zones rurales – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Secteur de l'énergie : ...  
À cause d'une plus grande concentration de la population dans les zones rurales et le manque d'infrastructure de livraison du gaz naturel, la région du Québec et de l'Atlantique dépend beaucoup du mazout pour se chauffer.
Due to the rural nature of the population and a lack of natural gas infrastructure, the Atlantic/Quebec region is highly dependant on heating oil to fulfill its heating needs.
  L'eau souterraine | Ear...  
Des sites d'enfouissement sanitaires à Carp, à Gloucester et à Aylmer ont eu des fuites qui ont contaminé des aquifères. Dans les zones rurales, les déchets du bétail, les pesticides et les engrais ont pollué des nappes d'eau souterraine.
Groundwater can be contaminated. Contaminant sources in urban areas include gas stations, dry cleaners, garbage dumps, snow-disposal dumps, and industrial sites. Municipal waste-disposal sites in Carp, Gloucester, and Aylmer have leaked and contaminated aquifers.  In rural areas, livestock wastes, pesticides, and fertilizers have polluted groundwater.
  L'eau souterraine | Ear...  
L'eau souterraine comble la plupart des besoins en eau des zones rurales de la région (usages domestiques et agricoles). De plus, elle alimente les cours d'eau et transporte les matières nutritives dont la végétation a besoin.
Groundwater provides much of the water used for residential and agricultural purposes in rural parts of the region. It also moves nutrients to vegetation and provides flow to streams. Groundwater is stored in, and moves through, porous sand and gravel and porous or fractured bedrock (aquifers). Aquifers are recharged by the infiltration of rainwater or snowmelt from the ground surface. However, throughout much of the Ottawa valley, an impervious blanket (aquitard) of Champlain Sea silt and clay limits aquifer recharge. Excessive pumping of groundwater can deplete aquifers.
  Synthèse | Earth Sciences  
Parmi les points faibles figurent les suivants : les chevauchements des comp étences et les limites mal définies des domaines de responsabilité, la nécessité d'établir des conventions intermunicipales pour gérer les ressources communes aux différentes instances, le fait de compter sur la mise en œuvre volontaire de certaines activités clés, la restructuration des institutions, l'accès à des financements et à des expertises limités, en particulier dans les zones rurales, une répartition inégale des ressources, et le manque de compétences en ce qui a trait à l'impact du changement climatique sur les infrastructures bâties et les technologies d'adaptation disponibles (Ivey
Ontario's ecosystems are currently stressed by the combined influence of climate, human activities, movement of indigenous and non-indigenous species, and such natural disturbances as fire and outbreaks of insects and disease. Wetlands are particularly sensitive to changes in climate and other factors, and have experienced dramatic declines in recent years, especially in the south subregion of Ontario. Warmer winters, longer summers and associated changes in the mean average temperature have led to lower Great Lakes water levels, warmer water temperatures and reduced available soil moisture in forests and on agricultural land. Examples of impacts already occurring include observed changes in fish dominance from cold- and cool-water species to warm-water species in the south subregion; changes in the compositions of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in the north subregion; and reduced numbers and health of polar bears and seals . Further reductions in Great Lakes water levels as a result of climate change will further compromise wetlands that presently maintain shoreline integrity, reduce erosion, filter contaminants, absorb excess storm water, and provide important habitat for fish and wildlife. The number and populations of invasive species in the Great Lakes are likely to increase.