puissantes.
, 1998). The only on first sight monochromatic, in fact internally structured and at their edges characteristically fringed red or black colour patches are, like sounds, hard or soft, light or dense, round, mobile, calm or powerful. The viewer gathers an aesthetic impression of them which could have grown from an intermodal perception. But for him as "capable of hearing", bearing in himself the potentiality to hear, the level of the heard is only imagined. Of the three levels of perception described by Aristotle, the viewer implements the first (the possibility of hearing) and opens for himself via the third (the perceived is accidental, sensus communis) the second, actual hearing achieved in reality. In this way the new works of Julies succeed with their peculiar aesthetic situation, in producing the abstract experience of sound which is not present - we hear, not because a sounding thing is present, but because we are able to hear.
  2 Résultats  
Les zones rouges (indiquées par des lignes rouges sur le bord de la route) nécessitent un disque rouge, que vous trouverez sur l'autre face du disque de stationnement bleu. La durée de stationnement est de 15 heures maximum.
Red zones (indicated by red lines on the side of the road) require you to use a red disk, which is on the flip-side of the blue parking disk. Parking time is limited to a maximum of 15 hours. These zones are on the verge of extinction and in Lausanne for instance there is already not one left.