zooms avant – Englisch-Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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La Terre tourne. Zooms avant et arrière rapides – disparition progressive.
Earth spinning and zooming in and out quickly. Fade-out
Une inquiétante étrangeté s’empare imperceptiblement de l’image, accentuée par le trouble d’une perspective sans point de vue et une bande-son composée de témoignages et d’enregistrements anonymes. Les zooms avant et arrière deviennent de cruelles opérations de distanciation, nourrissant une angoisse diffuse.
On the sea, an average (in French, avarie) is both the time needed for repairing a boat and the loss of one of its parts. It is both a latency and a crisis, as seen in this film made from three dilated minutes of YouTube video. From a distance, we follow what seems to be a migrant vessel floating adrift. Disquieting strangeness subtly takes over the image, heightened by a perspective without a point of view and an audio track composed of anonymous testimonials and recordings. Zooming in, zooming out: simple changes of perspective become cruel distancing devices, feeding into generalized anxiety. We gradually come to understand that the real subject is our obsession with contextualizing images as a way of justifying forgetting about them, hiding the nightmares we do not know how to watch.
Ce site interactif vous permet de créer des cartes de distribution de points correspondants à des coordonnées de longitude et de latitude de votre choix (en format décimal). Il est possible de faire des zooms avant, des zooms arrière ou de recentrer les cartes produites à volonté.
The Generic Point Mapper is useful for cleaning geographic coordinates or checking suspicious outliers. This website allows you to upload your own longitude and latitude coordinates in decimal degrees and create a dynamic map. The map will zoom in, zoom out, recenter (pan) and allow you to query the dots (if you associate a web address with the dots). Using your left mouse button you can drag a bounding box and zoom in. Click here a full explanation on using this mapping application.
La Terre tourne. Zooms avant et arrière rapides – disparition progressive.
Earth spinning and zooming in and out quickly. Fade-out
MapPoint représente les territoires par département, puis effectue des zooms avant et centre votre carte sur les territoires. Le volet Légende et carte de localisation qui s'ouvre à gauche de la carte indique la couleur attribuée au territoire de chaque commercial.
MapPoint maps the territories by county and then zooms in and centres your map on the territories. The Legend and Overview task pane opens to the left of the map, showing the colour assigned to each sales representative's territory.
Pendant tout ce temps, le système affiche un rectangle rouge qui s'allonge ou rapetisse à mesure que vous vous éloignez ou vous vous rapprochez du point de départ. Lorsque vous relâchez le bouton de la souris, la zone comprise dans le rectangle est la zone qui fera l'objet des zooms avant.
Click the "Zoom in" tool and using the map interface you simply click and while continuing to hold down the right hand mouse key move your mouse around your area of interest. A red rectangle will form as you do this - extending and shrinking as you move your cursor from and towards the point. When you release the mouse button the area enclosed by the rectangle will be the area of zoom. To zoom out select the "Zoom Out" tool and repeat the same steps.
Pendant tout ce temps, le système affiche un rectangle rouge qui s'allonge ou rapetisse à mesure que vous vous éloignez ou vous vous rapprochez du point de départ. Lorsque vous relâchez le bouton de la souris, la zone comprise dans le rectangle est la zone qui fera l'objet des zooms avant.
Click the "Zoom in" tool and using the map interface you simply click and while continuing to hold down the right hand mouse key move your mouse around your area of interest. A red rectangle will form as you do this - extending and shrinking as you move your cursor from and towards the point. When you release the mouse button the area enclosed by the rectangle will be the area of zoom. To zoom out select the "Zoom Out" tool and repeat the same steps.
Une inquiétante étrangeté s’empare imperceptiblement de l’image, accentuée par le trouble d’une perspective sans point de vue et une bande-son composée de témoignages et d’enregistrements anonymes. Les zooms avant et arrière deviennent de cruelles opérations de distanciation, nourrissant une angoisse diffuse.
On the sea, an average (in French, avarie) is both the time needed for repairing a boat and the loss of one of its parts. It is both a latency and a crisis, as seen in this film made from three dilated minutes of YouTube video. From a distance, we follow what seems to be a migrant vessel floating adrift. Disquieting strangeness subtly takes over the image, heightened by a perspective without a point of view and an audio track composed of anonymous testimonials and recordings. Zooming in, zooming out: simple changes of perspective become cruel distancing devices, feeding into generalized anxiety. We gradually come to understand that the real subject is our obsession with contextualizing images as a way of justifying forgetting about them, hiding the nightmares we do not know how to watch.
Une inquiétante étrangeté s’empare imperceptiblement de l’image, accentuée par le trouble d’une perspective sans point de vue et une bande-son composée de témoignages et d’enregistrements anonymes. Les zooms avant et arrière deviennent de cruelles opérations de distanciation, nourrissant une angoisse diffuse.
On the sea, an average (in French, avarie) is both the time needed for repairing a boat and the loss of one of its parts. It is both a latency and a crisis, as seen in this film made from three dilated minutes of YouTube video. From a distance, we follow what seems to be a migrant vessel floating adrift. Disquieting strangeness subtly takes over the image, heightened by a perspective without a point of view and an audio track composed of anonymous testimonials and recordings. Zooming in, zooming out: simple changes of perspective become cruel distancing devices, feeding into generalized anxiety. We gradually come to understand that the real subject is our obsession with contextualizing images as a way of justifying forgetting about them, hiding the nightmares we do not know how to watch.