zoonotique – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 2 Results  parl.gc.ca
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Paul Sockett, directeur, Division des questions en matière d'environnement, Centre des maladies infectieuses d'origine alimentaire, environnementale et zoonotique (Agence de la Santé publique du Canada)
Paul Sockett, Director, Environmental Issues Division, Centre for Food-borne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (Public Health Agency of Canada)
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La découverte récente d'un lien possible entre la maladie humaine et les maladies animales—ESB, encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine—a fait apparaître la possibilité d'un lien zoonotique dans cette catégorie de maladies.
The recent identification of a potential link between human disease and animal disease—BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy—has opened the potential for a zoonotic connection in this class of diseases. Also, within the last year, the containment status of the organism has been upgraded to level 3, where it was level 2 before. This provides the opportunity now in this facility, which does have this bio-containment, to have work done from both the human side and the animal side, collectively and cooperatively, in this facility.