zones voisines – Englisch-Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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Keybot      67 Ergebnisse   48 Domänen  
La plate-forme est ouverte aux utilisateurs universitaires et industriels du Luxembourg et des zones voisines
The platform is open to academic as well as industrial users from Luxembourg and surrounding areas.  
Créé en 2009, ce modèle partait du principe que l'assise rocheuse sous-jacente à prédominance de schiste était recouverte d'une roche et d'un sol détritiques déposés par l'érosion progressive des zones voisines.
The original slope design for the pit wall of BHP Billiton Iron Ore (BHPBIO)’s Ore body 25 in the Pilbara, Western Australia, used a relatively simple geological model. Created in 2009, it assumed that underlying shale-dominated bedrock was overlain by detrital rock and soil deposited by the gradual erosion of nearby areas. A similarly simple hydrogeological model added information about groundwater flow.  
Créé en 2009, ce modèle partait du principe que l'assise rocheuse sous-jacente à prédominance de schiste était recouverte d'une roche et d'un sol détritiques déposés par l'érosion progressive des zones voisines.
The original slope design for the pit wall of BHP Billiton Iron Ore (BHPBIO)’s Ore body 25 in the Pilbara, Western Australia, used a relatively simple geological model. Created in 2009, it assumed that underlying shale-dominated bedrock was overlain by detrital rock and soil deposited by the gradual erosion of nearby areas. A similarly simple hydrogeological model added information about groundwater flow.  
19. Dans le cas des zones de desserte actuelles, la circonscription est définie comme l'unité de base pour l'administration et la fourniture du service téléphonique par une ESLT et cette notion englobe normalement les villes, les municipalités ou les villages et les zones voisines.
26. Stentor submitted that each LEC should provide the trunks required for traffic originating on its network and terminating on another carrier's network as each carrier should be responsible for the delivery of traffic originating from its customers to the local switches of all other carriers. Most other parties commenting on this issue, however, argued that any given pair of LECs should share equally the costs of interconnecting links. CCTA, for example, noted that in the current environment the point of interconnection (POI) between two LECs is at the territorial boundary between the two LECs or at some other agreed upon meet point. In either case, the two LECs share the cost of the interconnection facility. The Director submitted that the sharing of the costs of facilities between two interconnecting networks provides an incentive to cooperate in minimizing the costs of joint interconnection.  
Ces espèces sont généralement trouvées dans les zones infratidales, bien en deçà de la zone intertidale, et peuvent donc accumuler des biotoxines à des degrés différents de ceux contenus dans les bivalves intertidaux habitant les zones voisines.
The CFIA is also concerned about scallops and geoduck clams. These species are generally found sub-tidally, well below the intertidal zone, and they may accumulate biotoxins at different rates than intertidal bivalves in adjacent areas. Reasons for this may be that currents expose them to different amounts of the toxic phytoplankton during a bloom (can be greater or less) or they may be exposed to greater numbers of dormant cysts of the toxic dinoflagelates (e.g. Alexandrium catanella.) These cysts are a part of the algae's life cycle and they are found resting on the bottom in sediments. Strong currents or storms may resuspend them and they may then be ingested by filter feeding bivalves such as scallops or geoduck clams.  
La culture du cacao s’est tout d’abord étendue dans les zones voisines de l’habitat d’origine du cacaoyer : du Brésil et du Mexique vers l’Amérique centrale et les Caraïbes. Au XVIe siècle, les Espagnols ont introduit le cacao dans l’archipel indonésien ainsi qu’en Afrique occidentale, région qui produit aujourd’hui plus de la moitié de la récolte annuelle mondiale.
The soil has to be fairly loose and the climate humid. Temperatures must be between 18 and 30 degrees Celsius, with precipitation fairly constant and minimally 1,000 mms per annum. Cocoa trees must not receive too much sun, nor too much shade. Cocoa cultivation is possible up to about 1,000 metres above sea level, but most cocoa is grown below 300 metres.  
Seule la grande précision de régulation des systèmes SAUTER permet de réaliser des concepts avec étages de pression de 6 Pa par rapport aux zones voisines sans risque de contamination croisée. Il est possible ainsi de réaliser des installations complètes plus compactes étant donné qu’il n'est pas nécessaire de calculer des débits volumiques de fuites.
Only with the high control precision of the SAUTER systems is it possible to achieve concepts with pressure stages of 6 Pa with respect to bordering areas without the risk of cross contamination. Therefore, as a side effect, entire installations can be designed smaller, as no leak volume flows have to be calculated. This significantly lowers the investment and operating costs.  
Les zones à l'ombre des arbres peuvent être jusqu'à 5 °C (9 °F) plus fraîches que les zones voisines.
Reschedule or plan outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day.
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Veiller à ce que tout nouvel aménagement s’intègre bien aux zones voisines; est compatible avec les utilisations et aménagements voisins en termes de caractère et d’échelle; est axé sur le transport en commun et les piétons et respecte l’environnement naturel.
to ensure that development is well integrated with surrounding areas; is compatible with the adjacent uses and development in character and scale; is pedestrian and transit orientated; and is sensitive to the natural environment; and
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Les zones à l'ombre des arbres peuvent être jusqu'à 5 °C (9 °F) plus fraîches que les zones voisines.
Sunscreen and insect repellents can be used safely together. Apply the sunscreen first, then the insect repellent.  
Pour faire fonctionner le simulateur de vagues, on s’est servi d’un vent uniforme et tationnaire que l’on a soumis des perturbations de vitesse et de direction (au hasard), on a ensuite compare les fluctuations de la hauteur des vagues importantes, des périodes maxima et des directions moyennes aux perturbations données. On a trouve que la corrélation spécifique au site était trios dispersée e cause de l’advection d’énergie des zones voisines de la grille.
In the first set of tests the sensitivity of the model to errors in input wind fields was determined using synthetic input. On the basis of published information typical errors in wind speed were assumed to have a bias in the range of 2 to 6 knots and root mean square (RMS) error in the range of 4 to 10 knots. Errors in wind direction were assumed to have a bias of 25 to 40 degrees and RMS errors in the range of 25 to 50 degrees. Uniform stationary wind field with a random perturbation in speed and direction was used to drive the wave model and the fluctuations in the hindcast significant wave heights, peak periods and mean directions were compared against the input perturbations. Site specific correlation was found to have a large scatter due to advection of energy from neighbouring grid points. Where local input predominates, the error in significant wave height, expressed as percentage of the mean, was found to be approximately equal to the percent error in wind speed in accordance with empirical relationships for growing windseas.  
Les zones à l'ombre des arbres peuvent être jusqu'à 5 °C (9 °F) plus fraîches que les zones voisines.
Reschedule or plan outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day.  
Les résidents des zones voisines des sites proposés ont assisté en grand nombre à des assemblées publiques pour exprimer leurs inquiétudes quant à la protection de la valeur environnementale et esthétique des localités environnantes.
The search for new disposal sites was a lengthy and tedious process. Residents of areas adjacent to proposed sites attended public meetings in great numbers to express concerns about the preservation of environmental and aesthetic values in their communities. As a result of the public outcry, the province became committed to finding a new direction for solid waste management in New Brunswick.  
Pour faire fonctionner le simulateur de vagues, on s’est servi d’un vent uniforme et tationnaire que l’on a soumis des perturbations de vitesse et de direction (au hasard), on a ensuite compare les fluctuations de la hauteur des vagues importantes, des périodes maxima et des directions moyennes aux perturbations données. On a trouve que la corrélation spécifique au site était trios dispersée e cause de l’advection d’énergie des zones voisines de la grille.
In the first set of tests the sensitivity of the model to errors in input wind fields was determined using synthetic input. On the basis of published information typical errors in wind speed were assumed to have a bias in the range of 2 to 6 knots and root mean square (RMS) error in the range of 4 to 10 knots. Errors in wind direction were assumed to have a bias of 25 to 40 degrees and RMS errors in the range of 25 to 50 degrees. Uniform stationary wind field with a random perturbation in speed and direction was used to drive the wave model and the fluctuations in the hindcast significant wave heights, peak periods and mean directions were compared against the input perturbations. Site specific correlation was found to have a large scatter due to advection of energy from neighbouring grid points. Where local input predominates, the error in significant wave height, expressed as percentage of the mean, was found to be approximately equal to the percent error in wind speed in accordance with empirical relationships for growing windseas.  
En 1983 et 1984, on a cherché à déterminer les répercussions de ces traitements dans les placettes traitées de même que dans les zones tampons de chaque côté des placettes et on a aussi examiné trois des quatre placettes témoins établies en 1982. Il semblerait que le VPN se soit propagé aux zones voisines où une nette réduction de la population de la chenille a été observée.
Following aerial application of a Douglas-fir tussock moth, Orgyia pseudotsugata (McDunnough), nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) product called Virtuss on four plots in 1982, observations were made to determine the impact of these treatments in 1983 and 1984. Treated plots as well as buffer zones between and adjoining the treated plots, and three of the four check plots established in 1982, were monitored. The NPV appeared to have spread from the treated plots to adjoining areas in 1982, effectively reducing the Douglas-fir tussock moth population. This observation suggests that a strategy of spraying alternate swaths of Douglas-fir tussock moth infested stands with this viral insecticide may effectively initiate an epizootic that would control the population at a reduced cost.  
A la beauté populaire de la ville, Palerme joint la beauté de la nature des zones voisines (on trouve tout près la zone maritime protégée de Capo Gallo et de l’Isola delle Femmine) et qui sont le cadre de plages très appréciées.
The city of Palermo is surrounded by some beautiful natural areas, like the Marine Protected area of Capo Gallo and the Isola delle Femmine. There are also several nice beaches, like Mondello (the beach of the Palermitani), the postcard-perfect promenade of Cefalu and the lovely bays and coves of Ustica.
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La coopération transfrontalière couvre la coopération entre des zones voisines ou des régions maritimes d'étendue réduite (par exemple Allemagne-Pologne ou France-Royaume-Uni)
Cross-border cooperation covers cooperation in neighbouring small-scale land or maritime border regions (e.g. Germany-Poland or France-UK).  
24(8) S'il croit que l'utilisation de biens-fonds ou de bâtiments ou l'aménagement du territoire dans les zones voisines d'un aéroport existant ou proposé pourrait nuire au fonctionnement de celui-ci, le ministre peut, après consultation avec une commission ou un conseil, lui ordonner, par arrêté, de modifier le plan directeur adopté pour le rendre conforme au paragraphe 25(5).
24(7) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may, by order, approve the development plan or the amendment submitted under subsection (6). This order has the effect of enacting the development plan by-law or amending the existing development plan by-law as if it were enacted by the board or council under this Part.  
Les zones à l'ombre des arbres peuvent être jusqu'à 5 °C (9 °F) plus fraîches que les zones voisines.
Reschedule or plan outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day.  
Les différents systèmes d'observation mis en place pour le suivi biologique et les modélisations réalisées dans le projet ont surtout permis de décrire et de comprendre l'évolution, au cours du temps, des peuplements dans les AMP après des interdictions ou restrictions de pêche, et d'estimer les effets des AMP sur les zones voisines.
The biggest contribution made by the various observation systems used and by the modelling created was in describing and understanding the evolution of stocks in MCAs over time, following bans or restrictions on fishing, and in estimating the impact of MCAs on neighbouring zones.
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Description du projet : Ce projet a pour objectif de venir en aide aux communautés et villages des régions du nord et de l’est et des zones voisines touchées par le conflit ou les inondations en rétablissant leurs moyens de subsistance, en améliorant la production et les revenus agricoles, et en renforçant sur place les capacités dans l’optique d’un processus de réinsertion économique et social durable.
Program Description: The objective of the project is to help conflict- and/or flood-affected communities and villages in North, East, and the adjoining areas by restoring their livelihoods, enhancing agricultural production and incomes, and building their capacity for sustainable social and economic reintegration.
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Les cultures risquent de contenir des taux de résidus chimiques dépassant les maximums tolérés si, dans les zones voisines ou proches :
Crops could exceed their maximum residue limits for chemicals from adjacent or near-by areas due to:  
Les zones à l'ombre des arbres peuvent être jusqu'à 5 °C (9 °F) plus fraîches que les zones voisines.
Reschedule or plan outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day.
  2 Treffer  
Les zones à l'ombre des arbres peuvent être jusqu'à 5 °C (9 °F) plus fraîches que les zones voisines.
Sunscreen and insect repellents can be used safely together. Apply the sunscreen first, then the insect repellent.  
19. Dans le cas des zones de desserte actuelles, la circonscription est définie comme l'unité de base pour l'administration et la fourniture du service téléphonique par une ESLT et cette notion englobe normalement les villes, les municipalités ou les villages et les zones voisines.
26. Stentor submitted that each LEC should provide the trunks required for traffic originating on its network and terminating on another carrier's network as each carrier should be responsible for the delivery of traffic originating from its customers to the local switches of all other carriers. Most other parties commenting on this issue, however, argued that any given pair of LECs should share equally the costs of interconnecting links. CCTA, for example, noted that in the current environment the point of interconnection (POI) between two LECs is at the territorial boundary between the two LECs or at some other agreed upon meet point. In either case, the two LECs share the cost of the interconnection facility. The Director submitted that the sharing of the costs of facilities between two interconnecting networks provides an incentive to cooperate in minimizing the costs of joint interconnection.  
Il est particulièrement important d'avoir une puissance d'aspiration élevée lorsqu'il s'agit d'éviter l'absorption des réactifs liquides, par exemple lorsqu'on utilise un agent de blanchissage ou un agent de réduction pouvant avoir des effets nuisibles sur l'aspect des zones voisines de taches sur un textile relativement mince (Vuori et coll., 2000).
Textiles are subject to strong capillary forces that cause liquid to wick along the yarn. These forces increase as the twist of the yarn increases and as the diameter of the fibres in the yarn decreases. Therefore, to move solvent and stain through the fabric without allowing lateral movement of the liquid and the subsequent formation of tide lines, high levels of suction are required. Generally speaking, the minimum suction pressure to overcome capillarity is at least 8 in.Hg (27 kPa) (Michalski 1984). Much higher levels are required to afford good control of capillarity, and a suction pressure of approximately 15 in.Hg (50.8 kPa) is recommended. The higher level of suction is especially important when it is essential to prevent wicking of the liquid reagent, for example when using a bleach or reducing agent that adversely affects the appearance of areas adjacent to stains on a relatively thin textile (Vuori et al. 2000). Suction devices designed for treating paper or for washing textiles do not usually generate this high a level of suction.
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Les traces de cette ségrégation verticale ont disparu avec la revalorisation progressive des étages supérieurs (rénovations radicales et fusions de petits appartements, installations d’ascenseurs) et le changement de la physionomie sociale des habitants suite au départ des anciens résidents (gentrification) ou l’extension progressive des classes moyennes supérieures (embourgeoisement) dans des zones voisines.
Vertical social segregation is not an exclusive characteristic of Athens. It appears in the 19th and early 20th century in Paris and other cities of continental Europe with a different logic and a reverse social direction: affluent individuals lived in the lower floors and poorer in roof apartments. At the time, this form of segregation could be found in buildings without a lift that mainly housed the middle and upper-middle class. The traces of this form of vertical segregation have been erased as upper floors were upgraded (full renovations, connection of small apartments, addition of lifts) and the social character of their tenants has changed either through displacement (gentrification) or through gradual expansion of the upper-middle class (embourgeoisement) in neighbouring areas.  
Parmi les plus importantes, on compte le céraiste des champs et le galium sudeticum. Le céraiste des champs ne se trouve qu´ici et dans les zones voisines de la partie centrale de Slavkovský les (la forêt de Slavkov), entre Mnichov et Prameny (les Sources).
It is best accessible by bike in slightly frosty weather, when there is still no snow and the meadow is frozen and you do not have to flounder in the mud. On the other hand, you will not see the rare plant species, which grow in the surroundings of the rock cliff only in the season. The most significant wild flora species include mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium alsinifolium) and Sudeten bedstraw (Galium sudeticum).  
Laisser une bande suffisamment large entre la zone traitée et les zones voisines à protéger. Cette bande est plus ou moins large selon la technique employée (c.-à-d., pulvérisation par voie aérienne, par pulvérisateur à rampe ou par pulvérisateur à jet porté).
Hand labour tasks involve substantial worker contact with treated surfaces such as plants, plant parts or soil. Examples of these activities include planting, harvesting, pruning, detasseling, thinning, weeding, scouting, topping, sucker removal, mowing, roguing and packing produce into containers in the field or greenhouse. You can only do these tasks after the REI has passed. Hand labour generally does not include operating, moving or repairing irrigation or water equipment, except for hand-set irrigation.