zones septentrionales – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Comités de la Chambre d...  
D’autres mesures étaient destinées plus particulièrement à protéger l’habitat et les zones septentrionales connues de rassemblement de la morue, notamment le détroit de Smith et la baie de la Trinité.
Following that, in 2004, the council recommended that there be no directed commercial fishery and that the total removals from northern cod be limited to 1,500 tonnes for a period of five years. The recommendations focused on making cod available to commercial fishermen as a bycatch fishery only and the continuation of the sentinel fishery. This is a fishery whereby groups of coastal fishermen all along the coast to 2J3KL cod stock participate in a program in which there is controlled fishing activity with limited effort. They monitor and record all of their catches and take information for science to assess the coastal stocks. In addition, the council recommended no recreational fishery.
  Comités de la Chambre d...  
En outre, par sa procrastination quant à la DMB, le Canada s'est progressivement marginalisé dans le cadre de l'organisation de la défense commune. Le gouvernement Chrétien, par exemple, a résisté à l'idée d'adhérer en 2002 au commandement américain des zones septentrionales.
Additionally, through its procrastination on BMD, Canada has progressively marginalized itself in the organization of joint defence. The Chrétien government, for example, balked at the idea of joining the United States Northern Command in 2002. The results of Canada's reluctance to participate are significant. For the first time in the history of Canada-U.S. relations, a unilateral geographic command has been created that places Canada within its area of operations. The command, like all American geographic commands, is charged with defending American security interests in its area of operations, in this case, Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. Northern Command could conceiveably act to defend American security interests in Canada without consulting the Canadian government and perhaps without Canadian knowledge or consent.