zones rurales reculées – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Le Comité note avec préoccupation que les enfants de familles pauvres, les filles enceintes, les enfants vivant dans des zones rurales reculées et dans des implantations spontanées, les enfants de nomades, les enfants handicapés et les enfants réfugiés ou déplacés à l’intérieur du pays ont souvent un accès restreint à l’éducation (art. 13).
The Committee notes with concern that children from poor families, pregnant girls, children living in remote rural areas and in informal settlements, nomadic children, children with disabilities, refugee children and internally displaced children have limited access to education. (art. 13)
a) d’accroître les fonds alloués aux boursiers et les subventions versées pour les manuels scolaires destinés aux enfants de familles pauvres, ainsi que le financement du transport scolaire et les repas de cantine dans les zones rurales reculées et les zones urbaines défavorisées;
The Committee recommends that the State party (a) increase the funds allocated to bursaries and textbook subsidies for children from poor families, as well as to school transportation and mid-day meals in remote rural and deprived urban areas; (b) facilitate the readmission of girls who dropped out of school due to pregnancy by supporting them in finding adequate arrangements for the care of their babies; (c) ensure adequate access for nomadic children to mobile schools, including in the North Eastern Province; and (d) cater for the special needs of children with disabilities and integrate refugee children and internally displaced children in the regular school system.
a) toutes les femmes enceintes, notamment les femmes pauvres, les femmes âgées et les femmes atteintes du VIH/sida, aient accès, à un coût abordable, aux soins de personnel qualifié sans subir de mauvais traitements au cours de leur grossesse, de leur accouchement, après leur accouchement et après la naissance de leur enfant ainsi que pour les soins dispensés à leur nouveau-né, y compris dans les zones rurales reculées;
The Committee recommends that the State party take immediate measures to ensure that (a) all pregnant women, including poor women, older women and women with HIV/AIDS, have affordable access to skilled care free from abuse during pregnancy, delivery, postpartum, postnatal periods, and to care of the newborn, including in remote rural areas; (b)  the waiver of maternity fees in public hospitals and health facilities is effectively enforced without compromising the quality of services; (c) immunization campaigns for children are implemented in all provinces; (d) pregnant women with HIV/AIDS are not refused treatment, segregated in separate hospital wards, forced to undergo HIV/AIDS testing, and discriminated or abused by health workers, and that they are informed about and have free access to antiretroviral medication during pregnancy, labour and after birth, including for their children; and (e) a date is set for the entry into force of the HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Act (2006) as soon as possible.