zones urbaines – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  FAO Decentralized Coope...  
La relance et la bonification des terres humides pour la production agricole sont des facteurs clés dans les zones urbaines et périurbaines de Kigali
Reclamation and rehabilitation of wetlands for agricultural production are key factors in the urban and periurban area of Kigali
  pos paper planning French  
L'un des objectifs de cette conférence est de faire connaître les expériences acquises par les villes qui ont essayé d'intégrer l'agriculture dans la planification urbaine. Dans la plupart des villes du monde, l'étendue réelle de l'utilisation des zones urbaines à des fins agricoles est mal connue.
A first step to good planning is to define this complex interaction and to inform all the interested stakeholders. This process of integration has been carried out and implemented in some cities and countries; their experiences can provide learnings to be 'fine-tuned' to reflect local circumstances.One objective of this conference is to share the experiences of cities that have attempted to integrate agriculture into city planning. In most of the world's cities, little is known about the actual extent to which inner city areas are used for agricultural purposes. Also, little is known about the spatial distribution of urban agriculture in the cities. We invite your contributions in describing these experiences and needs.
  FAO : Education for rur...  
C'est pourquoi, ce programme-phare lance un appel en faveur d'une plus grande collaboration afin que les organisations internationales, régionales et nationales coordonnent leurs efforts et se concentrent sur les besoins en éducation des populations rurales. L'initiative cherche à résorber les disparités entre zones urbaines et zones rurales pour apporter un soutien à l'éducation.
About 70 per cent of the poor live in rural areas. Thus the Flagship calls for a collaborative effort to increase the coordination of efforts by international, regional and national organizations in targeting the educational needs of people living in rural areas. The initiative seeks to address education and rural-urban disparities in support of education.
  FAO Peace Corps  
À Samoa, l'agriculture est avant tout une activité de subsistance; les zones urbaines et l'industrie du tourisme, toutes deux en expansion, sont donc tributaires des importations agricoles provenant notamment de la Nouvelle Zélande, de l'Australie et des États-Unis.
The main goal of the project is to introduce a business-like approach to farming of which rural farmers in Samoa were previously unaware. The majority of farming in Samoa is done on a subsistence level, which makes the increasing urban area of Samoa and the growing tourism industry dependent on agricultural imports from overseas, i.e. New Zealand, Australia, and the U.S.A. This in turn has negatively affected the country's trade balance and seen the issue of national food security become a hot topic for debate.
  pos paper food French  
L'AUP comporte deux sous-secteurs différents et, semble-t-il, isolés : les industries commerciales horticoles et d'élevage situées pour la plupart dans des zones périurbaines; et la production de subsistance des ménages défavorisés, qui se trouvent dispersés dans les zones urbaines et périurbaines, là où les terres et la pauvreté créent des opportunités et des besoins.
UPA consists of two disparate and possibly segregated sub-sectors: the commercial horticultural and livestock industries largely located in periurban areas, and the subsistence production of poor households scattered through the urban and periurban zone, wherever land and poverty create the opportunity and need. In many cities, it is relatively well documented that periurban agriculture produces large quantities of healthy food for urban areas. Much less is known about the types of output and destination of food produced by intra-urban agriculture.
  Programme de coopératio...  
De plus, alors que la responsabilité du développement rural avait été confiée au Ministère de l'agriculture et des forêts, d'autres ministères et la communauté internationale continuaient à lancer un large éventail d'initiatives, peu coordonnées, géographiquement limitées et administrées par des institutions attachant une importance majeure aux zones urbaines.
A well-conceived rural management strategy was required as a basis for the sustainable development of Croatia's rural economy and the improvement of rural livelihoods. A TCP project helped prepare a mid-term Rural Development Strategy (until 2010) and was launched in 2002 with a budget of US$211,500. The project, which ended in 2003, organized a series of stakeholders workshops to create awareness of rural development issues. The workshops were held in regions representing the main agro-ecological areas. Through this participatory process, a strategy was formulated to help align Croatia's rural development programme with comparable policies and institutions in the EU, as well as to serve as a stepping stone towards integration with the EU.
  Food for the Cities: Co...  
Un important aspect dont il faut tenir compte dans le cadre des politiques est le rôle joué par le secteur commercial informel dans la distribution de produits alimentaires aux zones urbaines à faible revenu et la création de revenus pour les familles pauvres.
An important aspect for policy consideration is the role played by the informal commercial sector in making food available to low income urban areas and in generating income for poor families. This requires a positive attitude by the authorities and special programmes to facilitate informal food trading activities and to minimise any possible adverse consequences.
  Organisation des Nation...  
En 2000, près de 2 milliards d’individus s’entassaient dans les agglomérations; d’ici 2030, ce chiffre aura plus que doublé. Au fur et à mesure que les villes s’étendent et qu’une part croissante de la population migre des campagnes vers les zones urbaines, le nombre de citadins pauvres augmente.
The urban poor constitute another group that is at risk of hunger. They produce little or no food and frequently lack the means to buy food. Cities are expanding constantly. In the year 2000, nearly two billion people lived in cities; by 2030, this figure will have more than doubled. As the cities expand, and as more people will migrate from rural to urban areas, the number of the urban poor will rise. Urban hunger and access to affordable food in cities will therefore be increasingly important issues.
  pos paper food French  
Les chapitres précédents ont décrit brièvement ce que l'on sait des impacts de l'AUP sur la sécurité alimentaire des ménages et sur la contribution de l'AUP à la disponibilité d'aliments dans les zones urbaines, dans les conditions actuelles .
The previous sections briefly described what is known about UPA's existing impacts on household food security and its contributions to urban food availability under current conditions. In order for UPA to improve the food security of urban households, it must reach the food-insecure (a measure closely matched to poverty level measures but not identical (Maxwell, 1999) and must provide not just calories but also other nutrients where they are needed.
  pos paper food French  
Les tendances majeures qui influencent les conditions urbaines dans les pays en développement ne sont pas encourageantes : on constate une migration rurale continue vers les zones urbaines, un chômage grandissant, une incidence croissante de la pauvreté et de la maladie, de la criminalité et des bouleversement sociaux.
More questionable is the potential for UPA to ameliorate chronic food insecurity and undernourishment of vulnerable populations. Studies cited above have shown a substantial impact on food and income generated at the household level among those who are farming. Whether that activity can have an effect beyond the micro-level to reduce urban food insecurity is still unexplored. The major trends affecting urban conditions in developing countries are not auspicious: continued rural-urban migration, increased unemployment, higher poverty and disease levels, crime and social disruption. The potential of UPA to provide some relief from these strong forces is a daunting challenge to international and local food security agencies, and of course, to the farmers themselves.
  Du Bureau du Directeur ...  
Le chômage, les maladies, l'alcool, la drogue, la violence, l'exclusion, la criminalité et l'éclatement des familles sont quelques-unes des graves agressions qu'ils subissent. Et les jeunes ruraux ne sont désormais plus épargnés par ces problèmes, autrefois principalement cantonnés aux zones urbaines et péri-urbaines.
But enlisting such support is hampered by the adversities facing too many young people: unemployment, disease, alcohol and drug abuse, violence, social exclusion, criminality and the breakdown of families are just some of the serious aggressions they suffer. And rural youth are no longer isolated from such problems, which had hitherto been largely confined to urban and peri-urban areas.
  pos paper planning French  
La planification urbaine peut également être abordée à différents niveaux: elle peut toucher les habitants au niveau microéconomique (par exemple : quelles petites entreprises peuvent être admises dans les zones urbaines) ou bien considérer des décisions à longue portée (telles que la surface d'espaces verts qui doit être conservée à l'intérieur de la ville ou dans ses alentours).
As well, urban planning can be approached at different scales: from that affecting residents at a micro level, such as delineating which small business activities are allowed in the urban area, to far-reaching decisions such as the amount of open space to be preserved within or around the city. A comprehensive city plan should include considerations of what is desired at all levels and be formulated and agreed upon by all relevant stakeholders.
  pos paper food French  
Trop d'incertitudes subsistent et un trop grand potentiel inexploité devrait être étudié avant de pouvoir établir si l'AUP peut aller loin dans la réduction de l'insécurité alimentaire croissante dans les zones urbaines des pays en voie de développement, dans le contexte d'une pléthore de tendances négatives.
The purpose of this thematic paper is to raise issues about the role of UPA in addressing urban household food insecurity. It is not to provide answers, nor to offer final conclusions on that issue. Indeed, final conclusions at this stage could not be credible. Too many uncertainties exist, too much untapped potential must be explored before it can be known whether UPA can go far in ameloriating the growing urban food insecurity in developing countries against a phalanx of worsening trends.
  FAO : SD : Publications  
Malgré l'intérêt, la valeur et la fréquence d'utilisation des cartes, il est triste de constater qu'une grande partie du monde n'ait pas encore été cartographiée pour mieux identifier ses problèmes, notamment dans les zones urbaines.
The objective of this study, conducted in July 2003, was to identify the special agricultural extension and training needs of farmers living in small island countries, using Samoa as a specific case. A participatory rural appraisal approach (PRA) is used to identify farmers' needs in different geographic locations of Samoa.
  pos paper food French  
A travers d'innombrables circuits de commercialisation et de mécanismes informels, la plus grande partie des aliments produits dans les zones urbaines est consommée sur place, souvent par les producteurs de ces denrées eux-mêmes ou par les ménages se trouvant à proximité.
Through a myriad of marketing channels and informal mechanisms, the lion's share of food produced in the urban area is consumed in the urban area, often by the producers or households in close proximity to them. UPA supplements supplies of food from rural areas, increasing abundance and lowering prices, especially during seasonal peaks. During times of emergency or when transportation and distribution channels break down, UPA production becomes more than supplemental - it serves as the main food source to urban consumers.
  Dernières nouvelles, 2006  
22 juin 2006 – Les zones urbaines devraient représenter la quasi-totalité de la croissance démographique au cours des 25 prochaines années. Les initiatives de foresterie urbaine peuvent aider à neutraliser les risques environnementaux, économiques et sanitaires liés à l’urbanisation galopante et à la pauvreté.
21 June 2006 - The first meeting of the governing body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture was marked by a broad consensus among participating countries.
  FAO: Objectif 2: Assure...  
Actuellement, la fracture entre les zones urbaines et rurales dans le domaine des connaissances et de l’instruction est le principal obstacle à la concrétisation de l’éducation primaire universelle d’ici à 2015.
About 72 million primary school age children do not attend school. Over four out of five of these children live in rural areas. The urban-rural knowledge and education divide is today’s main barrier to achieving universal primary education by 2015. At the same time the learning ability of rural children is compromised by hunger and malnutrition. Food security and education need to be tackled simultaneously to develop the capacity of rural people to feed themselves and overcome poverty, hunger and illiteracy.
  FAO Decentralized Coope...  
un appui à la production et distribution de nourriture dans les zones urbaines et péri-urbaines;
support to food production and distribution in urban and peri-urban areas;
  pos paper food French  
Des opportunités de production stables supposent un accès aux ressources (surtout à la terre et à l'eau), des connaissances minimales de l'agriculture dans les conditions agroclimatiques prévalant dans les zones urbaines et du temps libre.
Steady production opportunities means having access to resources (especially land and water), a basic knowledge of farming within the agro-climatic conditions present in the urban area, and some available time. It also implies the presence of a permissive policy environment, in which UPA is not perceived as a danger or a nuisance with consequent efforts to wipe it out on the part of city officials.
  pos paper food French  
L'AUP comporte deux sous-secteurs différents et, semble-t-il, isolés : les industries commerciales horticoles et d'élevage situées pour la plupart dans des zones périurbaines; et la production de subsistance des ménages défavorisés, qui se trouvent dispersés dans les zones urbaines et périurbaines, là où les terres et la pauvreté créent des opportunités et des besoins.
UPA consists of two disparate and possibly segregated sub-sectors: the commercial horticultural and livestock industries largely located in periurban areas, and the subsistence production of poor households scattered through the urban and periurban zone, wherever land and poverty create the opportunity and need. In many cities, it is relatively well documented that periurban agriculture produces large quantities of healthy food for urban areas. Much less is known about the types of output and destination of food produced by intra-urban agriculture.
  FAO : Education for rur...  
Le Centre Régional de Recherche et Développement de l’Education (CIDE) a présenté des études de cas sur la situation de l’éducation de la population rurale au Brésil, en Colombie, au Chili, Honduras, Mexique et Pérou, qui ont confirmé le fait que la pauvreté est bien plus grande dans les zones rurales que dans les zones urbaines et que le fossé entre communautés urbaines et rurales est de plus en plus profond.
From 3 to 5 August 2004 a Regional Education for Rural People (ERP) capacity building workshop for Latin America policy makers and managers from Ministries of Education and of Agriculture was held in Santiago de Chile. The workshop was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (FAO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the UNESCO Institute of Education Planning (UNESCO/IIEP), the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA) and the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of Italy (DGCS). The Regional Center for Research and Development in Education (CIDE) presented case studies on the situation of education for rural people in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Honduras, Mexico and Peru confirming that poverty is much greater in rural than urban areas and that the educational gap among rural and urban communities is increasing. A book co-published by the conveners and CIDE was issued on the topic.