zones réglementées – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Pêche illicite, non déc...  
de la pêche pratiquée à l'extérieur des zones réglementées, ce qui va à l'encontre des efforts déployés au titre du droit international pour conserver les ressources marines vivantes.
Fishing outside of regulated zones, which is inconsistent with efforts under international law to conserve living marine resources.
  Recherche par groupe de...  
Les participants désiraient en savoir plus sur les pays qui étaient membres de l'OPANO et ceux qui ne l'étaient pas; ils voulaient également savoir ce qui arrivait aux pays qui ne sont pas membres de l'OPANO et qui essayaient de pêcher dans les zones réglementées par l'OPANO.
A host of ideas for harsher punishments were offered by participants, including jail sentences for owners and licence suspensions to fish for a specified period of time. In France, participants also focused on the importance of quick follow through on punishments.
  Plan d'action national ...  
Le Canada continue également de collaborer avec d'autres pays grâce à d'autres ORGP comme l'OPANO pour mettre en place des mesures visant à améliorer la collecte des données sur les requins, pour encourager les autres pays à élaborer des plans d'action nationaux sur les requins et à procéder à de meilleures évaluations des stocks dans les zones réglementées.
In recent years, ICCAT has developed a variety of recommendations and resolutions related to the conservation of sharks within ICCAT's Convention Area. Although the RFMO is to manage highly-migratory fish species, sharks are known to be caught as bycatch in many targeted fisheries such as swordfish and tuna. As a Contracting Party, Canada fully complies with and supports ICCAT's management measures for the conservation of sharks, whether they are targeted in a fishery or caught incidentally. Canada also continues to work with other States in other RFMOs, such as NAFO, to implement measures to enhance data collection on sharks, to encourage other States to develop national plans of action for sharks and to allow for better stock assessments to be completed within the regulatory area. For example, Article 12 of the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures, "Conservation and Management of Sharks", requires Contracting Parties to report all catches of sharks, bans discards of any part of the shark retained on board aside from the head, guts or skin, and includes requirements for the release of live sharks. At its 2011 annual meeting, NAFO members also agreed to revise Article 25, "Monitoring of Catch", to specify that all shark species shall be reported at the species level. As a member of WCPFC and IATTC, Canada also complies with their respective shark conservation and management measures despite having no directed shark fishery or known interactions with sharks in their respective regulatory areas.