zootechnie – Englisch-Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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  Pomar, Candido, Ph.D. -...  
Membre de la Société Canadienne de Zootechnie (Canadian Journal of Animal Science)
Member, Canadian Society of Animal Science (Canadian Journal of Animal Science)
  Pomar, Candido, Ph.D. -...  
Éditeur associé du Journal canadien de zootechnie
Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Animal Science
  Conseil Consultatif des...  
M. Zhao, Ph.D. , est professeur à temps plein au département de zootechnie à l'Université McGill et joue un rôle important dans la formation des étudiants de premier cycle. Ses recherches sont axées sur la mastite bovine et les probiotiques et prébiotiques pour la volaille.
Dr. Zhao is a professor in the Department of Animal Science at McGill University. He is an animal physiologist and his research is focused on the interaction between pathogenic bacteria and host.
  Conseil Consultatif des...  
M. Zhao a débuté sa carrière en agriculture en Chine, où il a obtenu un baccalauréat en zootechnie en 1982 et une maîtrise en physiologie et biochimie de la nutrition de l'Université agricole de Nanjing en 1985.
Zhao began his agricultural career in China, obtaining a bachelor degree in Animal Science in 1982 and a Master Degree in Nutritional Physiology and Biochemistry in 1985 from Nanjing Agricultural University. After completing his Ph.D in 1989 at Cornell University, he came to Canada for his postdoctoral study first in the University of Guelph and then in the University of Toronto. He has worked at McGill University since 1993.
  Conseil Consultatif des...  
De 1999 à 2007, M. Zhao a été directeur du département de zootechnie. Il a aussi été président du Comité d'examen de science animale pour Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada en 2006 et est membre du Conseil de recherche et développement en matière de génétique des bovins laitiers (DairyGen) du Réseau laitier canadien dès 2008.
From 1999-2007, Zhao served as Chair of the Department of Animal Science. He also served as the Chair for Animal Science Review Panel for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in 2006 and has been a member of the Research Committee, Dairy Cattle Genetics and Research (DairyGen) Council of Canadian Dairy Network since 2008. Dr. Zhao is well recognized globally for his professional and scientific expertise.
  La gestion de l’azote d...  
La taille de l’exploitation est rarement une variable significative, ce qui laisse supposer que les petits et grands élevages avicoles ont adopté des méthodes analogues de zootechnie et d’engraissement.
Environmental issues related to agriculture, and especially to animal production are prominent in the regulatory agenda and are an area where the general public expects improvements. Many of the issues can be mitigated with changes in farm management practices. There is considerable potential for improvement, but before actions are recommended or mandated, it is important to document what are the current management practices and how they vary across the country and with farm size. This is the first of a series of papers that describes a large-scale livestock farm practices survey (LFPS) conducted across livestock farms in Canada, emphasizing manure nitrogen (N) management as it affects ammonia (NH3) emissions to the atmosphere. However, the survey results have much broader applicability. In this paper, the development of the survey and sampling strategy is described along with the results for the three main poultry sectors in Canada; broiler, layer and turkey. Husbandry in each poultry sector is generally uniform, but there were statistically significant regional differences in feeding practices and feed conversion efficiencies, and these imply differences in N excretion rates. Farm size was seldom significant as a covariate, suggesting that both small and large poultry farms have adopted similar husbandry and feeding practices.