zones vertes – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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  Comités de la Chambre d...  
Mais en fait, il s'agit de s'assurer que ce qui nous distingue maintenant continue de faire à l'avenir. Si les zones vertes constituent une façon d'améliorer les espaces publics et d'enrichir cette particularité, je pense alors que c'est en effet une excellente cause.
So part of the presentation details some of the flexibility that would be afforded to the commercial sector and to the distribution sector, and other parts indicate the kind of criteria the public service broadcasters would need to step up to in order to qualify for the foundation tier, but it's really about how we might go about making sure that what is distinct about us continues to be distinct about us. If the green space is a way of enhancing public space and entrenching that distinctiveness, then I think it's a good case.
  Comités de la Chambre d...  
Vous êtes président du Comité des 11 000 acres. Au Québec, l'UPA défend les zones agricoles, les zones vertes. Si jamais ces terres vous étaient rétrocédées, elles redeviendraient automatiquement zone agricole et il serait absolument impossible d'y faire du développement industriel, commercial ou résidentiel.
Mr. Mario Laframboise: Mr. Denis, earlier on some of my colleagues asked what would be done with the land. You are president of the Committee of 11,000 acres. In Quebec the UPA is a defender of agricultural zones, green zones. If ever this land were returned to you, it would automatically become an agricultural zone and it would be absolutely impossible to use it for industrial, commercial or residential development. I know that you farmers are always opposed to this kind of development. I know that is the case when cities want to make use of certain land to expand. You are always ready to defend farm land. What kind of situation would arise if ever this land were to be returned to you?