zoologie – Englisch-Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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Société canadienne de zoologie
Canadian Society of Zoology
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B. Sc. (license de zoologie, spécialisé en Biologie de la Faune) (1979)
B. Sc. (Honours Zoology, major in Wildlife Biology) (1979)
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Ph.d (Zoologie) (1987)
Ph.d (Zoology) (1987)
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MSc Zoologie (2003)
MSc Zoology (2003)
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M. Sc. (Zoologie) (1982)
M. Sc. (Zoology) (1982)
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B.Sc. Zoologie (1980)
B.Sc. Zoology (1980)
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Ma formation académique est fondée sur la zoologie des invertébrés et en écologie expérimentale. Je souhaite explorer les conséquences fonctionnelles directes et indirectes de l’activité humaine dans l’environnement marin et utiliser cette information pour répondre aux questions d’écologie appliquée.
My academic training was in invertebrate zoology and experimental ecology. I am interested in exploring direct and indirect functional consequences of human activities in the marine environment and using this information to answer applied fishery-related and ecological questions. Current research areas include: • Invasive species • Marine invertebrate aquaculture • Ecosystem interactions
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M. Hume travaille au lac Cultus depuis 1987. Il est originaire de North Vancouver et a obtenu un baccalauréat en science en zoologie à l'université de la Colombie-Britannique en 1971. Après avoir enseigné pendant 2 ans au Botswana, pour le Service universitaire canadien outre-mer (SUCO), il a obtenu sa maîtrise en écologie aquatique avec le Dr T.G. Northcote de l'université de la Colombie-Britannique.
As a member of the Lakes Program Mr. Hume is investigating the community ecology of juvenile sockeye salmon in B.C. lakes. Our research is centered on determining the rearing capacity of sockeye nursery lakes throughout B.C. We have developed a rearing capacity model based on measures of primary productivity and modified by other parameters such as lake physical and chemical properties, zooplankton biomass and community structure, and limnetic fish populations. Currently, our program is collecting data from nursery lakes for use in this model. Mr. Hume's field work is concentrated on determining limnetic fish populations and structure through the use of hydroacoustics and mid-water trawling. As part of this program we are also involved in the assessment of lake enrichment projects, and are currently evaluating the recent fertilization of Chilko and Adams lakes in the Fraser River system. Mr. Hume has worked at Cultus Lake since 1987. He is originally from North Vancouver and completed a B.Sc. in Zoology at U.B.C. in 1971. After teaching with CUSO in Botswana for 2 years, he returned to U.B.C. and obtained a M.Sc. in aquatic ecology with Dr. T.G. Northcote. On graduating he spent 2 years at the Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, working on juvenile sockeye salmon. In 1979, Mr. Hume worked with the Fisheries Research and Development Section of the B.C. Ministry of Environment. While there he conducted a number of projects involving research into management related freshwater fishery problems. This included the development of new rainbow trout broodstocks for use in the provincial stocking program, a pilot study of small lake fertilization for trout enhancement; and a feasibility study of fry stocking as a steelhead enhancement technique.