zones tribales – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  NATO Review - L’Afghani...  
C’est aussi une tendance qui est exacerbée par l’activité des madrassas dans les zones tribales, qui propagent les messages extrémistes ; et nous pensons qu’il faut s’atteler beaucoup plus activement à contrer ces messages et à régler la question de fond des madrassas et des insurgés basés au Pakistan.
I think the primary message we would give is understand the important role of the Afghan media. As I said, it's very easy for the internationals to focus on the international message, which is very important. But not enough attention... we can do the international side of things better and we have the capability. Not enough attention has been paid to the Afghan side of the equation, developing Afghan talent.
  Comment les attaques me...  
Si AQAP a pu survivre à la campagne américano-yéménite, c’est en raison de plusieurs facteurs, dont le principal est la faiblesse du renseignement sur lequel se fonde la stratégie antiterroriste. Les possibilités d'action de l'armée yéménite sont très limitées dans les zones tribales situées à l’est de Sanaa, où AQAP a établi des bastions.
AQAP’s ability to survive the American-Yemeni campaign stems from a number of factors. Chief among them is the poor intelligence guiding the counterterrorism strategy. The Yemeni military is severely restricted in its ability to operate in the tribal areas east of Sana’a where AQAP has established strongholds. These provinces are hostile to the central regime, thus making it very difficult for security services to develop intelligence sources there.
  Pas disparue - mais plu...  
Et c’est toujours ce même modèle que des groupes comme Al-Qaïda dans la péninsule Arabique et les dirigeants plus anciens d’Al-Qaïda qui se trouvent dans les zones tribales du Pakistan aimeraient suivre s’ils le pouvaient.
The attacks in Bali, Madrid and London repeatedly showed how this hybrid form of organisation posed the greatest danger. One where "homegrown" volunteers provided the manpower and the local knowledge, while the central core bring the necessary logistical expertise, strategic direction and, crucially, legitimacy. That danger still exists, as failed plots in the US and elsewhere have shown. Since 2007 or 2008, it is the "ideology" of al-Qaeda that has taken over as dominant.
  Comment les attaques me...  
Les forces armées yéménites sont mal entraînées et mal équipées pour mener des opérations antiterroristes. Leurs incursions dans les zones tribales pour appréhender des membres d’Al-Qaida se sont souvent terminées lamentablement.
The dismal state of the Yemeni military equally contributes to its inability to clamp down on AQAP. The armed forces are poorly trained and ill-equipped to carry out counterterrorism operations. Their forays into the tribal areas to apprehend al-Qaida members have often ended miserably.
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Le rapt du correspondant du New York Times David Rohde intervenu plus récemment illustre bien le fait que le profit est devenu la principale motivation de ces actes. Les insurgés qui détenaient M. Rohde avaient demandé 28 millions de dollars pour sa libération, selon des sources tribales de la FATA (zones tribales administrées au niveau fédéral au Pakistan).
In the past, kidnap victims were often beheaded on camera to make a political statement, most famously the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. The more recent abduction of New York Times correspondent David Rohde was illustrative of the fact that profit is now the central motive. Insurgents who held Mr Rohde initially were asking $28 million for his release, according to tribal sources in the FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas in Pakistan).