zones sinistrées – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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  Les étudiants kényans r...  
Comme des milliers de jeunes dans les zones sinistrées, Alice a dû interrompre ses études. « Avant, les gens vendaient un animal pour payer les droits de scolarité, dit Maurice Savei, un collaborateur de Caritas dans le sud du Kenya. Mais leurs bêtes se sont mises à mourir. »
Like thousands of young students in drought-stricken areas, Alice had to put her education on hold. “Before, people would sell an animal to pay for school fees,” says Maurice Savei, who works for Caritas in southern Kenya. “But people’s animals started to die off.”
  Deux ans après le séism...  
Les communautés ne sont plus cimentées par le voisinage et le travail, et beaucoup de jeunes ont abandonné les zones sinistrées. Cet abandon inquiète la génération plus âgée qui craint qu'il n'y aura plus personne pour perpétuer les traditions et les entreprises familiales ou pour assurer l’énergie nécessaire à reconstruire les communautés à partir de zéro.
Communities were no longer glued together by neighbourhood and work and many young people abandoned areas affected by the disaster. This led to further anxiety among the older generation who feared that there would be no one to carry on traditions and family businesses, and no one with the energy to rebuild communities from scratch.
  Le Chili surmonte le gr...  
Tandis que Caritas Internationalis lançait un appel de 13 millions de dollars, 250 paroisses et 1 500 églises dans les zones sinistrées ont commencé à distribuer des secours. En tout, 4 000 tonnes d’aide humanitaire, sous forme de vivres et d’eau jusqu’à des tentes et à des vêtements, ont rejoint 800 000 personnes.
While Caritas Internationalis launched an appeal for $13 million, 250 parishes and 1,500 churches in the disaster area began distributing relief. 4,000 tons of aid, from food and water to tents and clothing, reached 800,000 people. Emotional support was extended to comfort those traumatised.
  Denmark - Caritas Int...  
Caritas Danemark réalise principalement un travail d’aide humanitaire d’urgence en Outre-mer (environ 40%), en distribuant une aide alimentaire, des médicaments et des vêtements dans les zones sinistrées.
The overseas work of Caritas Denmark is concerned with emergency aid (around 40%) – food, medicines and clothes – in disaster areas. It is also involved in supporting refugees, migrants and asylum seekers. Furthermore Caritas is concerned with development aid (around 60%) supporting small-scale projects to promote development in agriculture and food production, water resources and supply, employment, social services, literacy and human rights.
  Les enseignements tirés...  
Caritas Taïwan a apporté l’aide aux victimes du typhon Morakot sous différentes formes : elle a envoyé immédiatement 500 colis contenant vivres, couvertures, médicaments et ustensiles aux zones sinistrées.
Caritas Taiwan’s relief assistance to the victims of Typhoon Morakot was manifold. They immediately sent 500 charity packages that contained food, blankets, medicines and utensils to the affected areas. Some of the packages were transported by helicopter to be delivered to the people who were stranded in remote areas. Caritas Taiwan’s early recovery relief efforts awarded three-year schooling subsidies to almost 500 poor students who were displaced or lost their families by the typhoon and donated computer printers and internet servers to the schools.