zones tribales – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  ARCHIVÉE - Perspectives...  
Il faudrait plutôt décrire le pays comme une république fédérale composée de plusieurs sous-groupes originaires de quatre provinces peuplées de groupes ethnolinguistique différents (le Pendjab, le Sindh, le Baloutchistan et la Province de la frontière du Nord-Ouest [PFNO]), des zones tribales sous administration fédérale (les FATA) et de trois autres territoires fédéraux.
The India-Pakistan relationship remains one of the most potentially explosive bilateral relationships in the world. In addition to the three wars which the countries have fought, several minor conflicts have been contested, while skirmishes along the Line of Control (LoC), the de facto border in Kashmir, are the norm. Assessing the India-Pakistan relationship, the Brookings Institution’s Stephen Cohen explained that the two states have been involved in four major crises over the last eighteen years. In each of these crises – the so-called “Brass Tacks” crisis of 1987, the 1990 Kashmir conflict, the 1999 Kargil conflict, as well as the “Twin Peaks” crisis of 2002 – there were significant policy and/or intelligence failures on the part of at least one of the players involved.
  ARCHIVÉE - Perspectives...  
Ces grands changements permettent ensuite de reprendre le contrôle des zones tribales et des régions frontalières en général et d’y rétablir le principe de la primauté du droit. Les talibans et les autres mouvements extrémistes sont progressivement maîtrisés, les habitants de ces régions se rendant compte que la violence et l’idéologie de ces mouvements n’ont pas apporté la prospérité.
The United States’ unequivocal objective in Pakistan has been to transform the state into a stable entity that can help it achieve its chief objective in its fight against terrorism. In the pursuit of these goals, the U.S. has spent an estimated US$11 billion in Pakistan since the end of 2002, investing in such projects as nuclear weapons safety, strengthening the armed forces, and development initiatives through USAID. Nonetheless, Dr. Christine Fair was clear in conceding that the U.S. has failed in its objective to stabilise the country. This failure is the result of several factors, amongst them:
  Al-Qaïda | SCRS  
Au lendemain des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 et de la chute du régime des talibans, les instances dirigeantes d’al-Qaïda, y compris Oussama ben Laden, ont trouvé refuge dans les zones tribales du Pakistan.
AQ’s activities include, but are not limited to, suicide attacks, simultaneous bombings, kidnappings, and hijackings. Following AQ’s attacks on September 11, 2001, and the subsequent fall of the Taliban regime, AQ’s central leadership, including bin Laden, sought refuge in Pakistan’s tribal areas, where in 2007 US intelligence agencies found that AQ was regrouping and regaining strength. In May 2011, bin Laden was killed by US forces in Pakistan, which left AQ’s leadership in disarray and the organization on the defensive. Since his succession as the leader of AQ, Ayman al-Zawahiri has renewed the group’s call for jihad, rallying fighters and supporters and reminded that jihad does not end with the death of its leaders.