zones rurales – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Lettre d'intention conj...  
Prestation de services dans les zones rurales et éloignées
Provision of Services to Rural and Remote Areas;
  Changements climatiques...  
Le terme « îlot de chaleur » qualifie les zones bâties plus chaudes que les zones rurales environnantes. La température moyenne de l'air dans une ville d'un million d'habitants ou plus peut être 1 à 3 °C supérieure aux secteurs avoisinants.
The term "heat island" describes built-up areas that are hotter than nearby rural areas. The average air temperature of a city with 1 million people or more can be 1 to 3°C warmer than its surroundings. In the evening, the air temperature difference can be as high as 12°C (Oke, 1987).
  Amélioration des compét...  
On manque de personnel dans les zones rurales (Association canadienne des médecins d'urgence, 2002).
Inadequate space in which to conduct a private, thorough triage assessment.
  Emplois offerts par San...  
Parmi les lieux de travail, il y a un laboratoire des aliments, un laboratoire d'essai pharmaceutique et un laboratoire d'analyse des médicaments, à Toronto (Scarborough). La région compte également des postes de soins infirmiers et communautaires dans les collectivités des Premières nations, dont certaines dans des zones rurales ou éloignées.
Work sites include a food laboratory, a pharmaceutical-testing laboratory and a drug analysis laboratory in Toronto (Scarborough). The Ontario region also has nursing and community health stations in First Nations communities - some in rural or remote areas. In addition, the region has offices in Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton, Guelph, Kingston, Sioux Lookout and Thunder Bay.
  Page 8 - Objectifs nati...  
De ce fait, là où les niveaux de particules fines sont plus faibles (p. ex. zones rurales), le changement de la portée visuelle sera plus important lors d'augmentations progressives de PM2,5 que dans les zones (urbaines) où les charges de particules sont plus élevées.
As noted previously, a noticeable change in visibility is expected for a 10% change in fine particulate levels. Therefore, where fine particulate loadings are lower (e.g. rural areas), there will be a larger change in visual range for incremental increases in PM2.5 than in (urban) areas with higher particle loadings. Given that mean PM2.5 levels at NAPS sites across Canada range from about 10-20 µg/m3 , a 10% change in PM2.5 levels (a noticeable change in visibility), corresponds to a 1-2 µg/m3 increase in PM levels. From observed relationships between PM2.5 and PM10 levels at Canadian rural and urban sites, a noticeable change in visibility would be expected to occur for a 1-2 µg/m3 increase in PM10 levels at rural sites and a 2-5 µg/m3 increase in PM10 at urban sites.
  Page 14 - Enquête sur l...  
Les opinions varient également en fonction de la zone de résidence. Les habitants des zones non rurales sont par ailleurs beaucoup moins nombreux à être d'accord que les habitants des zones rurales (46,9 % contre 54,4 %).
Almost half (48.0%) of Canadians stated that they felt adequate measures are in place to address drug problems (Table 7.2). There was also a significant inverse relation between age and agreement; as age increased respondents were less likely to feel that adequate measures are in place to address drug problems. Among these respondents, there was a shift in opinion apparent with respondents aged 25-34 being less likely than those aged 20-24 to agree (50.6% vs. 64.3%). There was a difference in opinion apparent in terms of household location. Residents from non-rural areas were less likely than residents from rural areas to agree (46.9% vs. 54.4%). In terms of provincial differences, residents of Saskatchewan (45.2%) and British Columbia (38.4%) were less likely than residents from the rest of Canada to agree. As education level increased, respondents were less likely to agree. Residents with some post-secondary (43.7%) and university (42.2%) were less likely than those with less than a high school education (62.3%) to agree. No other differences in respondents' agreement with this statement were apparent in terms of sex, marital status, income adequacy or user-type.
  Page 12 - Enquête sur l...  
Les hommes sont plus susceptibles que les femmes (41,4 % et 32,3 %) de déclarer avoir consommé du cannabis au cours des douze derniers mois, les jeunes de 18 à 19 ans le sont plus que ceux de 15 à 17 ans (47,2 % et 29,2 %) et de 20 à 24 ans (47,2 % et 36,5 %); les jeunes du Québec le sont plus que ceux du reste du Canada (46,1 % et 37,0 %); et ceux des zones non rurales le sont plus que ceux des zones rurales (38,5 % et 26,5 %).
In terms of the characteristics of youth who reported past-year use of cannabis, there were significant differences in terms of sex, age, region and household location (Table 4.3). Males were more likely than females (41.4% versus 32.3%), those aged 18 to 19 were more likely than those aged 15 to 17 (47.2% versus 29.2%) and 20 to 24 (47.2% versus 36.5%), youth from Quebec were more likely than those from the rest of Canada (46.1% versus 37.0%), and those from non-rural locations were more likely than those from rural locations (38.5% versus 26.5%) to have reported past-year cannabis use.
  Changements climatiques...  
Là où des bâtiments sont construits à la place d'une couverture naturelle du sol (un parc, par exemple), le processus de refroidissement dû à l'évaporation s'en trouve diminué. En même temps, l'urbanisation des zones rurales entourant les villes restreint l'air frais transporté par les systèmes de circulation atmosphérique de rejoindre le centre urbain.
When natural land cover, such as parks, is decreased and replaced by buildings, the cooling process through evaporation is reduced. As well, when rural areas that surround cities are urbanized, the atmospheric circulation systems that carry cooler air to city centres are restricted. These atmospheric cooling systems are normally generated by the temperature differences which exist between cool rural and warm urban environments.
  Évaluation des besoins ...  
Aussi le CVCSP devrait-il être utile dans les régions rurales et éloignées, où il est difficile d'avoir accès à des spécialistes par téléphone et où les frais de déplacement rendent prohibitive la formation des fournisseurs de soins professionnels et bénévoles. La continuité de l'action des fournisseurs de soins est un problème important dans les zones rurales et éloignées.
Differences in terminology used across regions need to be addressed. The word "hospice" causes misconceptions and problems in many regions of Canada. For example, in Newfoundland, the word "hospice" is apparently not familiar to the majority of the population. In Quebec, hospice is a pejorative word. In British Columbia, a focus group on palliative care indicated that the word "hospice" is a "barrier to many people in accessing services." All three regions suggested that the term "palliative care" would be more appropriate and recognizable.
  Téléhospice à West Prin...  
Le projet est axé sur les soins à domicile et la télésanté. Le projet-pilote de téléhospice évaluera l'efficacité de la technologie basée à domicile pour la prestation des soins palliatifs aux patients vivant dans des zones rurales et éloignées.
The project focuses on home care and the use of innovative telehealth technologies. The Telehospice pilot program will evaluate the effectiveness of "home based" technology, such as video phones, in the provision of palliative care to patients in rural and isolated communities.
  Page 5 - Loi canadienne...  
Les concentrations atmosphériques de benzène dans les zones rurales du Canada sont généralement inférieures à 1,2 µg/m3. Les concentrations moyennes à des emplacements urbains étaient comprises entre 1,2 et 14,6 µg/m3, avec une concentration moyenne d'ensemble de 4,4 µg/m3 et une moyenne maximale de 41,9 µg/m3 pour une durée de 24 heures.
Airborne concentrations of benzene in rural areas of Canada are generally below 1.2 µg/m3. Mean concentrations at urban sites have ranged from 1.2 to 14.6 µg/m3, with an overall mean concentration of 4.4 µg/m3 and a maximum 24-hour average recorded at one site of 41.9 µg/m3.
  Évaluation des besoins ...  
Aussi le CVCSP devrait-il être utile dans les régions rurales et éloignées, où il est difficile d'avoir accès à des spécialistes par téléphone et où les frais de déplacement rendent prohibitive la formation des fournisseurs de soins professionnels et bénévoles. La continuité de l'action des fournisseurs de soins est un problème important dans les zones rurales et éloignées.
Differences in terminology used across regions need to be addressed. The word "hospice" causes misconceptions and problems in many regions of Canada. For example, in Newfoundland, the word "hospice" is apparently not familiar to the majority of the population. In Quebec, hospice is a pejorative word. In British Columbia, a focus group on palliative care indicated that the word "hospice" is a "barrier to many people in accessing services." All three regions suggested that the term "palliative care" would be more appropriate and recognizable.
  Emplois offerts par San...  
Le travail se fait notamment un laboratoire d'analyse des médicaments, à Burnaby, et dans des postes de soins infirmiers et communautaires dans les collectivités des Premières nations et dans des zones rurales.
Work sites include a drug analysis laboratory in Burnaby, and nursing and community health stations in the First Nations communities and some remote rural areas. In addition, the region has offices in Vancouver, Victoria, Prince George, Kelowna and Kamloops.
  Page 15 - Enquête sur l...  
De plus, une différence significative existe entre les répondant des 25 à 34 ans qui les connaissent mieux (83,2 %) que ceux du groupe des 20 à 24 ans (72,6 %). Les répondants des zones non rurales sont moins bien informés que les répondants des zones rurales (82,3 % contre 85,9 %).
In terms of the characteristics associated with Canadians who had heard about NEP (Table 7.12), there were significant differences in age, household location, province, education and user-type. There was a significant linear relation between age and knowledge, as age increased, so too does knowledge of NEP. In addition, there was a spike in opinion at age 25; respondents aged 25-34 were more likely than those aged 20-24 to have heard about NEP (83.2% vs. 72.6%). In terms of household location, those from non-rural areas were less likely than those from rural areas to have heard about NEP (82.3% vs. 85.9%). Residents from British Columbia (92.8%) were more likely than residents from the rest of Canada (82.8%) to have heard about NEP, and residents from Newfoundland and Labrador (65.0%) and Ontario (78.8%) were less likely. In terms of education, as education level increases, respondents' knowledge of NEP also increases. Respondents with some post-secondary education (90.7%) or a university degree (87.6%) were more likely than those who had not completed high school (69.9%) to have heard about such programs. Knowledge of NEP increased with user-type. Respondents who had used at-least-cannabis were more likely than those who had used only alcohol to have heard about NEP (86.9% vs. 81.1%), and those who had used alcohol were more likely to have heard about such programs than non-users (81.1% vs. 57.4%).
  Page 15 - Objectifs nat...  
La quantification de ce risque par la caractérisation des relations exposition-réponse des espèces du Canada est actuellement ralentie par le manque d'information sur les expositions dans les régions non urbaines (c.-à-d. les niveaux ambiants d'ozone en zones rurales).
Recommendations for improving the scientific understanding of ozone impacts on vegetation have been summarized in sections 8.4 and 14.2.7 of the Science Assessment Document. Most limiting is the dearth of information on experimental exposures of Canadian agricultural and forest species, grown under Canadian field conditions, at realistic (i.e. near ambient) ozone levels. The analyses in this assessment are to a large extent based upon experimental data collected in the United States and Europe. While the theoretical understanding of ozone vegetation impacts and ambient characteristics of ozone in Canada support the use of this information, it is important that experimental work be carried out to assess exposure - response relationships for Canadian crops and forest species under Canadian climatic and pollutant conditions. In the meantime, it is recommended that when species specific response information is required, the individual LOAELs, presented in Tables 1 and 2 (SAD Tables 8.9 and 8.11) for agricultural crops and forest species respectively, be used. For a conservative estimate of the concentration of ozone above which effects on vegetation can be expected, the LOAEL ranges of 5900-7400 ppb-h (crops) and 4,400-6,600 ppb-h (trees) (3 month SUM60 values) identified in Section 6.2 above should be used.
  Comité fédéral-provinci...  
Les membres discutent des normes des citernes d'eau; des unités de traitement pour les zones rurales; de la norme de réduction du plomb et de la nécessité de remplacer le plomb par un matériau robuste.
Representatives from the certification bodies gave short overviews of their reports, summarised by the Secretariat. A presentation was delivered on the Standards Council of Canada and its work over the past year. Members discussed water cistern standards; treatment units for rural areas; the lead reduction standard and the need to replace lead with something robust.
  Soutien technologique e...  
Dans le cadre de ce projet, des stratégies seront élaborées et mises à l'essai en vue de faciliter les cours informatisés destinés aux femmes provenant de zones rurales, aux groupes minoritaires et autres cultures.
The project's goal is to adapt the curriculum of the VHA Training and Education Centre for Personal Support & Attendant Care Worker programs, to an interactive web-based technology. The project will focus on the needs of the multicultural learner. The project will design and test strategies for making women from rural areas, minority groups or other ethnic cultures more comfortable with computer based courses. The long term goal is to continue to provide training to interested students coming into this field for both VHA and other agencies.
  Changements climatiques...  
Là où des bâtiments sont construits à la place d'une couverture naturelle du sol (un parc, par exemple), le processus de refroidissement dû à l'évaporation s'en trouve diminué. En même temps, l'urbanisation des zones rurales entourant les villes restreint l'air frais transporté par les systèmes de circulation atmosphérique de rejoindre le centre urbain.
When natural land cover, such as parks, is decreased and replaced by buildings, the cooling process through evaporation is reduced. As well, when rural areas that surround cities are urbanized, the atmospheric circulation systems that carry cooler air to city centres are restricted. These atmospheric cooling systems are normally generated by the temperature differences which exist between cool rural and warm urban environments.
  Page 6 - Enquête sur le...  
Bien que la zone de résidence du ménage ne soit pas associée avec la gravité du problème ni au niveau national ni au niveau provincial, elle joue un rôle important au niveau local : dans tous les cas, contrairement aux habitants des zones rurales, les habitants des zones non rurales considèrent que les différents comportements de consommation de drogues posent un problème très grave ou moyennement grave.
In all cases, males were less likely to have perceived the problems as being serious in their city or town. Furthermore, while location of household was not a significant predictor for the seriousness of the issue at the national or provincial level, it was significant at the city/town level, with residents from non-rural areas significantly more likely to have reported the problem to be very or somewhat serious compared with residents of rural areas in all cases.
  Exposition aux émission...  
Ce calcul de la taille de l'échantillon est fondé sur les hypothèses suivantes : a) il y aura un taux d'occupation de 80 % pour les résidences dans les zones rurales et b) il y aura un taux de participation de 70 % pour l'actimétrie du sommeil.
Self-reported estimates of bedroom dimensions will be taken from subjects that indicate they are sleep disturbed by exposure to noise. Even though these are estimates, room measurements are important to consider as they can indicate not only the resonance of a room but also which low frequencies would be amplified and would represent "worst case" for a residence. The resonance of a room is also important in cases where frequencies may correspond to a tone produced by the local wind turbine. Furthermore, room resonances can change low frequencies from below the hearing threshold to the point where they become more audible and may generate complaints.