zones rurales – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot 2 Résultats
  Combattre la pauvreté e...  
La pauvreté rurale est un aspect important de la pauvreté européenne, notamment parce que les zones rurales représentent une large part du territoire européen et de sa population. Dans certains Etats membres, le risque de pauvreté est deux fois plus élevé en milieu rural qu’en milieu urbain.
Rural poverty is an important aspect of European poverty, in particular since rural areas account for a large proportion of European territory and its population. In some Member States the poverty risk in rural areas is double that of urban areas. Read more and access the EU study on poverty and social exclusion in rural areas.
  Une campagne de Dignity...  
La campagne sera centrée sur la volonté de pousser les gouvernements à respecter, protéger et remplir leurs obligations sur les droits des personnes en zones rurales et urbaines, dont la détresse est actuellement ignorée par l’Etat.
Enter the Campaign Identity Contest - Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (India), the Four Slum Regional Network (Thailand), the Nairobi People’s Settlement Network (NPSN), Ekta Parishad (India), Union National dos Moradias Popular (Brazil), the European Anti Poverty Network, the International Alliance of Inhabitants, and Dignity International are preparing to launch a campaign on “Dignity for All” in October 2009. The Campaign will focus on pushing governments to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of people in urban and rural areas whose realities are currently being ignored by the state. These are people, families and communities that are either not taken into account by public policy or deliberately under attack by state or non state actors with the support of the state. This contest is for a campaign name and/or logo. The contest is open to anyone who would like to participate. Deadline for entries: 30 April 2009. For further details contact