zoome – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 45 Results  www.delsaautomazioni.it
  Bilan de la mission d’a...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer la carte au complet, dessinée à l’encre noire sur du papier bruni par le temps. La caméra zoome ensuite sur le côté droit du document, montrant le fleuve Saint-Laurent, la rivière des Outaouais et le tracé proposé du canal Rideau, ainsi que des voies navigables tertiaires.
Video of an historical map detailing the major waterways between Lake Ontario and Montréal. The video starts by showing the map in its entirety, drawn in black ink on paper browned with age. The view then zooms into the right hand side of the document that depicts the St. Lawrence River, the Ottawa River, and the proposed route of the Rideau Canal, with additional tertiary waterways. The words “Lake Ontario” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by a red dotted line that moves across the page from left to right and traces the route of the canal. The line ends at Montreal, with the word “Montreal” highlighted and enlarged. Video is 16 seconds in duration.
  Litiges immobiliers de ...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer une vue d’ensemble, puis la caméra zoome vers l’avant et se fixe sur la ladite propriété, tandis que les mots « The disputed ground, 98 acres more or less » (le terrain en litige, plus ou moins 98 acres) sont mis en relief.
Video of a map showing the property in question with the Nicholas Sparks dispute, dated April 22, 1845. Main roads are rendered in yellow, with the canal rendered in blue watercolour. The property is outlined in red ink. The video begins by showing an overview, then zooming in and focusing on the property itself, while the words “The disputed ground, 98 acres more or less” are highlighted and enlarged. The view then fades to black. Video is 15 seconds in duration.
  Postes militaires du Ha...  
Les postes militaires sont marqués par des points rouges, et la frontière est tracée à l’encre verte et violette. La caméra zoome ensuite sur le côté supérieur droit du document, tandis que les mots « River St. Lawrence » (fleuve Saint-Laurent) sont mis en évidence.
Video of an historical map marking military posts in the vicinity of the Canada-American border between Lake Ontario and Quebec City, dated November 14, 1840. The video begins by showing the map in its entirety, drawn in black ink with waterways in blue watercolour. Military posts are denoted with red dots, while the border is marked in green and purple ink. The view then zooms into the top right side of the document, while the words “River St. Lawrence” are highlighted and enlarged. The view then pans diagonally from right to left down the St. Lawrence River, past Montréal Island while the word “Montreal” is highlighted and enlarged, then stops at Lake Ontario where the word “Kingston” is highlighted and enlarged. A series of red dots then appear, fading in one by one, highlighting military posts along the route of the Rideau Canal, beginning at Kingston and culminating at Bytown. Video is 45 seconds in duration.
  Bâtiment de l’Intendanc...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer un tableau de la vallée d’accès, vue du nord-ouest vers le canal depuis le parc Major’s Hill; on voit le pont des Sapeurs, Barrack Hill, le débarcadère des bateaux à vapeur et les écluses de Bytown. La caméra zoome ensuite sur l’Intendance, un bâtiment de pierre rectangulaire à trois étages avec un toit à double pente en ardoise, des lucarnes et de grandes portes voûtées en bois.
Video of a watercolour of Entrance Valley, focusing on the Commissariat building, with a rendered 3D model of the same area. The video begins by showing a painting of Entrance Valley, looking southeast towards the canal from Major’s Hill Park, with Sappers Bridge, Barrack Hill, the steamboat launch, and the Bytown Locks visible. The view then zooms into the Commissariat building, a three storey rectangular stone building, with peaked slate roof, side dormers and large arched wooden doors. The building itself is slightly raised above the level of the locks, with a stone retaining wall. The view fades to a rendered 3D model of the same perspective and rotates around the building. Part of Upper Town can be seen over the crest of Barrack Hill, as well as part of the locks, showing winch machinery used to operate the sluice gates. As the view rotates further, it comes to rest facing down the length of the canal, with the Commissariat building to the left of the foreground, and both Entrance Valley and Lower Canada visible in the background. The view then fades to black. Video is 23 seconds in duration.
  Relier Bytown à Wrights...  
Vidéo de deux tableaux montrant des versions différentes du pont qui traverse la chute des Chaudières. Cette vidéo commence par montrer le pont original, peint à l’aquarelle, puis la caméra zoome sur une diligence solitaire qui le traverse en son centre.
Video of two paintings, depicting subsequent historical iterations of the bridge spanning Chaudière Falls. The video begins by showing the original bridge, rendered in watercolour, zoomed in on a solitary stagecoach crossing at its centre. The view then zooms out, revealing the entire span constructed of three gently curved timber trusses, painted white, and resting on solid limestone bluffs on either side of the falls. The view then fades to the second painting, also in watercolour, that shows the bridge as it was rebuilt in the 1840s. The view slowly zooms out to reveal the entire span, which is constructed of four heavy grey stone piers, with metal peaks, anchoring steel suspension cables that in turn support the roadway. The summer landscape beyond is visible, consisting of softly rolling hills extending to the horizon. This fades to black. Video is 23 seconds in duration.
  Pont des Sapeurs (Trans...  
Dans le coin inférieur droit, on aperçoit deux membres des Royal Engineers qui dessinent. La caméra zoome ensuite sur le pont des Sapeurs, avec les bâtiments de la basse ville à l’arrière-plan. On voit alors apparaître en fondu une photographie offrant une vue vers le sud-est en direction des berges du canal au niveau des yeux, montrant le pont des Sapeurs derrière un deuxième pont plus neuf.
Video of a watercolour painting of Sappers Bridge and a photograph of the same area. The video begins by showing the watercolour, looking from Barrack Hill southeast towards Sappers Bridge and down Rideau Street. The bridge is made of stone with a single arch spanning the canal. To the left, it crosses into Lower Town, with a series of steps leading down to the Bytown Locks. To the right it crosses into Upper Town, where a small arched gateway underneath the bridge admits a footpath that runs alongside the canal. A pair of Royal Engineers can be seen sketching in the bottom right of the scene. The view zooms in and focuses on Sappers Bridge, with the buildings of Lower Town visible beyond. The view then fades to a photograph, looking southeast down the bank of the canal at eye level, showing Sappers Bridge behind a newer, second span. A white transparency isolates the bridge, then dissolves to reveal a man sitting on one of the lock gates in suit and hat, while industrial buildings can be seen lining the canal through the archway of Sappers. The view then fades to black. Video is 20 seconds in duration.
  L’organisme Friends of ...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer le document au complet, écrit en lettres cursives à l’encre noire, puis la caméra zoome sur la partie supérieure de la page et descend vers le bas, tandis que les mots « Meeting of the Friends of Ireland, Bytown, Upper Canada » (réunion des Friends of Ireland, Bytown, Haut-Canada) sont mis en relief.
Video of the recorded minutes of a Friends of Ireland meeting. The video begins by showing the document in its entirety, written in cursive with black ink, then zooms to the top of the page and starts scrolling down, while the words “Meeting of the Friends of Ireland, Bytown, Upper Canada” are highlighted and enlarged. Further down, the words “adopting measures to aid the oppressed in Ireland” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “the cause of humanity, the cause of civil and religious liberty, the cause for which the cries of the world are raised.” The words “the collective voice of sympathy has not been heard in Bytown until this night” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind fades to white. The view then also fades to white. Video is 40 seconds in duration.
  Le développement de la ...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer la carte de Bytown au complet, dessinée à l’encre noire, montrant toutes les rues et les limites de terrain. La caméra zoome ensuite sur le secteur de la basse ville, et l’on voit apparaître en fondu une modélisation 3D du même secteur, vu du sud le long de la rue Sussex.
Video of an historical map of Bytown, dated December 4, 1842, a watercolour painting looking out over the canal from Barrack Hill to Lower Town, and a rendered 3D model of Lower Town itself. The video begins by showing the map of Bytown in its entirety, drawn in black ink demarking all streets and property boundaries. The view then zooms in to the area of Lower Town, and then fades to a rendered 3D model of the same area, looking north along Sussex Street. Visible to the right are several blocks of houses and shops, and the canal and Entrance Valley to the left. The view then sweeps around Upper Town in a clockwise motion, past the Notre Dame Basilica and back outwards across the canal. The view ends looking out from Barrack Hill to Lower Town, then fades to a watercolour painting of the same view. The Commissariat building and Ordnance Office can be seen at the bottom, including the canal. A white steamboat is floating in one of the locks, and a group of children watch its progress in the foreground from atop Barrack Hill. In the background, the expanse of Lower Town stretches out to the horizon on a summer day, with the Basilica clearly visible to the left. Kiln towers and various industrial buildings can be seen towards the right. The view slowly zooms in then fades to black. The Video is 50 seconds in duration.
  Emplacements proposés p...  
Les cours d’eau sont peints à l’aquarelle en bleu. La caméra zoome ensuite sur le coin supérieur droit du document, montrant le canal, la rivière des Outaouais et les principales rues de Bytown. Les mots « Chaudiere Falls » (chute des Chaudières) sont mis en relief, suivis du mot « Rideau », pour situer deux des principales chutes du secteur.
Video of a historical map detailing the canal route through Bytown, including the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers, with Dow’s Swamp and both Upper and Lower Town. The video begins by showing the map in its entirety, drawn in black ink, outlining all major concession lines, with land reserved for military purposes outlined in red. Waterways are rendered in blue watercolour. The view then zooms into the top right hand corner of the document, which depicts the canal, the Ottawa River, and the major streets of Bytown. The words “Chaudiere Falls” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the word “Rideau,” locating two of the major falls in the area. The view then zooms into the area immediately surrounding the eight locks and Barrack Hill, oriented towards the east. While still zooming in, the view fades to a rendered 3D model of the same area. Beginning with an aerial perspective, the view then spirals in, focusing on the eight locks. The view ends on a perspective looking south, showing the locks, Sappers Bridge, Barrack Hill and parts of both Upper and Lower Town, then fades to black. Video is 29 seconds in duration.
  Estimation des coûts de...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer le document au complet, rédigé à l’encre noire sur du papier bruni par le temps. Les mots « Abstract of the Estimate » (résumé de l’estimation) sont mis en relief; la caméra zoome ensuite sur le haut du document.
Video of an estimate of costs for the Rideau Canal, dated May 5, 1828 and prepared by Lt. Col. John By. The video begins by showing the document in its entirety, written in black ink on paper browned with age. The words “Abstract of the Estimate” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the view zooming into the top of the document. The view then begins scrolling down the page, while the words “Works at Entrance Bay, and from thence to” are highlighted and enlarged. The words “First Rapids on the Rideau, Section No. 11, 10465.15.4 ½” are highlighted and enlarged. The view stops scrolling, and the words “Total, £ 475200.7.2 ¾” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind fades to white. The view then also fades to white. Video is 35 seconds in duration.
  Litiges immobiliers de ...  
La caméra zoome sur le haut de la page et commence à descendre, tandis que les mots « To the Right Honourable and Honourable The Master General and Officers of Her Majesty’s Board of Ordnance » (au très honorable et honorable maître général et officiers du Board of Ordnance de Sa Majesté) sont mis en relief.
Video of a letter written by Peter Cornish to the Board of Ordnance, protesting the intersection of the Rideau Canal with his land, and his ensuing financial troubles. The video begins by showing the letter in its entirety, written in cursive with black ink. The view zooms to the top of the page and starts scrolling down, while the words “To the Right Honourable and Honourable The Master General and Officers of Her Majesty’s Board of Ordnance” are highlighted and enlarged. Further down, the words “compensation is claimed for a large quantity of oak timber” are highlighted and enlarged. The view then stops at the bottom of the page, and the words “Peter Cornish” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind fades to white. The view then also fades to white. Video is 30 seconds in duration.
  Visite des huit écluses...  
On voit alors apparaître en fondu un dessin du lieutenant-colonel John By montrant des plans et des coupes des huit écluses, en gris pâle et tracées à l’aquarelle en rouge et à l’encre noire. La caméra zoome sur un plan détaillant une porte et un pertuis types, puis revient en fondu sur une vue aérienne de la modélisation 3D, cette fois orientée vers la vallée d’accès du canal.
Video of a rendered 3D model of the eight locks, as well as drawings by Lt. Col. John By including plans and sections. The video begins in Entrance Valley, looking head-on along the line of the canal. The view pans forward over the locks, with the Ordnance Office on the left, the Commissariat building on the right, and Sappers Bridge centred on the horizon. Each lock gate is clearly visible, made of heavy timber. Details such as the sluice winches can also be seen. As the view moves forward and towards Sappers Bridge, the focus shifts downwards and transitions into an aerial perspective. The view then stops and fades to a drawing by Lt. Col. John By showing plans and sections of the eight locks, rendered in faded grey and red watercolour and black ink line work. The view zooms into a plan detailing a typical door and sluice layout, then fades back to an aerial perspective of the rendered 3D model, this time oriented looking down the canal to Entrance Valley. The view then swings around the locks, pausing again as it skirts the stone quarry. The view then fades to By's drawing, showing plans and sections of the eight locks. The view zooms into a typical longitudinal lock section, including sluice and door position, then fades back to the rendered 3D model. The view continues to rotate and zoom in, until it is looking upwards along the canal in the direction of Sappers Bridge, while one of the lock gates fills the frame. The view then fades back to the drawing, and zooms into a typical transverse lock section, showing low and high water levels in blue watercolour and with the dimensions in red ink. The view then fades to black. Video is 59 seconds in duration.
  Emplacements proposés p...  
Les cours d’eau sont peints à l’aquarelle en bleu. La caméra zoome ensuite sur le coin supérieur droit du document, montrant le canal, la rivière des Outaouais et les principales rues de Bytown. Les mots « Chaudiere Falls » (chute des Chaudières) sont mis en relief, suivis du mot « Rideau », pour situer deux des principales chutes du secteur.
Video of a historical map detailing the canal route through Bytown, including the Rideau and Ottawa Rivers, with Dow’s Swamp and both Upper and Lower Town. The video begins by showing the map in its entirety, drawn in black ink, outlining all major concession lines, with land reserved for military purposes outlined in red. Waterways are rendered in blue watercolour. The view then zooms into the top right hand corner of the document, which depicts the canal, the Ottawa River, and the major streets of Bytown. The words “Chaudiere Falls” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the word “Rideau,” locating two of the major falls in the area. The view then zooms into the area immediately surrounding the eight locks and Barrack Hill, oriented towards the east. While still zooming in, the view fades to a rendered 3D model of the same area. Beginning with an aerial perspective, the view then spirals in, focusing on the eight locks. The view ends on a perspective looking south, showing the locks, Sappers Bridge, Barrack Hill and parts of both Upper and Lower Town, then fades to black. Video is 29 seconds in duration.
  Les casernes de Bytown ...  
On voit la haute ville et la basse ville ainsi que Barrack Hill, le pont des Sapeurs, les écluses de Bytown et la vallée d’accès. La caméra zoome ensuite sur le secteur de Barrack Hill, et les mots « Barracks » (casernes) et « Hospital » (hôpital) sont mis en relief.
Video of an historical map detailing Upper and Lower Bytown, with rendered 3D model. The video begins by showing the map of Bytown, drawn with finely spaced black ink hatching on white paper. Upper and Lower Town are depicted as is Barrack Hill, Sappers Bridge, the Bytown Locks and Entrance Valley. We then zoom into the Barrack Hill area, where the words “Barracks” and “Hospital” are highlighted and enlarged. The view fades to a rendered 3D model of Barrack Hill, starting with an birds-eye perspective looking east. The three barrack buildings are visible, along with other structures on the Hill, the canal, and part of both Upper and Lower Town. The view then circles in clockwise, sweeping over Barrack Hill and coming to a stop at the crest, overlooking the Ottawa River to Lower Canada. The three barrack buildings are visible, each constructed of grey fieldstone with slate roofing, and surrounded by a covered porch. A cookhouse is also visible to the extreme right, also made of grey stone. Video is 28 seconds in duration.
  Déclaration des citoyen...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer le procès-verbal, de gauche à droite, qui comprend deux documents écrits à l’encre noire en lettres cursives. La lettre de droite disparaît dans un fondu au blanc, et la caméra zoome sur la lettre de gauche.
Video of a minutes document from a meeting of the inhabitants of Brockville, Upper Canada, in which the town expresses their support for Lt. Col. John By in advance of his upcoming trial back in Britain. The video begins by showing the minutes, comprising of two documents arranged left to right, and written in cursive black ink. The letter on the right fades to white, and the view zooms into the letter on the left. The words “Brockville Public Meeting” are highlighted and enlarged, while the view starts scrolling down the page. The words “called to the subject of the Rideau Canal” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “the Rideau Canal is a grand consummation of British enterprise.” The words “the rapid accomplishment of that stupendous and difficult undertaking is mainly attributable to the indefatigable industry and persevering exertions of Lieutenant Colonel By,” while the letter behind fades to white. The view then fades to show both documents. The letter on the left fades to white, and the view zooms into the letter on the right. The words “although this Town may not expect to derive any direct profit” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “its Inhabitants as Loyal Subjects.” The words “Therefore, that the thanks of the Inhabitants of this Town are justly due, and are now tendered to Colonel By” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind fades to white, followed by the view fading to white. Video is 60 seconds in duration.
  Les Sœurs de la Charité...  
La caméra zoome ensuite sur la partie supérieure de la page et commence à descendre, tandis que les mots « Fellow- Countrymen.. I have been accused of having voted against the Sisters of Charity » (compatriotes.. j’ai été accusé d’avoir voté contre les Sœurs de la Charité) sont mis en évidence.
Video of an open address from Daniel O’Connor, dated December 15, 1847, to the Irish Catholic community of Bytown. The video begins by showing the document in its entirety, in black type font. The view then zooms to the top of the page and starts scrolling down, while the words “Fellow- Countrymen... I have been accused of having voted against the Sisters of Charity” are highlighted and enlarged. Further down, the words “I have also been accused of turning Protestant, and of having abandoned the Religion of my Fathers” are highlighted and enlarged. The words “as the Board did not contract one shilling of debt from the Sisters of Charity” are then also highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “the Board did not assume their account, and not through any ill feeling.” Further down, the words “Had I thought for a moment this was the case, I would no more sign the Report than I would cut my right hand off” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “I remain, Fellow-Countrymen, Your devoted friend, Daniel O’Connor” while the letter behind fades to white. The view then also fades to white. Video is 47 seconds in duration.
  À la défense de By (Tra...  
Les deux documents sont écrits en lettres cursives, à l’encre noire. Le document de droite disparaît dans un fondu au blanc, et la caméra zoome sur celui de gauche. Les mots « Montreal, 6th octobre 1832 » (Montréal, 6 octobre 1832) sont mis en relief, et la caméra commence à descendre vers le bas de la page.
Video of an address from the Committee of Trade of Montréal, dated October 6, 1832, expressing their support for Lt. Col. John By in advance of his upcoming trial back in Britain. The video begins by showing both documents, a cover letter from the Chairman and the address itself, from left to right. Both are written in cursive black ink. The letter on the right fades to white, and the view zooms into the letter on the left. The words “Montreal, 6th October 1832” are highlighted and enlarged, while the view starts scrolling down the page. The words “an Address from the Committee of Trade and Merchants of Montreal” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “before your departure from Quebec.” The words “desirous of evincing to you the high opinion they entertain of the ability with which you have conducted the work in question” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind fades to white. The view then fades to show both documents. The letter to the right fades to white, and the view zooms into the letter on the right. The word “Sir” is highlighted and enlarged, while the view starts scrolling down the page. The words “the Rideau Canal... cannot fail of greatly advancing the Commercial Prosperity of these Provinces” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “The Work itself will be an imperishable monument, as well of the Glory of that great Nation to which we belong, as to your Name and Fame.” The letter behind fades to white, followed by the view fading to white. Video is 60 seconds in duration.
  Lettres de By au Board ...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer les trois documents, de gauche à droite, écrits à l’encre noire en lettres cursives. Les lettres du centre et de droite disparaissent en fondu, et la caméra zoome sur la lettre de gauche.
Video of a series of three letters of correspondence between the British Office of Ordnance and Lt. Col. John By. The video begins by showing all three documents, placed left to right, written in cursive black ink. The centre and right side letters fade out, and the view zooms to the letter on the left. The words “Office of Ordnance, 24th June 1826” are highlighted and enlarged, while the view starts scrolling down the page. The words “Instructions for the proceeding of the Rideau Canal” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind slowly fades to white. The view then fades to show all three documents. The left and right side letters fade out, and the view zooms to the letter in the centre. The words “Montreal, 13th July 1826, Recd. 28th August” are highlighted and enlarged, while the view starts scrolling down the page. The words “forming a steamboat navigation from the River St. Lawrence to the various Lakes; would at once deprive the Americans of the means of attacking Canada” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind slowly fades to white. The view then fades back to show all three documents. The left and centre letters fade out, and the view zooms to the letter on the right. The words “Rideau Canal, 1st November 1827” are highlighted and enlarged, while the view starts scrolling down the page. The words “I have commenced the building of three Locks” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind slowly fades to white. The words then also fade to white. Video is 60 seconds in duration.
  Lettres de By au Board ...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer les trois documents, de gauche à droite, écrits à l’encre noire en lettres cursives. Les lettres du centre et de droite disparaissent en fondu, et la caméra zoome sur la lettre de gauche.
Video of a series of three letters of correspondence between the British Office of Ordnance and Lt. Col. John By. The video begins by showing all three documents, placed left to right, written in cursive black ink. The centre and right side letters fade out, and the view zooms to the letter on the left. The words “Office of Ordnance, 24th June 1826” are highlighted and enlarged, while the view starts scrolling down the page. The words “Instructions for the proceeding of the Rideau Canal” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind slowly fades to white. The view then fades to show all three documents. The left and right side letters fade out, and the view zooms to the letter in the centre. The words “Montreal, 13th July 1826, Recd. 28th August” are highlighted and enlarged, while the view starts scrolling down the page. The words “forming a steamboat navigation from the River St. Lawrence to the various Lakes; would at once deprive the Americans of the means of attacking Canada” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind slowly fades to white. The view then fades back to show all three documents. The left and centre letters fade out, and the view zooms to the letter on the right. The words “Rideau Canal, 1st November 1827” are highlighted and enlarged, while the view starts scrolling down the page. The words “I have commenced the building of three Locks” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind slowly fades to white. The words then also fade to white. Video is 60 seconds in duration.
  L’expansion de la haute...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer la carte de Bytown, tracée à l’encre noire, où les bâtiments sont marqués en gris ombragé. La caméra zoome ensuite sur la haute ville, montrant la rue Wellington, des numéros de propriété et le tracé de l’emplacement de bâtiments.
Video of a map of Upper Town, dated April 25, 1845, a painting looking from Barrack Hill southwest to Wellington Street, and a rendered 3D model of the area. The video begins by showing the map of Bytown in its entirety, in black ink with buildings marked in shaded grey. The view then zooms in and focuses on Upper Town, showing Wellington Street, property lot numbers, and building footprints. The view then fades to an aerial perspective of a rendered 3D model of the same area, looking north. While sweeping in a clockwise rotation around Upper Town, the view shows numerous buildings, built of stone and wood, on a bluff overlooking the Ottawa River. The view then swings around to face west, fading to a watercolour of the same perspective. Part of Barrack Hill is visible, on a summer’s day, with Bytown stretching out in the background. Lumber rafts can be seen floating in the Ottawa River, and the suspension cables of Union bridge can be seen spanning Chaudière Falls. The view then fades back to the rendered 3D model, which swings counter-clockwise around Upper Town again, this time to face north down Wellington Street. The view moves up the streetscape, just above the level of wood and slate rooftops, and stops just as Barrack Hill and the hospital come into view on the left. The view then fades to a watercolour painting, revealing a row of two- and three-storey wood clad buildings along Wellington Street. Sidewalks made of boards are visible, as is a hotel sign to the bottom right, and a stagecoach with horse. The view then zooms in, focusing on the row of building immediately adjacent to Barrack Hill. A woman can be seen walking along Wellington Street, while the hospital is visible in the background. The view then fades to black. Video is 59 seconds in duration.
  Le développement de la ...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer la carte de Bytown au complet, dessinée à l’encre noire, montrant toutes les rues et les limites de terrain. La caméra zoome ensuite sur le secteur de la basse ville, et l’on voit apparaître en fondu une modélisation 3D du même secteur, vu du sud le long de la rue Sussex.
Video of an historical map of Bytown, dated December 4, 1842, a watercolour painting looking out over the canal from Barrack Hill to Lower Town, and a rendered 3D model of Lower Town itself. The video begins by showing the map of Bytown in its entirety, drawn in black ink demarking all streets and property boundaries. The view then zooms in to the area of Lower Town, and then fades to a rendered 3D model of the same area, looking north along Sussex Street. Visible to the right are several blocks of houses and shops, and the canal and Entrance Valley to the left. The view then sweeps around Upper Town in a clockwise motion, past the Notre Dame Basilica and back outwards across the canal. The view ends looking out from Barrack Hill to Lower Town, then fades to a watercolour painting of the same view. The Commissariat building and Ordnance Office can be seen at the bottom, including the canal. A white steamboat is floating in one of the locks, and a group of children watch its progress in the foreground from atop Barrack Hill. In the background, the expanse of Lower Town stretches out to the horizon on a summer day, with the Basilica clearly visible to the left. Kiln towers and various industrial buildings can be seen towards the right. The view slowly zooms in then fades to black. The Video is 50 seconds in duration.
  Militaires tués sur le ...  
On voit d’abord la liste au complet, puis la caméra zoome sur le haut de la page et commence à descendre, tandis que le titre « Names of Men who have been Killed or Drowned while on Duty or otherwise » (nom des hommes qui se sont tués ou noyés au travail ou autrement) est mis en relief.
Video of a document detailing the deaths of British soldiers, in type black font. The view begins by showing the list in its entirety, then zooms to the top of the page and starts scrolling down, while the title “Names of Men who have been Killed or Drowned while on Duty or otherwise” is highlighted and enlarged. Further down, the words “James Masters, Rideau Canal, Canada, Killed, By being blown up whilst blasting rock” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “Thomas Duffy, Rideau Canal, Canada, Killed, By blasting in a quarry” and “James Simmons, Rideau Canal, Canada, Killed, By being blown up in a quarry.” The words “William Gunn, Rideau Canal, Canada, Drowned” are then highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind fades to white. The view then also fades to white. Video is 32 seconds in duration.
  Visite des huit écluses...  
On voit alors apparaître en fondu un dessin du lieutenant-colonel John By montrant des plans et des coupes des huit écluses, en gris pâle et tracées à l’aquarelle en rouge et à l’encre noire. La caméra zoome sur un plan détaillant une porte et un pertuis types, puis revient en fondu sur une vue aérienne de la modélisation 3D, cette fois orientée vers la vallée d’accès du canal.
Video of a rendered 3D model of the eight locks, as well as drawings by Lt. Col. John By including plans and sections. The video begins in Entrance Valley, looking head-on along the line of the canal. The view pans forward over the locks, with the Ordnance Office on the left, the Commissariat building on the right, and Sappers Bridge centred on the horizon. Each lock gate is clearly visible, made of heavy timber. Details such as the sluice winches can also be seen. As the view moves forward and towards Sappers Bridge, the focus shifts downwards and transitions into an aerial perspective. The view then stops and fades to a drawing by Lt. Col. John By showing plans and sections of the eight locks, rendered in faded grey and red watercolour and black ink line work. The view zooms into a plan detailing a typical door and sluice layout, then fades back to an aerial perspective of the rendered 3D model, this time oriented looking down the canal to Entrance Valley. The view then swings around the locks, pausing again as it skirts the stone quarry. The view then fades to By's drawing, showing plans and sections of the eight locks. The view zooms into a typical longitudinal lock section, including sluice and door position, then fades back to the rendered 3D model. The view continues to rotate and zoom in, until it is looking upwards along the canal in the direction of Sappers Bridge, while one of the lock gates fills the frame. The view then fades back to the drawing, and zooms into a typical transverse lock section, showing low and high water levels in blue watercolour and with the dimensions in red ink. The view then fades to black. Video is 59 seconds in duration.
  La planification du tra...  
Les mots « Plan of the Line of the Rideau Canal, Lt. Col By, Commanding Royal Engineer » (plan du tracé du canal Rideau du lieutenant-colonel John By, commandant des Royal Engineers) sont mis en relief, tandis qu’une ligne pointillée rouge traverse le tracé du canal sur toute sa longueur, de gauche à droite. La caméra zoome ensuite sur le côté gauche du document et se fixe sur le lac Ontario et Kingston.
Video of an historical map detailing the route of the Rideau Canal from Lake Ontario to the Ottawa River, by Lt. Col. John By, dated February 5, 1829. The video begins by showing the map in its entirety, drawn in faded black ink, with all waterways rendered in a blue watercolour wash. Also depicted at the bottom left is a section drawing showing relative heights for each lock station, and on the bottom left is a cost estimate chart for each portion of the canal. The words “Plan of the Line of the Rideau Canal, Lt. Col By, Commanding Royal Engineer” are highlighted and enlarged, while a red dotted line traverses the entire length of the canal route, from left to right. The view then zooms to the left hand side of the document, focusing on Lake Ontario and Kingston. The view then pans slowly along the canal route, with all major lakes, waterways and roads. Lock stations are denoted in red ink. The view ends at the right hand side of the document, focusing on Bytown and the Ottawa River, then fades to black. Video is 40 seconds in duration.
  Les casernes de Bytown ...  
On voit la basse ville à l’arrière-plan et la vallée d’accès tout à fait à gauche. En un lent mouvement en sens antihoraire, la caméra contourne Barrack Hill, se porte sur les casernes puis zoome sur la structure du centre.
Video of a 3D rendered model of Barrack Hill, and a set of architectural drawings for a typical barrack building. The video begins with an aerial perspective looking east out over the Hill, showing three barracks, a stable, cookhouse, guardhouse, and hospital. Lower Town is visible in the background, and Entrance Valley can be seen to the far left. The view then circles slowly counter-clockwise around Barrack Hill, focusing on the barracks, then zooms in head-on to frame the centre structure. The typical barrack is a two-storey building made of stone, with a slate hip roof and dormers. A series of evenly spaced windows run around the ground level, which is covered by a covered porch. The main door is located squarely in the middle of the facade. The view then fades to an architectural elevation, section, and plan view of the building, drawn in black ink, with dimensions, and detailing interior partitions, window placements, and wall thicknesses. The view then fades to black. Video is 36 seconds in length.
  Les rues de Bytown (Tra...  
Les mots « Plan of Bytown with its limits shewing the exact situation of every street and lot » (plan de Bytown et ses limites, montrant l’emplacement exact de chaque rue et terrain) sont mis en évidence. La caméra zoome ensuite sur les abords de Barrack Hill, puis l’aquarelle apparaît en fondu, avec l’hôpital en point de mire.
Video of an historical map of Bytown, dated December 4, 1842, and a watercolour painting of Upper Town, looking along Wellington Street and up towards Barrack Hill. The video begins by showing the map of Bytown in its entirety, drawn in black ink demarking all streets and property boundaries. The words “Plan of Bytown, Shewing the exact Situation of every Street and Lot” are highlighted and enlarged. The view then zooms into the area surrounding Barrack Hill, and fades to the watercolour painting, focused in on the hospital. The view then slowly zooms out, revealing a row of two- and three-storey wood clad buildings along Wellington Street. Sidewalks made of boards are visible, as is a hotel sign to the bottom right, and a stagecoach with horse. The view then fades to black. Video is 25 seconds in duration.
  Un récit à propos de la...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer la page titre et une page de texte, côté à côte, de gauche à droite. La page de texte disparaît dans un fondu au blanc, et la caméra zoome sur la page titre. Les mots « By John McTaggart, Civil Engineer in the Service of the British Government » (par John McTaggart, ingénieur civil au service du gouvernement britannique) sont mis en relief.
Video of an excerpt from a book by John McTaggart, entitled “Three Years in Canada” and published in 1829. The video begins by showing the title page and a selected page of text, side by side from left to right. The page of text fades to white, and the view zooms into the title page. The words “By John McTaggart, Civil Engineer in the Service of the British Government” are highlighted and enlarged. The view then fades back to show both pages. The title page then fades to white, and the view zooms into the selected page of text. As the view starts scrolling down the page, the words “we have to wander in the wilderness amongst swamps” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “The Fever and Ague of Canada... generally come on with an attack of bilious fever.” Further down the page, the words “yellow jaundice is likely to ensue, and then fits of trembling” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “the skin gets dry, and then the shaking begins. Our very bones ache, teeth chatter, and the ribs are sore, continuing thus in great agony” as the letter behind fades to white. The view then also fades to white. Video is 43 seconds in duration.
  Dessin des écluses de B...  
Les bâtiments militaires sont marqués en rouge, et une coupe des écluses monte vers le haut de la page, de droite à gauche. La caméra zoome ensuite sur la partie supérieure de la page, tandis que les mots « Locks, Contingent Works&c at The Entrance Valley, £65,198.12.7 » sont mis en évidence.
Video of a drawing and letter by Lt. Col. John By, dated May 5, 1828, listing cost estimates for the Bytown Locks, the first eight locks of Rideau Canal. The video begins by showing a map of the eight locks, Commissariat Building, Ordnance Office, Barrack Hill, and Sappers Bridge, rendered in watercolour. Military buildings are marked in red, and a section view through the locks steps up across the top of the page from right to left. The view then zooms into the top of the page, while the words “Locks, Contingent Works &c at The Entrance Valley, £65,198.12.7” are highlighted and enlarged. The view then fades to an accompanying letter, written in cursive with black ink, and zooms to the top of the document. The words “Remark’s on the Works at the Entrance Valley” are highlighted and enlarged, while the view scrolls down the page. The words “The 8 locks are of 10 ft lift each” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “the first 8 Locks have been estimated much higher than other portions.” Further down, the words “The Store-house on the West side of the Valley is intended for the Commissary Dept” are highlighted and enlarged, while the letter behind fades to white. The view then also fades to white. Video is 43 seconds in duration.
  Wrightsville (Transcrip...  
La lumière qui baigne le sujet fait un grand contraste avec le fond austère, brun foncé. La caméra zoome ensuite sur le visage de Wright, un homme aux cheveux gris courts et coiffés vers l’arrière, des traits fins et des yeux bruns.
Video of an oil portrait of Philemon Wright, founder of Wrightsville, and a watercolour painting of the town itself. The video begins by showing the portrait of Wright, who is dressed in a black, collared jacket with white silk cravat. The subject is lit in high contrast, illuminated against a stark, dark brown background. The view then zooms in and focuses on Wright’s face, showing a man with greyed hair cut close and combed back, with well-defined features and brown eyes. The view then fades to a painting of Wrightsville, rendered in watercolour. The view is looking southeast, with several mill buildings visible in the foreground, and Chaudière Falls to the right. Part of the bridge to Upper Canada is visible, with a horse-drawn cart about to cross, while two pedestrians stroll down the footpath which runs across the scene. The view then zooms into the right side of the painting, focusing on a saw-mill and a scattering of commercial buildings. The view then fades to black. Video is 20 seconds in duration.
  Un récit à propos de la...  
Cette vidéo commence par montrer la page titre et une page de texte, côté à côte, de gauche à droite. La page de texte disparaît dans un fondu au blanc, et la caméra zoome sur la page titre. Les mots « By John McTaggart, Civil Engineer in the Service of the British Government » (par John McTaggart, ingénieur civil au service du gouvernement britannique) sont mis en relief.
Video of an excerpt from a book by John McTaggart, entitled “Three Years in Canada” and published in 1829. The video begins by showing the title page and a selected page of text, side by side from left to right. The page of text fades to white, and the view zooms into the title page. The words “By John McTaggart, Civil Engineer in the Service of the British Government” are highlighted and enlarged. The view then fades back to show both pages. The title page then fades to white, and the view zooms into the selected page of text. As the view starts scrolling down the page, the words “we have to wander in the wilderness amongst swamps” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “The Fever and Ague of Canada... generally come on with an attack of bilious fever.” Further down the page, the words “yellow jaundice is likely to ensue, and then fits of trembling” are highlighted and enlarged, followed by the words “the skin gets dry, and then the shaking begins. Our very bones ache, teeth chatter, and the ribs are sore, continuing thus in great agony” as the letter behind fades to white. The view then also fades to white. Video is 43 seconds in duration.
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