zones urbanisées – Englisch-Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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Keybot      54 Ergebnisse   27 Domänen  
Les dangers naturels sont très divers et peuvent menacer des zones habitées, des voies de communication et autres infrastructures, en particulier dans les régions alpines. Les risques augmentent de surcroit en raison de la croissance soutenue des zones urbanisées d'une part et du réchauffement climatique d'autre part.
Settlements, roads, railway lines and other infrastructure are at risk from a variety of natural hazards, particularly in Alpine areas. As settlements expand and the climate warms, the risks are increasing constantly. Natural hazards are governed by complex dynamics and process interactions, which makes them extremely challenging to assess.
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Si les biocides parviennent dans les cours d’eau, ils peuvent avoir un effet écotoxique. Pendant longtemps, l’agriculture a été la principale accusée. Or de nouvelles études montrent qu’une part de ces substances provient des zones urbanisées.
If biocides find their way into water, they can have an ecotoxic effect. For a long time, agriculture was considered to be the main cause of water pollution. New investigations have revealed, however, that a proportion of organic pollutants originate in residential areas.  
Fondé sur un principe de concentration des installations sur certains sites appropriés, ce concept définit le cadre juridique applicable à la planification et à l'implantation de parcs à éoliennes. Les critères d'identification de ces sites sont notamment les conditions de vent, l'équipement, la distance par rapport aux zones urbanisées ainsi que la protection de la nature et du paysage.
This concept specifies the background conditions governing the planning and construction of wind plants and observes the principle of focusing solely on suitable sites for such facilities. The criteria for identifying suitable sites include wind frequencies and strengths, exploitation, distance from residential areas, and compatibility with nature and landscape protection. The concept is intended to serve as a planning instrument for cantons and municipalities.  
Je recommanderais Villa Yuyu à toutes les personne à la recherche d'un séjour de détente dans une Villa bien aménagée et équipée, loin des zones urbanisées et des endroits infestés de touristes de Bali.
We stayed at Villa Yuyu for 4 nights and had a wonderful time. The villa is brand new, very well equipped and fitted out to a high standard. The location is great for getting down to the local beach or the surf beach, both of which are short walks. The villa is on the edge of a small undeveloped village and it really feels like you have got away from the rat race and can relax there. The Pool is fantastic and the ample grounds provide some space to take in the view of the paddy fields and the cows grazing in the fields beyond. The staff are great; very friendly and even cut down some coconuts for us to drink the coconut water and some bananas from within the grounds for breakfast. I would recommend Villa Yuyu to anyone looking for a relaxing stay in a well appointed and equipped Villa away from the built up and tourist infested areas of Bali.  
5 Conception des sites de manière à faciliter la mobilité des marchandises dans les zones urbanisées existantes
5 Site Design to Support Freight Mobility in Existing Urbanized Areas
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Les grandes avalanches occasionnant des dommages dans les zones urbanisées ou aux infrastructures sont considérées comme étant des avalanches catastrophiques ou destructrices. L'avalanche catastrophique est, dans la plupart des cas, une combinaison d'avalanche coulante et poudreuse.
Large-scale avalanches that cause damage in inhabited areas or to infrastructure are called «catastrophic avalanche» or «damaging avalanche». The «catastrophic avalanche» is in most cases a combined wet- and powder avalanche. The formation of a powder avalanche is favoured by a sudden increase of slope angle of the avalanche track or when the avalanche jumps over a precipice. The avalanche gets airborne and reaches velocities of 300 km/h as snow-air mixture due to reduced friction. The destructive force of avalanches is huge. The flowing avalanche carries trees and rocks away and erodes the snow cover down to the soil. Increased friction causes the avalanche to slow down. It stops in the accumulation area.
  17 Treffer  
zones urbanisées
residential areas
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Dégâts: Une bonne partie de la population passe le plus clair de son temps dans les zones urbanisées, où se concentrent aussi les biens matériels de valeur (bâtiments, installations, objets, etc.). Ce sont donc aussi ces secteurs qui présentent les principaux risques de dommages aux personnes ou de dégâts matériels.
Damage: A large proportion of the population spends its time in the built-up areas, and this is also where material assets (buildings, facilities, other property etc.) are concentrated. The risk of damage to persons and property is correspondingly high in such locations. The floods of 2005 alone gave rise to damage of CHF 3 billion. These risks can be reduced considerably by adapting spatial plans and urban development.  
L'étalement urbain désigne le phénomène de développement des surfaces urbanisées en périphérie des villes et des banlieues, grignotant de plus en plus les régions rurales. Entre 1982 et 1997, les Etats-Unis ont converti plus de 10 millions d'hectares d'habitats naturels et de zones rurales en zones urbanisées.
Modern patterns of city growth are increasingly land-intensive. As transportation continues to improve, the tendency is for cities to use up more and more land per person. In both developing and industrialized countries, the average density of cities has been declining quickly: at an annual rate of 1.7% over the last decade in developing countries and 2.2% in industrialized countries.
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Si les biocides parviennent dans les cours d’eau, ils peuvent avoir un effet écotoxique. Pendant longtemps, l’agriculture a été la principale accusée. Or de nouvelles études montrent qu’une part de ces substances provient des zones urbanisées.
If biocides find their way into water, they can have an ecotoxic effect. For a long time, agriculture was considered to be the main cause of water pollution. New investigations have revealed, however, that a proportion of organic pollutants originate in residential areas.  
Conçu comme un « tableau de verdure », il ne cherchait pas à évoquer un paysage classique, une image de l’Éden ou quelque perfection perdue, mais exploitait la flore locale pour exalter les qualités intrinsèques du paysage existant. Ce paysage intégré se prolonge jusqu’à la ville de Muskau, avec des zones de verdure constituant des parcs urbains qui encadraient les zones urbanisées.
A landscaped park of 559.9 ha astride the Neisse River and the border between Poland and Germany, it was created by Prince Hermann von Puckler-Muskau from 1815 to 1844. Blending seamlessly with the surrounding farmed landscape, the park pioneered new approaches to landscape design and influenced the development of landscape architecture in Europe and America. Designed as a ‘painting with plants’, it did not seek to evoke classical landscapes, paradise, or some lost perfection, instead using local plants to enhance the inherent qualities of the existing landscape. This integrated landscape extends into the town of Muskau with green passages that formed urban parks framing areas for development. The town thus became a design component in a utopian landscape. The site also features a reconstructed castle, bridges and an arboretum.  
Les risques liés aux changements climatiques pour les zones urbanisées à Bruxelles sont les inondations d’une part et les ilots de chaleur urbains d’autre part. Afin de limiter ces impacts, la Ville de Bruxelles proposera une prime aux propriétaires ou locataires.
The risks linked to climate change for urbanised areas in Brussels are, firstly, flooding, and secondly, urban heat islands. In order to limit these impacts, the City of Brussels will offer a premium to owners or tenants. This premium will encourage them to increase permeable and green surfaces when renovating or reconstructing buildings. These green surfaces have two advantages: they allow water to percolate into the ground in the event of heavy rainfall, and they also absorb heat.  
Stratégies de valeur alternatives sont également explorées, comme la protection des parcs et des espèces en péril dans les zones sensibles en échange de droits de développement dans les zones urbanisées.
The development planning process applies real estate investment and development principles to ensure that Government receives maximum value prior to sale of surplus lands. Value is considered both through a monetary lens as well as a social, economic, and environmental perspective. Alternate value capture strategies are also explored, such as protecting parkland and species at risk in sensitive areas in exchange for development rights in urbanized areas. The development planning process also facilitates site preparation and early works for future AFP projects to ensure all site risks have been characterized prior to an AFP procurement commencing.
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Présentation de Data and Maps for ArcGIS Droits de redistribution 111e Circonscriptions du Congrès Etats-Unis 112e Circonscriptions du Congrès Etats-Unis Population des centroïdes d'îlots de recensement Etats-Unis Groupes d'îlots de recensement Etats-Unis Codes de classification des entités de recensement (tableau) Etats-Unis Secteurs de recensement Etats-Unis Zones urbanisées de recensement Etats-Unis Villes Etats-Unis Zones statistiques principales Etats-Unis Comtés Etats-Unis Comtés (généralisation) Etats-Unis Limites des comtés Etats-Unis Estimations de population des comtés en 1990 (tableau) Etats-Unis Estimations de population des comtés en 2000 (tableau) Etats-Unis Villes de l'atlas national Etats-Unis Zones urbanisées de l'atlas national Etats-Unis Zones peuplées Etats-Unis Points de lieux peuplés Etats-Unis Etats Etats-Unis Etats (généralisation) Etats-Unis Limites des états Etats-Unis Limites des indicatifs téléphoniques Etats-Unis Zones de code postal (à trois chiffres) Etats-Unis Zones de code postal (à cinq chiffres) Etats-Unis Points de code postal Etats-Unis Systèmes de drainage (généralisation) Etats-Unis Lacs (généralisation) Etats-Unis Zones d'entités hydrographiques de l'atlas national Etats-Unis Lignes d'entités hydrographiques de l'atlas national Etats-Unis Rivières (généralisation) Etats-Unis Fleuves et cours d'eau Etats-Unis Plans d'eau Etats-Unis Système d'information des noms géographiques (Bâtiments) Etats-Unis Système d'information des noms géographiques (Cimetières) Etats-Unis Système d'information des noms géographiques (Eglises) Etats-Unis Système d'information des noms géographiques (Terrains de golf) Etats-Unis Système d'information des noms géographiques (Hôpitaux) Etats-Unis Système d'information des noms géographiques (Paramètres locaux) Etats-Unis Système d'information des noms géographiques (Zones peuplées) Etats-Unis Système d'information des noms géographiques (Ecoles) Etats-Unis Système d'information des noms géographiques (Sommets) Etats-Unis Etablissements Etats-Unis Lieux d'intérêt de grande dimension Etats-Unis Parcs principaux Etats-Unis Zones de terres fédérales et indiennes de l'atlas national Etats-Unis Lignes de terres fédérales de l'atlas national Etats-Unis Tremblements de terre historiques de l'atlas national Etats-Unis Volcans de l'atlas national Etats-Unis Parcs Etats-Unis Zones de loisirs Etats-Unis Aéroports Etats-Unis Autoroutes Etats-Unis Autoroutes principales Etats-Unis Routes principales Etats-U
What is Data and Maps for ArcGIS? Redistribution rights United States 110th Congressional Districts United States 111th Congressional Districts United States Census Block Centroid Populations United States Census Block Groups United States Census Feature Class Codes (table) United States Census Tracts United States Census Urbanized Areas United States Cities United States Core Based Statistical Areas United States Counties United States Counties (generalized) United States County Boundaries United States County Population Estimates 1990 (table) United States County Population Estimates 2000 (table) United States National Atlas Cities United States National Atlas Urbanized Areas United States Populated Place Areas United States Populated Place Points United States States United States States (generalized) United States State Boundaries United States Telephone Area Code Boundaries United States ZIP Code Areas (three-digit) United States ZIP Code Areas (five-digit) United States ZIP Code Points United States Drainage Systems (generalized) United States Lakes (generalized) United States National Atlas Water Feature Areas United States National Atlas Water Feature Lines United States Rivers (generalized) United States Rivers and Streams United States Water Bodies United States Geographic Names Information System Buildings United States Geographic Names Information System Cemeteries United States Geographic Names Information System Churches United States Geographic Names Information System Golf Locales United States Geographic Names Information System Hospitals United States Geographic Names Information System Locales United States Geographic Names Information System Populated Places United States Geographic Names Information System Schools United States Geographic Names Information System Summits United States Institutions United States Large Area Landmarks United States Major Parks United States National Atlas Federal and Indian Land Areas United States National Atlas Federal Land Lines United States National Atlas Historic Earthquakes United States National Atlas Volcanoes United States Parks United States Recreation Areas United States Airports United States Highways United States Major Highways United States Major Roads United States National Atlas Airports United States National Transportation Atlas Interstate Highways United States National Transportation Atlas Railroads United States Transportation Terminals United States National Atlas Public Land Surv