zones urbaines – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Une campagne est lancée...  
Selon un rapport émis dans le contexte de la campagne, des sociétés européennes vendent en Afrique des morceaux de poulet pour lesquels il n'y a pas de marché en Europe, soit en raison d'un changement des goûts des consommateurs, soit en raison de règles d'hygiène communautaires plus strictes. Ces exportations minent à présent les marchés locaux des poulets entiers dans les zones urbaines et périurbaines.
According to a report produced in the context of the campaign, European corporations sell in Africa those chicken parts for which there is no market in Europe, either because of changing consumer tastes or stricter EU hygiene regulations. These exports then undermine local markets for whole chickens in urban and peri-urban areas. The report highlights the health risks associated with exports of frozen chicken given the inadequacy of infrastructure for the handling of such products in recipient countries.
  à‰tude sur les APE et l...  
Compte tenu des difficultés liées au commerce interrégional, l’APE présente un risque pour les zones urbaines côtières d’Afrique de l’ouest qui pourraient se voir intégrées d’une manière plus effective à l’économie de l’UE qu’à celle de l’intérieur des terres, qui se détacherait de l’économie côtière, provoquant de cette manière une fracture entre les marchés régionaux.
Given the constraints on intra-regional trade, the real danger exists under an EPA that urban coastal zones in west Africa could become more effectively integrated with the EU economy, while the interior becomes disarticulated from the coastal economy, effectively fracturing emerging regional markets. This is particularly the case in the agricultural and food products chain where in certain sectors this process is already underway. This highlights the centrality of addressing intra-regional barriers to trade before engaging on processes of tariff dismantling towards the EU.
  Renforcer le secteur la...  
Actuellement, de nombreuses coopératives laitières ont réussi à passer de la collecte, du refroidissement et de la vente de lait brut à des laiteries plus importantes du secteur privé, à la transformation de leur propre lait et la vente de produits dans les zones urbaines.
Currently there are many successful dairy cooperatives which have moved away from pooling, cooling and selling raw milk to larger private sector dairies, to processing their own milk and selling products in urban areas. As a consequence Kenya is the leading exporter of dairy products, with firms such as Brookside having set up operational branches in Uganda and Tanzania and planning to establish operations in South Sudan.
  Analyse du secteur du r...  
Le rapport de l’USDA fournit un examen détaillé pour une série de pays, notamment un résumé de la manière dont le commerce du riz fonctionne dans chaque pays et une analyse des segments de marché desservis par le riz produit localement et le riz importé (généralement, les zones urbaines préfèrent le riz importé, tandis que les zones rurales consomment le riz produit localement).
The USDA report provides a detailed review for a number of countries, including a summary of how the rice trade works in each country and an analysis of the market components served by domestic and imported rice (generally urban areas prefer imported rice, while rural areas consume locally produced rice). Summary tables on rice production, consumption and trade are included for a wider range of countries including Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Mali, Chad, Niger, Mauritania, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Togo and Guinea.
  Les à‰tats-Unis ciblent...  
La croissance des exportations des morceaux du cinquième quartier pourrait également intensifier la concurrence des segments à revenu inférieur des marchés du bœuf des zones urbaines côtières (par ex. pour la transformation du bœuf pour produire des burgers et d’autres viandes préparées).
However, the targeting of the West African market by USMEF is indicative of the extent to which evolving consumer demand in urban coastal areas of West Africa could well become disconnected from the production profile of meat produced in the regional hinterland. Expanding EU exports of fifth quarter cuts could also serve to intensify competition on lower-income components of coastal urban beef markets (e.g. for manufacturing beef to produce burgers and other prepared meat products).
  Une nouvelle politique ...  
La forte croissance de la consommation intérieure de viande de volaille dans les zones urbaines montre une nette préférence pour la volaille surgelée importée, qui est prédécoupée et prête à être utilisée.
The strong growth of domestic consumption of poultry meat in urban areas shows a marked preference for imported frozen poultry products, which are pre-cut and ready to use. While the US dominated the Ghanaian poultry market 10 years ago, peaking at a 50% market share in 2003, by 2010 this market share had fallen to 22%, with Brazilian and EU frozen poultry meat exports gaining ground. Ghanaian consumers reportedly prefer Brazilian frozen poultry cuts, which are ‘perceived to be a better quality than the US type’. This is despite the price advantage held by US exporters (US poultry cuts are US$22 per 10-kg box, compared to US$24 for Brazilian and US$33 for EU poultry cuts).
  Défis commerciaux dans ...  
La demande croissante de bœuf importé en Afrique de l’Ouest est en partie liée aux développements dans le secteur de la vente de détail dans les zones urbaines des pays côtiers. Le nombre de supermarchés desservant des consommateurs ayant des revenus plus élevés (même s’ils ne représentent encore qu’une faible proportion du secteur de la vente de détail global) augmente rapidement.
The growing demand for imported beef in West Africa is in part linked to developments in the retail sector in the urban areas of coastal states. The number of supermarkets serving higher-income consumers (although still a small component of the overall retail sector) is increasing rapidly. These supermarkets have major food safety concerns regarding the lack of traceability and quality assurance on locally sourced beef, which leads to a strong extra-regional sourcing focus.
  Le secteur britannique ...  
Il est possible de faire un parallèle entre la domination des principaux marchés par les supermarchés britanniques et le rôle croissant des nombreux distributeurs sud-africains dans les zones urbaines de la région d’Afrique australe.
The UK situation where supermarkets dominate key markets is beginning to find parallels with the growing role of South African multiple retailers in urban areas across the southern African region. Some southern African governments have needed to use traditional trade-policy tools (import licensing) alongside the establishment of innovative market information systems in order to encourage multiple retailers to provide access for local producers to premium-priced components of the local market. In Namibia, such an initiative has had a major impact on local production of horticultural products (up from 5% of local consumption to 15% in 5 years) and has stimulated a rethink of corporate strategies amongst major retailers, a number of which are now highlighting their level of local purchases as part of their corporate social responsibility strategies.
  Défis commerciaux dans ...  
Par ailleurs, aux alentours des zones urbaines, il serait peut-être utile d’agrandir les parcs d’engraissement et les installations de transformation conformément aux exigences des acheteurs des supermarchés.
For example, developing the marketing of lean beef cuts produced from extensively raised cattle would appear to offer opportunities for this component of the West African beef sector to sidestep the competitive challenge posed by beef imports, by targeting market components concerned by the excessive consumption of fatty meat. However, this would require issues relating to the hygienic processing and transportation of such beef to be addressed. Equally, around urban areas, there would appear to be scope for expanding feedlots and processing facilities in line with supermarket buyer requirements.
  Les tendances du secteu...  
Au Burkina Faso, des structures de dialogue avec les parties prenantes pour définir et gérer les accords et contrats sont en place depuis 2001. S’agissant des tendances de marché, on observe une augmentation de la consommation de riz (de 18,1 kg/personne en 2000 à 21 kg/personne en 2011, et 50 kg/personne dans les zones urbaines).
In Burkina Faso, stakeholder dialogue structures to define and manage agreements and contracts have largely been in place since 2001. In terms of market trends, there is a shift towards greater rice consumption (from 18.1 kg/person in 2000 to 21 kg/person in 2011, and 50 kg/person in urban areas). While irrigated rice production generates greater yields than rain-fed production (4 to 7 tonnes/hectare compared to 1 t/ha), current government initiatives aim to expand rain-fed production through input and credit support measures. According to USDA, government efforts since 2008 to boost rice production have yielded ‘satisfactory results’, with the area harvested increasing more than threefold.
  Réponses politiques à  ...  
Les prix élevés, semble-t-il, s’avèreront bénéfiques aux producteurs commercialisant leurs produits mais pas nécessairement à bon nombre d’agriculteurs de pays en développement qui « ne sont pas liés aux marchés ». Les pauvres des zones urbaines seront fortement affectés, tandis que les PMA se montreront de plus en plus vulnérables, en particulier les PMA en situation de déficit alimentaire.
Prices are expected to be more volatile in the coming period, in part as a result of speculation. Developing countries will, it is projected, play a growing role in agri-trade, both on the demand and supply sides. OECD countries will however ‘continue to dominate export trade for wheat, coarse grains, pork and all dairy products’. High prices, it is held, will benefit commercial producers but not necessarily the bulk of producers in developing countries where many farmers ‘are not linked to markets’. The urban poor in developing countries will suffer most, while LDCs will show increased vulnerability, particularly food deficit LDCs. This, it is felt, underscores the importance of developing the supply capacity of LDCs. In the interim the FAO and the OECD call for ‘increased humanitarian aid … to reduce the negative impact of high prices on the very poor’.
  Les négociations à  l’O...  
Le document note que « dans les pays en développement, la location de la pauvreté semble se déplacer des zones rurales vers les zones urbaines ». Ceci donne lieu à un « dilemme politique entre des prix élevés des denrées alimentaires qui profitent aux producteurs alimentaires (toutes choses égales par ailleurs), et des faibles prix des denrées alimentaires qui peuvent aider les consommateurs les plus pauvres ».
The paper notes that ‘there has been a steady shift in the locus of poverty in developing countries from rural to urban areas.’ This gives rise to a ‘policy dilemma between high food prices that benefit food producers (other things equal), and low food prices that may help poor consumers.’ It notes that a general assumption is made that from a developing country perspective, ‘the reduction or elimination of export and domestic subsidies and of barriers to market access is good for food security’. In this context, ‘a “good” policy outcome under the WTO would be the reduction or elimination of protection and subsidies in industrialized countries’. However it notes the counter argument that ‘usually the best policy option is not to maintain the distorting policies in industrialized countries but to eliminate them while at the same time implementing compensatory policies for the countries or populations affected.’