zoologie – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot 18 Résultats  www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca
  CRSNG - Gerhard-Herzber...  
Peter Hochachka, professeur de zoologie à l'University of British Columbia, a profondément influencé la recherche en biologie en menant des études novatrices sur les différentes façons dont les animaux transforment les aliments et l'oxygène en énergie.
Peter Hochachka, zoology professor at the University of British Columbia, changed the course of biological research with his groundbreaking studies of the different ways in which animals convert food and oxygen into energy. This work made him the world's foremost researcher in adaptational physiology.
  CRSNG - Article percuta...  
Les lauréats viennent de toutes les régions du Canada et sont en tête de file dans leurs domaines respectifs, du génie électrique à l'informatique, jusqu'à la zoologie. Les prix soulignent non seulement l'excellence universitaire et l'excellence en recherche des candidats, mais également leur entregent, leurs habiletés en communication et leurs compétences en matière de leadership.
The winners hail from across Canada and are at the top of their respective fields, which range from electrical engineering to computer science to zoology. The prizes highlight their academic and research excellence, but also recognize their interpersonal and communication skills and their leadership abilities.
  CRSNG - Prix d'excellen...  
Le professeur Hall a obtenu un baccalauréat ès sciences (zoologie) en 1963 et un doctorat (zoologie) en 1969 à l'University of New England, à Armidale, en Australie. En 1968, le professeur Hall a déménagé à Halifax pour débuter sa carrière de professeur à la Dalhousie University, poste qu'il occupe maintenant depuis 34 ans.
Professor Hall received his B.Sc. (Zoology) in 1963 and his Ph.D. (Zoology) in 1969 from the University of New England, Armidale, Australia. In 1968, Dr. Hall moved to Halifax to begin his now 34-year-long career as a professor at Dalhousie University. Beginning as an assistant professor of biology, his roles at his new found professional home have included biology department chairman, a stint as a professor of physiotherapy (1989-92), two Killam Professorships (1990-1995 and 1996-2001), and, as of 2001, the university's George S. Campbell Professor of Biology. In July 2002, Dr. Hall became one of Dalhousie's first four University Research Professors.
  CRSNG - Howard-Alper - ...  
Dans le but de résoudre ce dilemme, Aneil Agrawal - qui se joindra au personnel du Département de zoologie de l'University of Toronto en qualité de professeur adjoint en juillet prochain - mène actuellement deux expériences visant à déterminer si le fait d'avoir un « mauvais » génotype favorise la recombinaison chez les organismes diploïdes.
To help solve this sexual quandary Dr. Agrawal - who'll start a position as an assistant professor in the Department of Zoology at the University of Toronto in July - is currently leading two experiments to examine whether having a "bad" genotype does in fact increase recombination in diploid organisms.
  CRSNG - Prix d'excellen...  
Le professeur Hall a reçu de nombreuses distinctions honorifiques canadiennes et internationales, y compris la médaille Fry de la Société canadienne de zoologie (1994) pour sa contribution exceptionnelle aux connaissances et à la compréhension dans un domaine de la zoologie.
Dr. Hall is the recipient of numerous Canadian and international honours, including the Fry Medal from the Canadian Society of Zoologists (1994) for outstanding contribution to knowledge and understanding in one area of zoology. In 1996, he received the International Craniofacial Biology Distinguished Scientist Award. Last year, the St. Petersburg (Russia) Society of Naturalists awarded him the Kowalevsky Medal, presented to the eight most distinguished scientists of the 20th century in comparative zoology and evolutionary embryology. Earlier this year he was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
  CRSNG - Prix d'excellen...  
Le professeur Hall a reçu de nombreuses distinctions honorifiques canadiennes et internationales, y compris la médaille Fry de la Société canadienne de zoologie (1994) pour sa contribution exceptionnelle aux connaissances et à la compréhension dans un domaine de la zoologie.
Dr. Hall is the recipient of numerous Canadian and international honours, including the Fry Medal from the Canadian Society of Zoologists (1994) for outstanding contribution to knowledge and understanding in one area of zoology. In 1996, he received the International Craniofacial Biology Distinguished Scientist Award. Last year, the St. Petersburg (Russia) Society of Naturalists awarded him the Kowalevsky Medal, presented to the eight most distinguished scientists of the 20th century in comparative zoology and evolutionary embryology. Earlier this year he was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
  CRSNG - Howard-Alper - ...  
Son expérience très élaborée - dans le cadre de laquelle il a construit un grand bassin qui lui a permis d'effectuer un suivi électronique des grenouilles selon un gradient de température - lui a valu le prix remis à un étudiant par la Société canadienne de zoologie en 1996 pour la meilleure innovation technique issue d'une expérience physiologique.
His intricate experimentation - it involved building a large animal chamber that allowed him to electronically monitor the frogs along a temperature gradient - earned him the Canadian Society of Zoology's 1996 student prize for the most innovative physiological technique.
  CRSNG - Prix du CRSNG p...  
M. Acorn est souvent invité à prendre la parole à des festivals, à des ateliers et à des conférences. En outre, il a remporté le prix d'éducation publique de 2006 de la Société canadienne de zoologie ainsi que le Carr Award for Promotion of Amateur Entomology de 2003.
Visitors to the Royal Tyrell Dinosaur Museum in Drumheller, Alberta, hear his animated voice in various videos. The museum also sponsors "Deep Alberta," a radio show written and hosted by Mr. Acorn that focuses on paleontology and natural history. He is often invited to speak at festivals, workshops and conferences, and won the 2006 Canadian Society of Zoologists Public Education Award as well as the 2003 Carr Award for Promotion of Amateur Entomology.
  CRSNG - Prix d'excellen...  
Le professeur Hall a obtenu un baccalauréat ès sciences (zoologie) en 1963 et un doctorat (zoologie) en 1969 à l'University of New England, à Armidale, en Australie. En 1968, le professeur Hall a déménagé à Halifax pour débuter sa carrière de professeur à la Dalhousie University, poste qu'il occupe maintenant depuis 34 ans.
Professor Hall received his B.Sc. (Zoology) in 1963 and his Ph.D. (Zoology) in 1969 from the University of New England, Armidale, Australia. In 1968, Dr. Hall moved to Halifax to begin his now 34-year-long career as a professor at Dalhousie University. Beginning as an assistant professor of biology, his roles at his new found professional home have included biology department chairman, a stint as a professor of physiotherapy (1989-92), two Killam Professorships (1990-1995 and 1996-2001), and, as of 2001, the university's George S. Campbell Professor of Biology. In July 2002, Dr. Hall became one of Dalhousie's first four University Research Professors.
  CRSNG - Communiqué de p...  
Toronto (Ontario), le 23 mai 2012 - L'honorable Gary Goodyear, ministre d'État aux Sciences et à la Technologie, et Suzanne Fortier, présidente du Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG), étaient à la University of Toronto aujourd'hui afin d'annoncer 3 750 nouveaux investissements importants dans des programmes de recherche et des bourses qui permettront d'enrichir les connaissances dans des domaines comme la botanique, la zoologie, la physique, les mathématiques et les sciences de la Terre.
Toronto, Ontario, May 23, 2012 — The Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State for Science and Technology, and Suzanne Fortier, President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), were at the University of Toronto today to announce over 3,750 significant, new investments in research programs and scholarships that will further our knowledge in fields such as botany, zoology, physics, mathematics, and Earth sciences.
  CRSNG - Cadre à l'inten...  
Société canadienne de zoologie
Canadian Society of Zoologists
  CRSNG - E.W.R. Steacie ...  
  CRSNG - Howard-Alper - ...  
Si vous cherchez un bel exemple d'un scientifique de haut vol, vous le trouverez chez Graham Scott, un chercheur au Département de zoologie de la University of British Columbia.
For what may be the best example of "high-flying science," one need look no further than Graham Scott, a researcher with the The University of British Columbia’s Department of Zoology.
  CRSNG - E.W.R. Steacie ...  
M. Day a surmonté sa crainte des mathématiques il y a longtemps, lorsqu'il a découvert les avantages des modèles mathématiques pendant qu'il faisait sa maîtrise en zoologie. De fait, il pensait suffisamment de bien des mathématiques pour choisir de faire son doctorat dans ce domaine.
Dr. Day conquered that fear long ago, becoming convinced about the benefits of mathematical models while doing his master's degree in zoology. In fact, he thought highly enough of mathematics to choose it for his doctoral degree. These days he spends much of his time developing models for such things as the evolution of organisms that cause various diseases or the public health strategies used to control those diseases, work that has earned him a 2008 NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship.
  CRSNG - Suppléments aux...  
Au moment de présenter votre demande de supplément de bourse, vous devez étudier ou avoir l'intention d'étudier dans une faculté universitaire qui vous offre la possibilité de participer à un projet de recherche directement lié à un domaine de la systématique, tel que la taxonomie, l'évolution, la biogéographie, la phylogenèse et la cristallochimie, dans les disciplines de la zoologie, de la botanique, de la paléontologie ou de la minéralogie.
At the time you apply for a scholarship supplement, you must be studying or planning to study in a university faculty that provides the opportunity to engage in a research project directly related to an area of systematics, such as taxonomy, evolution, biogeography, phylogeny and crystal chemistry, within the disciplines of zoology, botany, paleontology, or mineralogy.
  CRSNG - Howard-Alper - ...  
« Mes travaux ont toujours été motivés par le désir de comprendre comment les êtres vivants s'adaptent aux perturbations environnementales », a déclaré M. Tattersall, qui est titulaire d'une bourse postdoctorale au Département de zoologie de la University of British Colombia.
"My work has always been motivated by a desire to understand how organisms cope with environmental stress," says Tattersall, who's currently a postdoctoral fellow in the zoology department at the University of British Columbia.
  CRSNG - E.W.R. Steacie ...  
Quelle incidence une espèce particulière peut-elle avoir sur son milieu? Diane Srivastava, chercheuse du Département de zoologie à la University of British Columbia, explore la relation entre les espèces et leur écosystème.
How much of an impact can specific species have on their environments? Diane Srivastava, a researcher with The University of British Columbia's Department of Zoology, is exploring the relationship between species and their ecosystem. Her findings will shed significant light on the delicate balance of animals and their environments, and the far-reaching impacts of extinction.
  CRSNG - Prix d'excellen...  
Le professeur Hall a reçu de nombreuses distinctions honorifiques canadiennes et internationales, y compris la médaille Fry de la Société canadienne de zoologie (1994) pour sa contribution exceptionnelle aux connaissances et à la compréhension dans un domaine de la zoologie.
Dr. Hall is the recipient of numerous Canadian and international honours, including the Fry Medal from the Canadian Society of Zoologists (1994) for outstanding contribution to knowledge and understanding in one area of zoology. In 1996, he received the International Craniofacial Biology Distinguished Scientist Award. Last year, the St. Petersburg (Russia) Society of Naturalists awarded him the Kowalevsky Medal, presented to the eight most distinguished scientists of the 20th century in comparative zoology and evolutionary embryology. Earlier this year he was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.