zones touchées – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Visite des zones touchées par les inondations au sud de l'Alberta
Southern Alberta Flood Zone Visitation
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En effet, «il suffirait de vacciner 70 % de la population canine des zones touchées par la rage pour éradiquer la rage canine au niveau mondial, et cette solution coûterait beaucoup moins cher que les traitements post-exposition», souligne le Dr Bernard Vallat, Directeur général de l’OIE.
Indeed, “vaccinating 70% of dogs in rabies affected areas is sufficient to eliminate canine rabies worldwide, at a much lower cost than post-exposure medication”, underlines Dr Bernard Vallat, OIE Director General.  
Quand le pétrole atteint les côtes, un effort considérable de nettoyage peut être nécessaire dans les zones touchées. C’est pourquoi il est essentiel d’inclure et de tester l’ensemble des dispositions relatives à la lutte à terre dans les Plans Nationaux d’Intervention d’Urgence.
When oil reaches the shoreline, considerable effort may be required to clean affected areas. It is therefore essential that comprehensive and well rehearsed arrangements for shoreline clean-up are included in Contingency plans.
  8 Hits  
10 octobre 2016 - Les équipes continuent leur évaluation dans les zones touchées par l’ouragan Matthew sur la péninsule de Tiburon ainsi que dans les départements de l’Artibonite et du Nord-Ouest.
10 October 2016 - Teams are continuing their assessments of areas of Haiti affected by Hurricane Matthew on the Tiburon Peninsula, as well as the Artibonite and Northwest departments.
  4 Hits  
Secteurs : zones touchées par la guerre, catastrophes, zones rurales, villages, communautés non desservies.
Areas: War affected areas, Disasters, Rural areas, Villages, Unserved Communities.
  2 Hits  
Là-bas, l'absence de gouvernement central fort signifie que les gouvernements locaux portent le fardeau de la prestation de services à leurs citoyens et aux réfugiés. En outre, il a souligné que la coopération décentralisée peut être un puissant atout dans le renforcement des capacités des gouvernements locaux dans les zones touchées par le conflit.
CUF representative Simone Giovetti also stressed the need to involve local actors. According to him “until recently, local authorities were not considered an actor in humanitarian assistance”. Arguing in favour of an increased role for local and regional governments, he gave the example of Lebanon. There, the absence of a strong central government means that local governments carry the burden of service delivery to both their citizens and the refugees. Moreover, he pointed out that decentralised cooperation can be a powerful force in building the capacities of local governments in conflict-affected areas.  
Ce site fournit des informations neutres et indépendantes sur les effets de la catastrophe et sur la situation actuelle dans les zones touchées, notamment grâce à sa rubrique « Windows on Chernobyl », dans laquelle des jeunes de la région relatent leur quotidien.
In an effort to facilitate a factual reappraisal of the traumatic event, the SDC launched the Internet platform which provides neutral and independent information on the impact of the Chernobyl disaster and on the present conditions in the affected areas. For instance, under “Windows on Chernobyl” young people from these areas can report on their everyday lives. The SDC recently published a reference handbook with 55 questions and answers on the Chernobyl disaster. It is available in German, English and Russian and can be ordered online at  
Les résultats de WebTide pour ces régions n'est pas fiable. Une courbe de niveau 0m est établi pour montrer les zones touchées. Les analyses des zones moins profondes que ce contour sera le plus déformé.
**IMPORTANT** This data is from an inundation model, which includes wetting and drying areas. The tidal analysis calculations in and near the drying areas are compromised and the results from WebTide for those areas should not be trusted. A 0m contour line is drawn to show the areas affected. The analyses from areas shallower than this contour will be most distorted. Areas slightly deeper and near this contour will be affected to a lesser extent and this might not be obvious.  
Il s’agirait notamment d’acheminer plus rapidement l’aide aux zones touchées, de coordonner les secours d’urgence de manière à ce qu’ils soient en phase avec les politiques de développement à plus long terme et d’améliorer la transparence et la responsabilité pour ce qui est de l’utilisation des fonds de l’aide.
While generous, the tsunami response revealed the need for major improvements in the systems for humanitarian aid. These include getting aid to affected areas quickly; coordinating emergency responses to fit with long term development policies; and being transparent and accountable with aid funds.
  2 Hits  
Évitez toute exposition aux émanations de mazout : elles peuvent nuire à votre santé et à celle de vos proches. Isolez les zones touchées.
Protect yourself and your family from exposure to oil fumes, which can cause health problems; try to close off areas where the oil was released.
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Le titulaire de permis doit prendre les mesures décrites dans la demande, déterminer les effets du dépassement et fournir des détails sur toutes les mesures prises pour réduire au minimum les concentrations de béryllium dans l’air des zones touchées de l’installation.
, to BWXT Nuclear Energy Canada Inc. The request was issued following a beryllium occupational exposure limit exceedance at the licensee’s Peterborough facility. The licensee must take action as described in the request, determine the effects of the exceedance and provide details of any measures taken to minimize beryllium air concentrations in the affected areas of the facility.  
Un rendez-vous de ne pas manquer le marché hebdomadaire lieu tous les samedi matin à San Giovanni Valdarno. Les zones touchées Cours sont l'Italie, Piazza Cavour, Piazza Masaccio, de la Piazza della Libertà, Via Garibaldi et de la Via Cesare Battisti.
An appointment not miss the weekly market held every Saturday morning in San Giovanni Valdarno. Areas affected Course are Italy, Piazza Cavour, Piazza Masaccio, Piazza della Libertà, via Garibaldi and Via Cesare Battisti.
  3 Hits  
En effet, «il suffirait de vacciner 70 % de la population canine des zones touchées par la rage pour éradiquer la rage canine au niveau mondial, et cette solution coûterait beaucoup moins cher que les traitements post-exposition», souligne le Dr Bernard Vallat, Directeur général de l’OIE.
Indeed, “vaccinating 70% of dogs in rabies affected areas is sufficient to eliminate canine rabies worldwide, at a much lower cost than post-exposure medication”, underlines Dr Bernard Vallat, OIE Director General.
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est axé depuis 2009 sur la sécurité et la sûreté des routes maritimes essentielles dans les zones touchées par la piraterie, afin de contribuer à la sécurisation des voies de communication utilisées pour le transport maritime et le commerce.
has focused since 2009 on the security and safety of essential maritime routes in areas affected by piracy to help to secure shipping and trading lines of communication. Its long term goal is to improve maritime governance.  
Clore le chapitre : Inclusion sociale et transformation des conflits dans les zones touchées par la guerre en Croatie
Closing the Chapter: Social Inclusion and Conflict Transformation in War-Affected Areas of Croatia  
Clore le chapitre : Inclusion sociale et transformation des conflits dans les zones touchées par la guerre en Croatie
Closing the Chapter: Social Inclusion and Conflict Transformation in War-Affected Areas of Croatia  
Mais les retombées de ces pertes vont bien plus loin que les zones touchées par la sécheresse, si l’on en croit une nouvelle recherche menée par l’Overseas Development Institute (ODI), basé à Londres.
But the fallout from those losses has impacts far beyond drought-hit regions, new research by the London-based Overseas Development Institute suggests.
  6 Hits  
Les zones touchées par la sécheresse de 2009?
The drought areas from 2009?
  2 Hits  
Le ministère de la Santé a préparé 1 700 lits d’hôpitaux à Ağrı, Erzurum, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Muş, Iğdır et Ankara pour faire face à d’autres évacuations sanitaires. Des tentes hospitalières ont été temporairement installées à Van et Erciş pour assurer des services supplémentaires dans les zones touchées.
Air ambulances are transporting medical rescue teams to the earthquake-affected area, and evacuating patients. The Ministry of Health has prepared 1700 hospital beds in Ağrı, Erzurum, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Muş, Iğdır and Ankara for further medical evacuations. Temporary tent hospitals have been established in Van and Erciş to provide additional services in the affected areas.  
Celle-ci se caractérise par des plaques multiples, asymptomatiques, petites, rondes, ovales ou de forme irrégulière et glabres. Les zones touchées sont de couleur blanc ivoire ou légèrement roses et atrophiées.
Non-specific scarring form of alopecia of the scalp generally seen in adults. It is characterized by multiple asymptomatic, small, round, oval or irregularly shaped hairless cicatricial patches. Affected areas are ivory-white or slightly pink and atrophic. It is generally regarded as a clinical syndrome which may be the end result of any one of a number of different pathological processes. Many instances of this disorder may be associated with lichen planopilaris, lupus erythematosus, morphea, and folliculitis decalvans.  
Celle-ci se caractérise par des plaques multiples, asymptomatiques, petites, rondes, ovales ou de forme irrégulière et glabres. Les zones touchées sont de couleur blanc ivoire ou légèrement roses et atrophiées.
Non-specific scarring form of alopecia of the scalp generally seen in adults. It is characterized by multiple asymptomatic, small, round, oval or irregularly shaped hairless cicatricial patches. Affected areas are ivory-white or slightly pink and atrophic. It is generally regarded as a clinical syndrome which may be the end result of any one of a number of different pathological processes. Many instances of this disorder may be associated with lichen planopilaris, lupus erythematosus, morphea, and folliculitis decalvans.  
16. Le changement climatique est susceptible d'augmenter la pression mi-gratoire des zones touchées vers les zones moins touchées. Les col-lectivités locales et régionales devront gérer cet éventuel nouvel afflux de migrants.
16. Climate change is likely to increase the migration pressure from affected areas to less affected areas. Local and regional authorities will have to manage this potential new influx of migrants.
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Amélioration de l’accès à une éducation de qualité dans les zones touchées par le conflit, en veillant à ce que les écoles soient des « endroits sécuritaires ».
Improved education access and quality in conflict-affected areas, ensuring that schools are "safe spaces"  
Zones touchées en particulier par les changements économiques suite aux changements de l’économie locale
Areas particularly affected by economic changes due to changes in the local economy  
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO visite les zones touchées par les inondations au Pakistan
UNESCO Director-General visits impacted areas of Pakistan floods  
REMARQUE : Les représentations graphiques ne visent que les zones touchées et les produits associés.
NOTE: The graphical representations only depict affected areas and their products.
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En novembre 2014, pendant le pic d’épidémie d’Ebola qui touchait la Guinée, le Libéria et la Sierra Leone, AFP-Services a dépêché une équipe dans les zones touchées afin de réaliser une couverture du travail de deux agences des Nations Unies (le PNUD et le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population) et de la Commission Européenne en vue de contrôler l’épidémie.
In November 2014, during the height of the Ebola epidemic sweeping across Guinea, Liberia and Sierre Leone, AFP-Services dispatched a team into the hot zones to cover the work of two UN organizations - UNDP, UNFPA - and the European Commission on the ground in trying to bring this deadly outbreak under control.  
22. Les dirigeants participant au sommet ont également noté qu'en tant que deux premiers bailleurs de subventions aux pays frappés par la catastrophe du raz-de-marée, un dialogue plus étroit sur la reconstruction des zones touchées serait positif.
22. Summit leaders noted that as the two biggest grant donors to the countries afflicted by the Tsunami disaster, closer exchanges on reconstruction of affected areas would be fruitful. They underlined the crucial importance of coordination of assistance programmes and their alignment with national reconstruction strategies as essential to the effective use of the assistance. They welcomed the initiative to establish regional early warning systems in accordance with national priorities and under the coordination of UNESCO/IOC.  
En 1994, le Comité scientifique vétérinaire (santé animale) de la Commission européenne (CE) a publié un document concernant le traitement thermique du lait provenant de zones touchées par la fièvre aphteuse.
In 1994, the Scientific Veterinary Committee (Animal Health) of the European Commission (EC) published a document considering the heat treatment of milk originating from foot and mouth disease (FMD) affected areas. The publication recommended specific heat treatments that could be applied to potentially infected milk to destroy the FMD virus.  
Donc, tous les secteurs canadiens ont été complètement échantillonnés pour identifier les sites qui avaient besoin de correction. Selon le degré de contamination, le sol des zones touchées était ou bien traité sur place ou excavé pour traitement sur une plateforme spécialement construite avant d'être retourné au site.
Any transfer of buildings, facilities or land also requires a proper evaluation of actual or potential environmental damage and appropriate remediation measures. The main concern identified by the environmental baseline study done for the close-out at KAF was contamination of soil by petroleum products, specifically fuel. The goal is to return all sites used by the Canadian Forces at KAF in a condition that is as good as it was when we arrived, or better. Consequently, all the Canadian areas were extensively sampled to identify sites requiring remediation. Depending on the degree of contamination, the soil of affected areas was either treated in situ or excavated for treatment on a specially constructed pad before being returned to the site.  
Donc, tous les secteurs canadiens ont été complètement échantillonnés pour identifier les sites qui avaient besoin de correction. Selon le degré de contamination, le sol des zones touchées était ou bien traité sur place ou excavé pour traitement sur une plateforme spécialement construite avant d'être retourné au site.
Any transfer of buildings, facilities or land also requires a proper evaluation of actual or potential environmental damage and appropriate remediation measures. The main concern identified by the environmental baseline study done for the close-out at KAF was contamination of soil by petroleum products, specifically fuel. The goal is to return all sites used by the Canadian Forces at KAF in a condition that is as good as it was when we arrived, or better. Consequently, all the Canadian areas were extensively sampled to identify sites requiring remediation. Depending on the degree of contamination, the soil of affected areas was either treated in situ or excavated for treatment on a specially constructed pad before being returned to the site.
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L’équipe responsable du SCIFV (Système canadien d'information sur les feux de végétation) regroupe les différents ensembles de données sur les feux dans un seul rapport annuel qui comprend à la fois les zones touchées et les répercussions des feux.
Natural disturbances, including forest fires and severe insect outbreaks, also influence the carbon stocks in forest ecosystems. Provincial and territorial agencies usually monitor burned and insect-infested areas. A national satellite-mapping program also monitors fires. The CWFIS(Canadian Wildland Fire Information System) team compiles the various fire datasets into a single annual report that includes both the area affected and the impact of the fires. The carbon accounting team incorporates this information into the NFCMARS. This team also incorporates information on the areas of insect outbreaks in the NFCMARS. While the area affected is fairly straightforward, entomologists are relied upon to provide expertise on the impact of different insects on carbon stocks.  
Depuis, la collaboration se poursuit et dans le cadre de ce projet, des communautés ont été ciblées, celles de Kaback et de Forécariah, deux zones touchées directement par les activités d’exploitation minière de la société Rio Tinto-Simfer.
In 1984, CECI became one of the first international NGOs to sign an MOU with Guinean authorities. Since then, cooperation has continued and the project has focused on the communes of Kaback and Forécariah, both of which are affected by the mining activities of Rio Tinto-Simfer.
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Là-bas, l'absence de gouvernement central fort signifie que les gouvernements locaux portent le fardeau de la prestation de services à leurs citoyens et aux réfugiés. En outre, il a souligné que la coopération décentralisée peut être un puissant atout dans le renforcement des capacités des gouvernements locaux dans les zones touchées par le conflit.
CUF representative Simone Giovetti also stressed the need to involve local actors. According to him “until recently, local authorities were not considered an actor in humanitarian assistance”. Arguing in favour of an increased role for local and regional governments, he gave the example of Lebanon. There, the absence of a strong central government means that local governments carry the burden of service delivery to both their citizens and the refugees. Moreover, he pointed out that decentralised cooperation can be a powerful force in building the capacities of local governments in conflict-affected areas.
  12 Hits  
De nombreuses études sur le terrain ont documenté les dommages causés à la végétation et les changements dans la structure des communautés végétales dans les zones touchées par le ruissellement de sels de voirie et la dispersion aérienne.
A number of field studies have documented damage to vegetation and shifts in plant community structure in areas impacted by road salt runoff and aerial dispersion. Halophytic species, such as cattails and common reed-grass, readily invade areas impacted by salt, leading to changes in occurrence and diversity of salt-sensitive species. Elevated soil levels of sodium and chloride or aerial exposures to sodium and chloride result in reductions in flowering and fruiting of sensitive plant species; foliar, shoot and root injury; growth reductions; and reductions in seedling establishment. Sensitive terrestrial plants may be affected by soil concentrations greater than about 68 mg sodium/kg and 215 mg chloride/kg. Areas with such soil concentrations extend linearly along roads and highways or other areas where road salts are applied for de-icing or dust control. The impact of aerial dispersion extends up to 200 m from the edge of multi-lane highways and 35 m from two-lane highways where de-icing salts are used. Salt injury to vegetation also occurs along watercourses that drain roadways and salt handling facilities.
  12 Hits  
De nombreuses études sur le terrain ont documenté les dommages causés à la végétation et les changements dans la structure des communautés végétales dans les zones touchées par le ruissellement de sels de voirie et la dispersion aérienne.
A number of field studies have documented damage to vegetation and shifts in plant community structure in areas impacted by road salt runoff and aerial dispersion. Halophytic species, such as cattails and common reed-grass, readily invade areas impacted by salt, leading to changes in occurrence and diversity of salt-sensitive species. Elevated soil levels of sodium and chloride or aerial exposures to sodium and chloride result in reductions in flowering and fruiting of sensitive plant species; foliar, shoot and root injury; growth reductions; and reductions in seedling establishment. Sensitive terrestrial plants may be affected by soil concentrations greater than about 68 mg sodium/kg and 215 mg chloride/kg. Areas with such soil concentrations extend linearly along roads and highways or other areas where road salts are applied for de-icing or dust control. The impact of aerial dispersion extends up to 200 m from the edge of multi-lane highways and 35 m from two-lane highways where de-icing salts are used. Salt injury to vegetation also occurs along watercourses that drain roadways and salt handling facilities.  
la Convention des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la désertification, en vigueur depuis 1996, qui a pour principaux objectifs la lutte contre la désertification et la gestion durable des zones touchées.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), in force since 1996, the major objectives of which are: combating desertification and the sustainable management of the affected zones.  
La Première nation des Six Nations a obtenu du financement d'Affaires autochtones et Développement du Nord Canada (AADNC) en vue de construire une nouvelle prise d'eau dans la rivière afin de fournir de l'eau à la communauté. Les objectifs du permis sont le déplacement des moules et la récupération des poissons dans les zones touchées par l'installation et le dragage du tuyau de prise d'eau.
Six Nations First Nation has obtained funds from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) to construct a new river intake for the purpose of providing water to the community. The purposes of the permit are mussel relocation and fish salvage in areas associated with the installation and dredging of the water intake pipe. All fish and mussels will be relocated.  
Étant donné la taille du territoire, et le mélange de raisins blancs avec les rouges importés du sud, la qualité du vin et le style varient énormément selon la région zones touchées. Cela a conduit à une crise dans laquelle les producteurs de vins de plusieurs recours introduits en tant que vin de table simple, une situation qui a amélioré avec l'aval du Chianti DOCG, en 1984.
Given the large size of the territory, and the mixture of white grapes with red ones imported from the south, the wine quality and style varied enormously across the region areas affected. This led to a crisis in which several producers brought fine wines as simple table wine, a situation that improved with the endorsement to Chianti DOCG in 1984.  
Les maladies d’origine hydrique et les épidémies de diarrhée aigue sont courantes dans les zones touchées par les d’inondations. Le changement climatique favorise les sécheresses et inondations fréquentes qui limitent sérieusement la production alimentaire, entraînant de ce fait une aggravation de l’état nutritionnel des populations de bon nombre de pays de la Région africaine.
Waterborne diseases and epidemics of acute diarrhoea are rampant in flood situations. Climate change contributes to frequent droughts and floods which seriously affect food production. As a result, the nutritional status of the populations of many countries in the African Region is worsening.  
Outre les personnes ayant participle au rétablissement du courant, Newfoundland Power a travaillé de concert étroit avec les services d'urgence, tels les services d'incendies, la police, les hôpitaux, la Croix rouge et les dirigeants municipaux des zones touchées.
Newfoundland Power Restores Power Following Hurricane Igor - Newfoundland Power successfully restored power to over 106, 000 customers within 5 days of Hurricane Igor hitting the island portion of the province in September 2010. Over the last 10 years, Newfoundland Power has strengthened the electricity system, effectively cutting outage time in half, reducing average outage time from 5.7 hours per customer in 1999 to 2.5 hours in 2009. The strength of the electrical system minimized damage resulting from Igor, enabling a safe and speedy response. The storm left over 100 communities isolated or in states of emergency and many major roadways impassible. A critical component of the restoration effort included updating customers using both traditional and social forms of media. Crews from other utilities helped to restore power, using helicopters, off road vehicles, boats and line trucks to transport people and equipment. In addition to those involved with the restoration of power, Newfoundland Power worked closely with emergency service responders such as fire departments, police, hospitals, the Red Cross and municipal leaders in the affected areas. In the wake of the worst hurricane to hit Newfoundland and Labrador in 75 years, the Company met restoration times on or before schedule with zero injuries!
  2 Hits  
Apaisez les zones touchées avec un linge refroidi.
Soothe the affected areas with a cool cloth.  
Pour François Grey, l'un des coordinateurs du projet, l'échange a été très enrichissant: "Ce qui est unique dans ce projet est justement l'interaction avec les Africains. J'ai beaucoup appris de William et de Bakary. Notamment sur leur façon de penser et d'agir, ainsi que sur le quotidien des africains vivant avec un paludisme touchant toutes les couches de la population au point où il est rare de connaître quelqu'un, dans les zones touchées, ayant été épargné par ce fléau."
For François Grey, one of the project coordinators, this exchange has been very enlightening: "The unique thing about Africa@home is that it involves Africans. I learned a lot from William and Bakary. In particular with respect to their thinking and way of doing things, but also about the every-day life of Africans who live in regions where it is rare to find anyone who has not had malaria."
  6 Hits  
Visiter les zones touchées par les inondations près de Winnipeg et faire une annonce sur la prévention du crime
Tour of flood affected areas near Winnipeg and make a Crime Prevention Announcement
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Le bilan risque de s’alourdir davantage car les secours n’ont pas encore atteint toutes les zones touchées .
As help has not reached all affected areas yet, the death toll is expected to rise more.  
La CENAL convoque les différents groupes mobiles chargés de collecter et d'analyser les échantillons et les engage au gré des circonstances pour obtenir des données supplémentaires sur les zones touchées par un événement.
The NEOC provides different mobile teams to collect and analyse samples and is deployed in targeted fashion to collect additional measured data from areas affected by a radioactive incident.
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Les feux de forêt en Colombie-Britannique. Les déplacements lents dans les zones touchées affectent légèrement la vitesse.
The BC Wildfires – slow orders through the affected are slightly impacting velocity.
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Bologne, 15 septembre 2012 - Projet de soutien au tourisme dans les zones touchées par le tremblement
Bologna, September 15, 2012 - A project to support the tourism industry in Italy's earthquake-stricken zones  
Afin d'aider les citoyens, les autorités du pays et plusieurs organismes de secours ont cherché des solutions pour reconstruire les zones touchées dans le cadre du programme d'aide Casatón, Houses for Ecuador.
An earthquake of 7.8 on the Richter scale destroyed homes and communities throughout Ecuador in April 2016, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. With the epicentre in the north-west of the country, more than 30,000 people have lost their homes to the natural disaster. To help out citizens, the government of Ecuador, along with several relief agencies, appealed for solutions to rebuild the stricken areas through the aid programme Casatón, Houses for Ecuador.
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22/03/2019 - pour assister 546 000 personnes la FAO requiert 6,3 millions d’USD pour la période janvier–décembre 2019                                 Malgré certaines améliorations constatées en 2018, d’extrêmes vulnérabilités persistent au Burundi, en particulier dans les zones touchées par les aléas ...READ MORE
11/02/2019 - to assist 8.6 million people FAO requires USD 218.5 million period January – December 2019                                 Yemen remains the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. The protracted crisis has taken a devastating toll on the economy, collapsing essential services ...READ MORE
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Le gouvernement turc ignore les obligations internationales de base dans la conduite de ses opérations militaires et leurs conséquences sur la vie des habitants qui résident dans les zones touchées et qui sont donc soumis à une punition collective.
The Turkish government is disregarding basic international obligations in its conduct of military operations and their aftermath on inhabitants living in the affected areas, subjected to collective punishment.
  19 Hits  
Le PNUD aide les autorités locales chargées de la gestion des catastrophes à évacuer les populations des zones touchées du sud du Pendjab et de la province du Khyber Pakhtunkkhwa, connue autrefois comme la Province de la frontière du Nord-Ouest.
UNDP has also been involved in mobilizing communities in parts of Punjab through local authority-run disaster risk management forums, including men and women in meetings to assess the flood situation and plan search and rescue activities.
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« A ce jour, plus de 10 millions de personnes vivant dans les zones touchées par la sécheresse en Ethiopie, au Kenya, en Somalie et à Djibouti ne peuvent plus assurer leurs besoins fondamentaux et leur survie dépend totalement d’une aide d’urgence massive», a déploré le Ministre de la Coopération au Développement, Olivier Chastel.
“Right now, there are over 10 million people who cannot meet their basic needs in the drought-affected zones in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Djibouti. Their chances of survival are totally dependent on massive emergency aid,” said Minister for Development Cooperation, Olivier Chastel.  
Chaque fois que cela se produira, il effectuera les mêmes tests 72 heures, deux semaines et un mois après le diagnostic. Il se servira de nouvelles techniques d'imagerie afin de mieux cerner les zones touchées du cerveau.
Sandy will evaluate 75-100 athletes before and after a mild traumatic head injury. Using an ultrasound machine, he will first evaluate the blood flow in their brains, while they do various things, such as reading, multitasking, and exercising. While the athletes are competing in their respective sports, Sandy will then evaluate how often they experience head trauma. Due to the aggressive nature of their respective sports, he thinks that 20 of these athletes will suffer a concussion. Should this happen, he will conduct the same evaluation tests 72 hours, 2 weeks and 1 month after their diagnosis. Sandy will also use new imaging techniques to help identify what parts of the brain were affected.  
Les équipes médicales de MSF traitent les symptômes de la maladie et offrent des soins palliatifs ainsi qu’un soutien psychologique aux patients et à leurs proches. Des centres de traitement ont été mis en place dans les zones touchées pour rompre la chaîne de transmission.
The Cartier Charitable Foundation donation will help MSF to step up its medical aid to provide essential care and contain the spread of the epidemic. MSF seeks to provide adequate treatment as well as psychological support to patients and their relatives. Treatment units have been set up in all the affected areas to break the chain of transmission. Protective material is being provided for staff and strict hygiene and infection control activities are being put in place. Because this is the first time such an outbreak has occurred in West Africa, MSF teams are training hospitals and Ministry of Health staff in medical case management, infection control measures and dead body management.  
« Nous progressons, affirme M. Bani, nous empêchons les cellules abîmées du cerveau de mourir et accélérons la récupération motrice. Quant aux recherches sur la régénération des neurones dans les zones touchées par une lésion, elles se poursuivent. Nous essayons toujours de perfectionner nos méthodes. »
Toward this goal, the team has implanted neuro-scaffolds containing human amniotic fluid cells into brain-injured mice, with some success. "We are making progress at protecting injured brain cells from dying as well as enhancing motor recovery," says Dr. Bani. "However, in terms of regenerating neurons in the damaged region, our research is ongoing. We're still trying to fine-tune our methods."
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Quand les pannes sont nombreuses, par exemple quand s'est produit un événement climatique causant de multiples bris sur le réseau, les centres d'urgence des zones touchées sont activés et Hydro-Québec rappelle au travail tous les employés nécessaires afin de déployer un maximum d'effectif sur le terrain.
When there are many outages, such as when a weather event causes extensive line damage, the emergency centres are opened in the zones affected and Hydro-Québec recalls all necessary personnel to maximize field deployment. On occasion, crews from other parts of Québec and even from other companies or provinces or from the U.S. are called in as reinforcements.  
Il soutient en particulier les mesures destinées à promouvoir la diversification économique (tourisme, alimentation, énergie renouvelable etc.) et une meilleure qualité de vie dans les zones touchées par le déclin des activités de pêche.
Priority Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) provides support for the sustainable development of fisheries areas. In particular, it supports measures to promote economic diversification (tourism, food, renewable energy etc.) and an improved quality of life in areas affected by a decline in fishing activities.  
La prise d'antihistaminiques ou l'application d'antihistaminiques ou d'antibiotiques ne sont pas recommandées. Dans le cas où les zones touchées seraient dans le visage ou sur les parties génitales, il est fortement conseillé de consulter un médecin.
Once symptoms appear, apply cold compresses or calamine lotion to dry the blisters and relieve itching. Taking a bath in colloidal oatmeal may also help alleviate itching. It is important to avoid scratching as this may lead to infection. A cortisone-based lotion may also help soothe itching and promote healing. The use of oral antihistamines or topical antihistamine or antibiotic creams are not recommended. If the affected area involves the face or genitals, it is strongly advised that you see a doctor.
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Par exemple, l’opération «EUNAVFOR Atalanta» menée au large des côtes somaliennes a pour mission de lutter contre la piraterie et de protéger les livraisons d'aide humanitaire du Programme alimentaire mondial à destination des zones touchées par la sécheresse.
Building security around the world: Under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), the EU operates civilian and military missions worldwide. These missions carry out a variety of tasks from border management to local police training. For example the Operation EUNAVFOR Atalanta off the coast of Somalia tackles piracy and protects humanitarian shipments of the World Food Programme bound for drought hit areas.
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AIDE URGENTE AUX VICTIMES DES OURAGANS ET DES TREMBLEMENTS DE TERRE Cuba, Mexique, Porto Rico et Amérique Centrale Chères soeurs et chers partenaires de mission, Nous aimerions partager avec vous de brèves informations sur la situation de nos soeurs au Mexique, à Porto Rico, à Cuba et en Amérique Centrale - les zones touchées par les tremblements de terre et les ouragans qui ont provoqué une destruction généralisée dans les Caraïbes.
EMERGENCY NEEDS TO VICTIMS OF HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKES IN Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Central America Dear Sisters and Mission Partners, We would like to share with you some brief information about the situation of our sisters in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Central America - the areas that were affected by earthquakes and hurricanes which caused widespread destruction across the Caribbean. This phenomenon generated the destruction of electricity and telephone networks; floods destroyed hundreds of homes with total and partial landslides; and a large number of families were left... more  
Si l'on a tendance à attribuer la hausse des taux de tous les types de cancers à l'accident de Tchernobyl, il convient de noter que des augmentations avaient déjà été observées dans les zones touchées avant l'accident.
There is a tendency to attribute increases in the rates of all cancers over time to the Chernobyl accident, but it should be noted that increases were also observed before the accident in the affected areas. Moreover, a general increase in mortality has been reported in recent decades in most areas of the former Soviet Union, and this must be taken into account when interpreting the results of the accident-related studies.  
sites exigeant une surveillance continue (p. ex., pentes fortes, zones affectées par l'érosion, zones touchées par des problèmes de mauvaise herbe, habitat faunique particulier, arbres, sites de prélèvement et de transplantation de plantes rares ou zones riveraines);
sites requiring ongoing monitoring (e.g., steep slopes, erosion-affected areas, areas that have weed problems, specific wildlife habitat, trees, rare plant transplant and donor sites or riparian areas);  
Les résultats de WebTide pour ces régions n'est pas fiable. Une courbe de niveau 0m est établi pour montrer les zones touchées. Les analyses des zones moins profondes que ce contour sera le plus déformé.
**IMPORTANT** This data is from an inundation model, which includes wetting and drying areas. The tidal analysis calculations in and near the drying areas are compromised and the results from WebTide for those areas should not be trusted. A 0m contour line is drawn to show the areas affected. The analyses from areas shallower than this contour will be most distorted. Areas slightly deeper and near this contour will be affected to a lesser extent and this might not be obvious.  
Lancez-vous à la découverte d'espèces vivant dans les zones touchées par les fluctuations des marées comme la Phallusia mammillata et la laitue de mer (utilisées autrefois comme aliment par les marins).
Prepare to discover a striking and unique landscape marked by a series of perfectly aligned volcanoes following an invisible volcanic line. A marine eruption was the origin of the mountain, which houses a moving sand dune that is a pleasure to visit.
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Ce système identifie et affiche les zones touchées par le gel en analysant les données de températures au sol durant la nuit du spectroradiomètre imageur à résolution moyenne (MODIS) de la NASA installé à bord des satellites Terra et Aqua.
To trace the dynamics around agricultural drought in the United States, Qiusheng Wu, a doctoral student and research assistant and Hongxing Liu, professor, both at the Department of Geography, University of Cincinnati, US, implemented an Event-based Spatial-Temporal Data Model (ESTDM) to detect, track and monitor drought conditions. The framework organised data into objects, sequences, processes and events. The data was collected from the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite, which was the first of its kind dedicated to measure moisture near the surface of the soil. The researchers examined patterns of spreading drought to develop predictions for future drought events. The prediction tool is now being prepared to use data from NASA's soon-to-be-launched Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite.  
Chaque fois que cela se produira, il effectuera les mêmes tests 72 heures, deux semaines et un mois après le diagnostic. Il se servira de nouvelles techniques d'imagerie afin de mieux cerner les zones touchées du cerveau.
Sandy will evaluate 75-100 athletes before and after a mild traumatic head injury. Using an ultrasound machine, he will first evaluate the blood flow in their brains, while they do various things, such as reading, multitasking, and exercising. While the athletes are competing in their respective sports, Sandy will then evaluate how often they experience head trauma. Due to the aggressive nature of their respective sports, he thinks that 20 of these athletes will suffer a concussion. Should this happen, he will conduct the same evaluation tests 72 hours, 2 weeks and 1 month after their diagnosis. Sandy will also use new imaging techniques to help identify what parts of the brain were affected.  
Tout retard dans l'identification et la fourniture d'équipements de protection aux professionnels de la santé et à leurs patients accroît l'anxiété et le risque de propagation de la maladie infectieuse. Il convient de créer ou de favoriser les systèmes nationaux et internationaux qui assurent la mise à disposition de moyens adéquats et leur acheminement vers les zones touchées.
WHO and its Member States must work with the WMA and NMAs to proactively address the safety of patients and of health professionals involved in caring for the sick during outbreaks of new diseases. Delays in identifying and distributing supplies of protective equipment to health professionals and their patients exacerbate anxiety and risk of spread of infectious disease. National and international systems that stockpile relevant and adequate supplies and rapidly move them to affected areas should be created or enhanced. All the principles employed in the safeguarding of patient safety should be respected and followed in emergencies such as SARS.  
Des matières radioactives continuent de s’écouler des terres par les cours d’eau jusqu’à l’océan et on peut observer leur présence chez certaines espèces de poissons. Cependant, tous les aliments provenant des zones touchées font l’objet d’une surveillance attentive depuis l’accident et ceux qui dépassent des normes très prudentes sont interdits de vente.
Groundwater travels naturally from the land to the sea and, in doing so is believed to mingle with heavily contaminated water in the basements of the power plant buildings. This continues to sea and a major effort is underway to identify the routes it is taking and manage groundwater to reduce this to the maximum extent possible. A silt fence has long been in place to prevent contamination reaching the open sea and the diluting effects of ocean currents mean that radioactivity cannot be detected in seawater beyond the plant harbour. Radioactive material continues to run off from the land through rivers to the sea and can be found in certain species of fish. However, all food from affected areas has been strictly monitored since the accident and prevented from sale if in excess of highly conservative standards.
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[1] Par stabilisation, on entend une combinaison d’instruments militaires, humanitaires, politiques et e? conomiques visant a? apporter la « stabilite? » dans les zones touchées par les conflits arme? s et les situations d'urgence complexes ; elle peut e?
[1] ‘Stabilisation is understood to mean a combination of military, humanitarian, political and economic instruments to bring ‘stability’ to areas affected by armed conflict and complex emergencies, it can be seen to have a far broader transformative, geographical and historical scope. Indeed, stabilisation is connected to a long and varied history of (liberal and illiberal) interventions in societies and states’, from opinion-files/5978.pdf
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