zootechnique – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 3 Results  sciencepress.mnhn.fr
  L'organisation d'une éc...  
L'étude de l'écurie de la maison Casti Amanti de Pompéi fournit d'importants renseignements de nature zootechnique. La conservation in situ des squelettes d'équidés nous a permis non seulement d'étudier l'architecture de l'écurie, mais aussi de proposer des hypothèses sur la dynamique de la mort des animaux qui y vivaient, ainsi que d'effectuer une étude morphologique de leurs restes.
The Casti Amanti stable is an interesting example of the zootechnical habits during the Pompeian age. As the skeletons remained in situ, we could not only study the stable architecture, but also hypotesize the dynamics of the death of the equids living there and perform a morphological study. From this study we know the five equids were, probably, four donkeys and a mule aged between 4 and 9 years and that they all were males. Probably they were employed as pack-animals to transport the bakery goods all around the area. An analysis on food remains was carried out. The short bakery activity due to seismic damage and the presence of five equids in working age led us to suppose an earthquake occurred shortly before the eruption of the Vesuvius.
  De l'onocentaure. Étude...  
La présente analyse se propose d’étudier et de comparer deux mythes issus de milieux culturels différents et dont le tissu narratif n’offre que peu de points de convergence au premier abord : le mythe de Pélops et Hippodamie dans le monde grec et celui de Sichem et Dina dans le livre 34 de la Genèse. Les hypothèses d’ordre anthropologique et zootechnique seront étayées par les paradigmes associant la structure du récit, les connaissances éthologiques et la lexicologie.
The following analysis is meant to study and compare two myths belonging to different cultural backgrounds, namely Pelops and Hippodomeia in Ancient Greece and Sichem and Dina in Genesis, book 34. Initially, the narrative patterns of these myths seem to have very little in common. The hypotheses, based on research in anthropology and zootechnics, will be supported by paradigms associating both narrative pattern and knowledge of ethology and lexicology. The subtle anthropomorphization of the Equidae in those two versions allows an interpretation liable to reveal, in the imaginative world of myths, the fertile links between the animal world and that of Man. Thus, we will tackle zoological problems in connection with the regeneration of domestic species (crossbreeding ) and hybridization, in order to apply them to human beings, whose marriages ( exogamy) and legitimate offspring in an agonistic and commercial environment, were considered as necessary evils to what we commonly refer to as “cultural development”.
  Penser l'amélioration a...  
Gabriel Calloet-Kerbrat fait partie de ces auteurs souvent cités comme « précurseurs » dans leur domaine, mais dont la pensée est souvent réduite à cette seule place anecdotique dans le discours historique. Par trois simples brochures consacrées à l'amélioration du bétail, il a posé les bases de la pensée zootechnique de l'école agronomique francophone.
Gabriel Calloet-Kerbrat is one of those authors frequently cited as "precursors" in their particular field, but whose ideas are often accorded little more than anecdotal value in historical discourse. In three simple pamphlets devoted to the improvement of livestock, Calloet-Kerbrat set down the basis of the whole of zootechnical theory as embraced by the francophone school of agronomy. In spite of its succinctness, Calloet-Kerbrat's method was characterized by J.-A. Bourle as representing a complete agronomic system. In an intellectual culture nourished by biblical and classical texts, medical publications and practical experimentation, the quest for a solution for poverty was a fundamental concern of Calloet-Kerbrat, who was probably protestant at the time but later became an ardent propagator of a Franciscan-inspired catholicism. In his texts, widely copied or reprinted in the following century, he not only lays out the recommended procedures for the improvement of livestock (cattle, sheep, goats) and horses but also delivers his opinions on the opposing views that were currently ranged against him. These are valuable texts, since the opinions expressed against improvement shed light on the ideological arguments that were raised against human improvement of animal breeds. The difficulties of reconciling a conception of animals as natural beings, forming part of an integrated environment, with the view that the improvement of animals could be considered in a manner distinct from the social immobility which characterized human society, constituted the principal obstacle to the development of husbandry. In contradiction to the ideological foundations of social hierarchy, improvement was presented as part of a biopolitical order that passed itself off as a natural order. Indirectly, the contradictions raised by Calloet-Kerbrat held significant implications for the failure of progress in the matter of animal improvement under Colbert.