zoo de vincennes – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Paris - Zoo de Vincennes
Paris - Shopping Centers
Zoo de Vincennes, Paris
28.6 x 20.6 cm
Le 7 juin, inauguration du Méla qui célèbre l'année de l'Inde. Monsieur Rajiv Gandhi, Premier ministre, offre un éléphanteau à Madame Mitterrand qui l'a légué au zoo de Vincennes.
June 7th, a "Mela" is inaugurated in celebration of the year of India.The country's Prime Minister offers Mrs. Mitterrand a young elephant for the occasion. She later gave the animal to the Vincennes Zoo.
  2 Hits kb.pushauction.com  
Zoo de Vincennes
Vincennes Zoo
  2 Hits www.sterf.org  
Frédérick, responsable technique-exploitation du Zoo de Vincennes ©Thierry Borredon
Under the tropical house heated to 25° all year-round ©Laurent Blossier
  4 Hits newmuz.kz  
A deux pas du Château et du Zoo de Vincennes. La Provence aux portes de Paris
Close to the Chateau and Zoo de Vincennes. Provence at the gates of Paris
Il est intéressant de noter que le troupeau de moutons de l’île Longue constitue le plus grand troupeau du monde de la race Bizet, originaire du Cantal… qui est menacée en France ! Un couple de mouflons de Corse venant du zoo de Vincennes a été introduit sur l’île Haute dans les années 50.
A flock of Bizet sheep surviving on Île Longue is the largest in the world of that race, originally from Cantal -a paradox because in France it is under threat! A couple of Corsican mouflons coming from the zoo at Vincennes was introduced to Île Haute in the 1950s. Ten reindeer from Sweden were introduced in 1955-56 on Île Haute. They escaped in 1981, by swimming over to Grande Terre. Now their population is an estimated 4000 head.
N'oublions pas les nombreuses possibilités en plein air : L'espace jeux du Parc Floral (parcours acrobatique, tables de ping pong...) est tout près du zoo de Vincennes et de l'Aquarium tropical de la porte Dorée.
There are also many open air visits to be done : "Parc Floral" (with an acrobatic ground and ping pong tables...) is next to the Vincennes zoo and the tropical Aquarium, Le Parc de la Vilette houses the "Cite des sciences", the "Geode" and the new "Musee de la Musique".
Zoo de Vincennes à 17 km,
Parc Astérix at 40 km.
Surplombant Ivry, la Manufacture des Oeillets, le zoo de Vincennes, le paysage ferroviaire, les monuments historiques de Paris, les différentes époques et typologies d’habitations qui forment un territoire élargi, les habitants seront conscients, nous l’espérons, non seulement du patrimoine de la ville qui se déroule sous leurs yeux, mais surtout des possibilités extraordinaires qui nous attendent dans le futur.
50 metres is an intermediate height, and it carries a pedagogical virtue. Living here allows people to understand and appreciate the vast richness of the urban tissue that makes up this fantastic city and also to be at the boundary between Paris and the Grand Paris. Overlooking Ivry, Vincennes zoo, the railway landscape, Paris’ historical monuments and the different types of residential buildings dating from different eras that form this large territory, we hope that the residents will not only be aware of the city’s heritage which unfolds before there eyes, but also of the fantastic opportunities that await.