zones rurales – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Publications / Accueil ...  
Au cours d’une discussion sur l’avenir des zones rurales en Europe, tenue le 29 octobre 2009 en Suède, la Commissaire Fischer Boel a mis en évidenc... 09/12/2009
In a study carried out earlier this year on the impact of signing the EPA on the economy of Cameroon, losses of 775 billion CFA francs (€1.2 billio... 09/12/2009
  Les progrès des négocia...  
Les négociations actuelles engendreraient « une hausse considérable des importations européennes de viande bovine, de viande porcine, de viande de volaille, de maïs, d'ail, de sucre, d'éthanol, d'agrumes/de jus d'agrumes en provenance de ces pays, ce qui aurait un impact dévastateur sur le secteur agricole européen ainsi que sur l'économie et l'emploi dans les zones rurales ».
European farmers’ organisation Copa-Cogeca has repeatedly warned of the adverse effects of an FTA with Mercosur. Their chief policy advisor, Shelby Matthews, has argued that ‘one quarter of our food imports already come from Mercosur and we depend on them for two-thirds of our protein feed requirements.’ The current negotiations ‘would cause a huge rise in beef, pork poultry, maize, garlic, sugar, ethanol, citrus fruit/juice imports to the EU from these countries’, and this ‘would have a catastrophic impact on the EU agricultural sector and the economy and employment in rural areas.’ He further argued that ‘offering very competitive Mercosur countries additional access to the EU market would also send another very negative signal to the least developed and ACP countries.’
  Les points de vue du no...  
La politique de développement rural doit être « l'instrument privilégié d'une part pour assurer le lien entre la modernisation de l'agriculture et la revitalisation économique et sociale des zones rurales, d'autre part pour permettre à l'agriculture de développer les biens publics ciblés en matière d'environnement et de changement climatique ».
The new agriculture commissioner argued for a CAP ‘based on a system of decoupled direct payments aimed at maintaining a sustainable agricultural sector which responds to market signals and delivers a basic level of public goods that meets demand’. The CAP must also ‘ensure the proper functioning of the markets and address the issue of the high volatility of prices, while providing sufficient stability for farmers’ incomes. Rural development policy is held to be ‘the key instrument for providing a link between modernising agriculture and the economic and social regeneration of rural areas and allowing agriculture to develop targeted public goods where the environment and climate change are concerned’.
  L’avenir de la PAC / Ré...  
Au cours d’une discussion sur l’avenir des zones rurales en Europe, tenue le 29 octobre 2009 en Suède, la Commissaire Fischer Boel a mis en évidence une préoccupation politique croissante pour l’UE, à savoir de « veiller à ce que des crises n’entraînent pas un préjudice excessif à nos bases de production ».
Discussing the future of rural areas in Europe on 29 October 2009 in Sweden, Commissioner Fischer Boel highlighted an increasingly important EU policy concern, namely to ‘make sure that real crises don’t cause excessive damage to our production base’. She argued that ‘if we allow our own production base to be damaged by crises, and if in this way we allow too much of global food production to be concentrated in a few areas of the world, we’re giving a hostage to fortune. A serious disease outbreak in one or more of these areas – or bad weather – would send the world’s food markets into meltdown’. This, she argued, meant a continued need for ‘a Common Agricultural Policy which allows farmers to breathe the stimulating air of the marketplace, but which also helps the sector through very difficult times’.
  La PAC doit englober da...  
Le directeur général adjoint de la CE pour l’agriculture, Loretta Dormal-Marino, a affirmé que « les zones rurales ne se cantonnent pas à l’agriculture », soulignant comment la politique agricole et de développement rural de l’UE « va au-delà de l’agriculture ».
More broadly, with agriculture hardly mentioned in the EU’s 2020 growth strategy, the EC is looking at how the 2013 round of CAP reform can link into the 2020 growth agenda. The Commission’s deputy director-general for agriculture, Loretta Dormal-Marino, argued that ‘there is more to rural areas than just farming’, highlighting how the EU’s agriculture and rural development policy ‘goes beyond agriculture’. While Commissioner Cioloş has maintained that he ‘can’t think of rural areas without agriculture’ he also maintains that he ‘can’t see rural areas with only agriculture either’. He has argued that the CAP needs to support ‘modernisation and restructuring of agriculture’ in the EU, helping farmers to ‘find their place in local, regional and international markets’.
  La PAC doit englober da...  
Le directeur général adjoint de la CE pour l’agriculture, Loretta Dormal-Marino, a affirmé que « les zones rurales ne se cantonnent pas à l’agriculture », soulignant comment la politique agricole et de développement rural de l’UE « va au-delà de l’agriculture ».
More broadly, with agriculture hardly mentioned in the EU’s 2020 growth strategy, the EC is looking at how the 2013 round of CAP reform can link into the 2020 growth agenda. The Commission’s deputy director-general for agriculture, Loretta Dormal-Marino, argued that ‘there is more to rural areas than just farming’, highlighting how the EU’s agriculture and rural development policy ‘goes beyond agriculture’. While Commissioner Cioloş has maintained that he ‘can’t think of rural areas without agriculture’ he also maintains that he ‘can’t see rural areas with only agriculture either’. He has argued that the CAP needs to support ‘modernisation and restructuring of agriculture’ in the EU, helping farmers to ‘find their place in local, regional and international markets’.
  M. Fischler rassure les...  
Il a également expliqué que la Commission était fermement convaincue « qu'il ne faut pas remettre en cause pour autant cette capacité d'assurer le développement et la préservation de nos zones rurales » dans les négociations à l’OMC.
Commissioner Fischler went on to criticise those who see trade distortions ‘as synonymous with all forms of agricultural support’, maintaining that this is ‘simply not the case’. Commissioner Fischler argued that compliance with environmental, food-safety and animal-welfare standards were all areas where ‘our support does not distort trade’. He maintained that the Commission was ‘resolute that this ability to provide for the development and maintenance of our rural areas should not be compromised’ in the WTO negotiations. He went on ‘we have not worked to achieve reform so that we can have it rendered obsolete at the WTO’.
  L’avenir de la PAC / R...  
Tout en exposant une vision d’une agriculture européenne plus compétitive en termes de prix et de zones rurales plus diversifiées, la commissaire Fischer Boel a néanmoins rappelé les domaines où une aide directe couplée et continue s’avérait nécessaire.
While setting out a vision for a more price-competitive European agriculture and more diversified rural areas, Commissioner Fischer Boel held out the prospects of continued direct coupled support where this proved necessary. This highlights the central importance attached to maintaining safety nets within the EU agricultural-support regime, as EU markets become more open to world market influences. This dimension of a managed introduction of market forces would appear to be relevant for ACP producers in the context of the ongoing EPA negotiations. However, in an ACP context the policy tools used are likely to be non-financial instruments, hence the importance attached to revising some of the contentious issues in the current IEPAs.
  Rapport de la fondation...  
En termes d’effets sur la pauvreté, « en Afrique subsaharienne, il y a davantage de personnes désespérément pauvres... vivant avec moins d’1 dollar par jour et presque autant de personnes très pauvres », la majorité des personnes les plus pauvres étant concentrée dans les zones rurales et tributaires de l’agriculture.
In terms of the poverty effects ‘in sub-Saharan Africa, there are even more desperately poor people ... living on less than $1 per day and almost as many very poor people’, with most of the world’s poorest people concentrated in rural areas and dependent on agriculture. Yet sub-Saharan Africa will be a net loser from agricultural liberalisation unless exceptions are included for products produced by their subsistence farmers if they are to avoid increases in poverty’.
  La PAC doit englober da...  
Le directeur général adjoint de la CE pour l’agriculture, Loretta Dormal-Marino, a affirmé que « les zones rurales ne se cantonnent pas à l’agriculture », soulignant comment la politique agricole et de développement rural de l’UE « va au-delà de l’agriculture ».
More broadly, with agriculture hardly mentioned in the EU’s 2020 growth strategy, the EC is looking at how the 2013 round of CAP reform can link into the 2020 growth agenda. The Commission’s deputy director-general for agriculture, Loretta Dormal-Marino, argued that ‘there is more to rural areas than just farming’, highlighting how the EU’s agriculture and rural development policy ‘goes beyond agriculture’. While Commissioner Cioloş has maintained that he ‘can’t think of rural areas without agriculture’ he also maintains that he ‘can’t see rural areas with only agriculture either’. He has argued that the CAP needs to support ‘modernisation and restructuring of agriculture’ in the EU, helping farmers to ‘find their place in local, regional and international markets’.
  Les négociations à  l’O...  
Le document note que « dans les pays en développement, la location de la pauvreté semble se déplacer des zones rurales vers les zones urbaines ». Ceci donne lieu à un « dilemme politique entre des prix élevés des denrées alimentaires qui profitent aux producteurs alimentaires (toutes choses égales par ailleurs), et des faibles prix des denrées alimentaires qui peuvent aider les consommateurs les plus pauvres ».
The paper notes that ‘there has been a steady shift in the locus of poverty in developing countries from rural to urban areas.’ This gives rise to a ‘policy dilemma between high food prices that benefit food producers (other things equal), and low food prices that may help poor consumers.’ It notes that a general assumption is made that from a developing country perspective, ‘the reduction or elimination of export and domestic subsidies and of barriers to market access is good for food security’. In this context, ‘a “good” policy outcome under the WTO would be the reduction or elimination of protection and subsidies in industrialized countries’. However it notes the counter argument that ‘usually the best policy option is not to maintain the distorting policies in industrialized countries but to eliminate them while at the same time implementing compensatory policies for the countries or populations affected.’
  Fischler affirme que le...  
La contribution des EPA à un tel processus est loin d'être claire, compte tenu de la concentration de pauvres dans les zones rurales, de leur dépendance à la production de produits de base et du désengagement de l'UE par rapport à une politique qui accorderait une aide directe pour surmonter les conséquences négatives de la chute des prix des matières premières.
It is far from clear just how EPAs will contribute to greater food security in African countries. The removal of cross-border barriers to trade between African countries can proceed without any need for EPAs with the EU, and is indeed proceeding apace in a number of regions. Equally, enhanced political stability is likely to be dependent upon the extent to which patterns of economic growth can be promoted which directly improve the livelihoods of the poor. It is far from clear how EPAs will contribute to this process, given the concentration of the poor in rural areas, their dependence on basic commodity production and the EU's disengagement from a policy of providing direct support for addressing the adverse consequences of commodity price declines. While EPAS could indeed, promote greater trade between neighbouring countries, this may well increasingly be a trade in goods originating in the EU and distributed through regional marketing chains "a trend already apparent in the dairy sector.
  L’avenir de la PAC / R...  
Les zones rurales seront mieux placées pour réaliser leur potentiel économique et les « agriculteurs et autres hommes d’affaires du monde rural devraient eux aussi être bien placés pour répondre aux nouveaux défis ».
Addressing the Accademia dei Georgofili in Florence on April 11th 2008, the Agriculture Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel looked forward to where she hoped EU agriculture would be by 2013. She expressed the view that it would be ‘even more competitive – able to hold its head high in a globalised world’ and be more sustainable. Rural areas would be better placed to fulfil their economic potential and that ‘farmers and other rural businesses must be well placed to respond to new challenges’. She argued in this context that the single-payment scheme had given production decisions back to farmers, but that in certain sectors flexibility must be maintained.
  Sommet UE-Afrique du Su...  
En effet, d’après Jill Atwood-Palm, directeur général du SA Fruit and Vegetable Canners’ Export Council (Conseil d’exportation des conserves de fruits et légumes d’Afrique du Sud), « un accès plus favorable au marché de l’UE peut augmenter l’emploi dans les zones rurales. Actuellement, environ 85 % de la production de fruits en conserve sont exportés, la moitié à destination de l’UE. Toutefois, les exportations se voient appliquer des droits jusqu’à 20 %, tandis que les lots de fruits et légumes en conserve de l’UE entrent en franchise de droits sur le marché sud-africain ».
According to a recent study by the Industrial Development Corporation, ‘a 5% increase in exports to the EU correlates with jobs increasing by 18,900’. Indeed, according to Jill Atwood-Palm, general manager of the SA Fruit and Vegetable Canners’ Export Council, ‘more favourable access to the EU market can increase jobs in rural areas. Currently about 85% of all canned fruit production is exported, with half going to the EU. However, exports attract duties of up to 20%, while EU shipments of canned fruit and vegetables enter SA duty free.’ She added that ‘a competitor like Chile enjoys duty- and quota-free access to the EU. We want a level playing field.’ Securing improved access for agricultural products is therefore seen as an important policy objective for South Africa’s engagement with the SADC–EU EPA negotiation process.
  L’avenir de la PAC / Ré...  
Au même moment, un groupe d'agro-économistes a publié une déclaration proposant une réforme radicale et fondamentale de la PAC qui impliquerait une définition beaucoup plus claire de ce qui doit être fait aux niveaux national et de l’UE, et la suppression progressive de paiements d’aides directes aux agriculteurs et leur remplacement par des dépenses sociales qui visent beaucoup plus clairement les populations pauvres vivant en zones rurales.
Meanwhile a group of leading agricultural economists has published a declaration proposing a radical and fundamental reform of the CAP that involves a much clearer definition of what should be done at the national and EU levels, and the progressive abolition of direct-aid payments to farmers and their replacement by social expenditures which are much more clearly targeted on the rural poor. The declaration drew an immediate and sharp response from the EU farmers’ organisation, COPA-COGECA, which argued that food security considerations, direct payments to farmers and traditional market management tools should remain central to any future CAP. The only point of agreement with the declaration was on the need for measures to strengthen producers’ bargaining power within the food supply chain in order to prevent any abuse of market power by food retailers and manufacturers.
  Perspectives politiques...  
L’orientation générale des réformes est approuvée (une approche en trois axes, financée par un fonds unique – le Fonds européen agricole pour le développement rural [FEADER] – avec une mise en œuvre très décentralisée, étant donné la grande diversité dans les zones rurales de l’UE).
It is recognised in Brief No. 4 that the future of the EU’s rural development policy will be strongly influenced by the outcome of the budget debate, with the scope for the use of ‘modulation’ being limited under a large-scale downsizing of expenditures under Pillar 1 of the CAP. The broad direction of reforms to date is endorsed (a three-axis approach, financed from a single fund – the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development [EAFRD] – with implementation taking place in a highly decentralised manner, given the huge diversity in EU rural areas). However it is considered in the policy brief that far greater emphasis needs to be given to the cost-effectiveness of interventions in terms of delivery on stated policy objectives. A key policy objective under EU rural development programmes is ‘enhancing agricultural competitiveness’ (‘Axis 1’). In this area, it is thought that if budgetary constraints become acute, consideration may need to be given to shifting from grant-financed interventions to the provision of subsidised loans.
  Analyse du secteur du r...  
Le rapport de l’USDA fournit un examen détaillé pour une série de pays, notamment un résumé de la manière dont le commerce du riz fonctionne dans chaque pays et une analyse des segments de marché desservis par le riz produit localement et le riz importé (généralement, les zones urbaines préfèrent le riz importé, tandis que les zones rurales consomment le riz produit localement).
The USDA report provides a detailed review for a number of countries, including a summary of how the rice trade works in each country and an analysis of the market components served by domestic and imported rice (generally urban areas prefer imported rice, while rural areas consume locally produced rice). Summary tables on rice production, consumption and trade are included for a wider range of countries including Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Mali, Chad, Niger, Mauritania, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Togo and Guinea.
  Le « bilan de santé »...  
En ce qui concerne le développement rural, elle a fait remarquer que plusieurs pays de l'UE avaient recours au financement du développement rural pour « améliorer la compétitivité de leurs secteurs agricoles », en donnant la priorité aux mesures de développement rural de « l’axe un ». Toutefois, elle a souligné l’importance de consacrer davantage de fonds à la « diversification de l’économie rurale et à l’augmentation de la qualité de vie dans les zones rurales ».
With regard to rural development she noted that many EU countries were making use of rural-development funding to ‘raise the competitiveness of their farming sectors’ by giving priority to ‘axis one’ rural-development measures. However she stressed the importance of spending more rural-development funding on ‘diversification of the rural economy and raising the quality of life in rural areas’.
  Le statut juridique des...  
Compte tenu des incidences sérieuses qu’un certain nombre de dispositions relatives au commerce des biens (par exemple l’exigence de la libre circulation des biens au titre de l’APE SADC-UE) dans les APE intérimaires peuvent avoir sur l’usage des instruments de politique agricole à l’appui des objectifs de développement (tels que l’éradication de la pauvreté dans les zones rurales), la possibilité légale d’une révision des APE intérimaires pourrait être totalement utilisée pour éviter toute perturbation des secteurs agricoles internes ACP (voir le commentaire sur l’ « Analyse des APE intérimaires vient d’être publiée »).
Given the profoundly serious implications which a number of the trade-in-goods provisions (e.g. the requirement for free movement of goods under the SADC-EU EPA) of IEPAs have for the use of agricultural policy instruments in support of core development objectives (such as poverty eradication in rural areas), the legal possibility for revision of IEPAs should be fully utilised in order to avoid disruption of ACP domestic agricultural sectors (see the comment on ‘analysis of IEPAs posted’). There is a need to comprehensively assess the implications for domestic agricultural policy and production of contentious clauses in the IEPAs.
  Nouvelles d’Afrique de ...  
Elle souligne aussi, toutefois, la base sociale limitée de ces acteurs non étatiques, en particulier dans les zones rurales et les efforts consentis pour lier les débats politiques qui ont lieu dans le cadre des APE aux réalités quotidiennes des producteurs ruraux dans des pays comme l'Ouganda.
This edition of EPA News highlights the concerns of non-state actors and the differences in their perceptions regarding EPAs from those of the EC. It also highlights, however, the limited social base of these active non-state actors, particularly in rural areas and the efforts underway to relate the policy debates under EPAs to the day-to-day realities of rural producers in countries such as Uganda.
  Réforme de la Politique...  
développer des instruments politiques pour relever les nouveaux défis politiques : promouvoir la protection environnementale et la préservation des milieux ruraux, améliorer la qualité de vie dans les zones rurales et examiner comment l’agriculture peut contribuer positivement à la préparation et à la gestion du changement climatique.
developing policy instruments to address new policy challenges: promoting environmental protection and care of the countryside, improving living standards in rural areas and considering how agriculture can contribute positively to climate change preparedness and management.
  La Commission adopte de...  
amélioration de la qualité de vie dans les zones rurales et encouragement de la diversification de l’économie rurale ;
improving the quality of life, and diversification of the rural economy;
  Le « bilan de santé »...  
L’appel à l’octroi de fonds supplémentaires à la diversification de l’économie rurale constitue, en partie, une reconnaissance des limites de la stratégie d’orientation de la production agricole européenne vers des « produits de luxe » et de la nécessité de s’ouvrir à de nouvelles activités économiques (essentiellement des activités du secteur des services) dans les zones rurales.
The emphasis placed on spending more funding in future on diversification of the rural economy, in part represents a recognition of the limitations of the strategy of shifting European agricultural production towards serving ‘luxury purchase’ markets and the necessity of opening up new economic activities (largely service-sector activities) in rural areas.
  Le débat se poursuit su...  
Améliorer la qualité de vie dans les zones rurales et encourager la diversification de l’économie rurale
Improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging diversification of the rural economy
  Les points de vue du no...  
Après les discussions avec la présidence espagnole, le commissaire Ciolos a réaffirmé la nécessité d’une « Politique agricole commune forte, rénovée et plus adaptée pour relever les défis de sécurité alimentaire, de croissance et d'emploi dans les zones rurales…capable de répondre tout à la fois aux attentes des marchés et aux attentes de la société ».
Following discussions with the Spanish presidency, Agriculture Commissioner Ciolos reiterated the case for a ‘better tailored’ CAP, capable of addressing concerns over ‘food security, growth and jobs in rural areas, …the demands of the market and the expectations of society’. Commissioner Ciolos ‘stressed the importance of high quality European agricultural products and the necessity to launch a more dynamic, concerted European policy to promote them’.
  Relations commerciales ...  
Objectif : Augmenter la rentabilité de la production de sucre, du traitement et du transport, et soutenir les opportunités alternatives de revenus en zones rurales.
Objective: To increase the efficiency of sugar production, processing and transportation and support alternative income earning opportunities in rural areas.
  Réunion des Ministres d...  
plus de souplesse vis-à-vis des pays en développement s'agissant des questions non liées au commerce, notamment la sécurité alimentaire, le développement durable, les besoins des zones rurales et la lutte contre la pauvreté ;
flexibility for developing countries to address non-trade concerns, namely food security, sustainable development, rural livelihoods and poverty alleviation;
  La PAC doit englober da...  
La refonte de la politique de développement rural est considérée comme le meilleur moyen de contribuer à la stratégie Europe 2020, en promouvant « une économie rurale à faible émission de carbone » aidant « à libérer le potentiel des zones rurales ».
Under EU rural development programmes between 2007-13 it is envisaged that some €231 billion will have been deployed, with €96 billion coming from the EU budget, €70 billion coming from national financing and €65 billion from the private sector. It is argued that to improve the contribution of EU rural development policy to the wider jobs and growth agenda, the EC needs to ‘sharpen up the objectives of the policy and change the delivery system.’ Such a revamped rural development policy is seen as the principal means of contributing to the Europe 2020 strategy by promoting ‘a low carbon rural economy’ which ‘unlocks the wider potential of rural areas.’ The EC argues that ‘the competitiveness of the EU farming sector would be improved with “green” investments, including technology adapting to climate change and developing renewable energies.’ In this context the EC envisages ‘direct payments for land managers in return for providing public goods, such as services to support climate change mitigation and sustainable land management to preserve natural resources, including biodiversity’.
  Une réponse mondiale co...  
La commissaire a poursuivi en affirmant que bien que les hausses soudaines des prix des produits alimentaires aient causé des problèmes, les augmentations de prix à long terme pourraient « être une bonne nouvelle pour 70% à 80% des populations les plus pauvres du monde vivant dans les zones rurales et tributaires de l’agriculture pour leur subsistance » (elle a souligné que les prix céréaliers ont été divisés par deux en termes réels depuis 1975).
The Commissioner went on to argue that while sudden rises in food prices caused problems, long-term price increases ‘could be good news for the 70% to 80% of the world’s poorest who live in rural areas and depend on farming for their livelihood’ (she pointed out that cereals prices have halved in real terms since 1975). In this context she called on the EU to ‘do much better with our development aid’, and for help to ‘developing countries to improve their agricultural knowledge and to look at new types of agricultural products’.
  Caraà¯bes : Publication...  
À l’instar de l’UE, la politique agricole au Belize est considérée comme essentielle à la réalisation d’objectifs politiques sociaux et économiques plus généraux (éradication de la pauvreté dans les zones rurales), les mesures mises en place étant conçues pour promouvoir ces objectifs.
As in the case of the EU, agricultural policy in Belize is seen as central to the achievement of wider social and economic policy objectives (poverty eradication in rural areas), with policy tools being designed to promote these wider policy objectives.
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