zones touchées – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Knowledge for development  
Ce système identifie et affiche les zones touchées par le gel en analysant les données de températures au sol durant la nuit du spectroradiomètre imageur à résolution moyenne (MODIS) de la NASA installé à bord des satellites Terra et Aqua.
To trace the dynamics around agricultural drought in the United States, Qiusheng Wu, a doctoral student and research assistant and Hongxing Liu, professor, both at the Department of Geography, University of Cincinnati, US, implemented an Event-based Spatial-Temporal Data Model (ESTDM) to detect, track and monitor drought conditions. The framework organised data into objects, sequences, processes and events. The data was collected from the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite, which was the first of its kind dedicated to measure moisture near the surface of the soil. The researchers examined patterns of spreading drought to develop predictions for future drought events. The prediction tool is now being prepared to use data from NASA's soon-to-be-launched Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite.
  Knowledge for development  
Ce système identifie et affiche les zones touchées par le gel en analysant les données de températures au sol durant la nuit du spectroradiomètre imageur à résolution moyenne (MODIS) de la NASA installé à bord des satellites Terra et Aqua.
RCMRD/SERVIR-Africa and the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya (TRFK) have developed and installed Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in Kenya to support an automated frost mapping system to alert plantation managers of notable upcoming temperature changes. The near real-time frost mapping system identifies and displays frost-impacted areas by analysing night-time land surface temperature data from NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra and Aqua satellites. Each morning, within a few hours of data collection, the system emails user-friendly maps identifying areas with high potential for frost to the Kenya Meteorological Service (KMS), TRFK, and agricultural insurance companies. In addition to the satellite data-derived products, the system will soon incorporate numerical prediction model forecasts to help map areas of potential frost up to 3 days in advance.