zoran – Traduction en Anglais – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Zoran Music - Œuvres disponibles
Zoran Music - Available works
Ana Sokolović est née à Belgrade (Serbie) en 1968. Elle a étudié la composition auprès de Dusan Radic à l’Université de Novi Sad, avec Zoran Eric à l’Université de Belgrade, puis a obtenu une maîtrise avec José Evangelista à l’Université de Montréal.
Ana Sokolović was born in 1968 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. She studied composition at the University of Novi Sad with Dusan Radic and at the University of Belgrade with Zoran Eric, prior to completing her master’s degree at the Université de Montréal with José Evangelista. Her repertoire includes orchestral and piano works and several chamber music compositions. She has also written numerous theatrical scores. Between 1995 and 1998, Ana Sokolović received three prizes from the SOCAN Foundation Awards for Young Composers. In 1999, she was awarded two prizes in the CBC National Young Composers’ Competition, first prize in the “Chamber music” category, and the major prize, in “All categories.” In 2005, Ana Sokolović received the Joseph S Stauffer Prize from the Canada Council for the Arts. In 2007, she was awarded the Opus Prize for “Composer of the Year” and in 2008, the SOCAN Jan V Matejcek Prize for the “présence exceptionnelle de la musique de concert pour l’année écoulée“ (exceptional concert music presence during the past year). In December 2009, she received an award from the National Arts Center in Ottawa consisting of commissions, artist-in-residencies and teaching projects for the next five years. In 2005 she created her first opera, The Midnight Court, performed by the Queen of Puddings Music Theatre Co. During the summer of 2006 the work had its European premiere at London’s Royal Opera House. Currently she teaches composition at the Université de Montréal. In 2011-12, Ana Sokolović was the Société de Musique Contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ) Homage Series composer, an event where her works were showcased at more than one hundred events and concerts.
Les années fastes sont révolues, estime le journal économique Finance, qui appelle le futur gouvernement à réformer le marché du travail : "Nos entrepreneurs, la véritable source de notre croissance économique, ne cessent de répéter la même chose : nous avons besoin d'un marché du travail flexible et d'une imposition plus faible du travail. Et ils ont raison ! Soyons honnêtes, l'âge d'or où chacun pouvait obtenir un contrat à durée indéterminée est révolu. Il faudra désormais s'habituer à ces conditions nouvelles et incertaines. Le nouveau gouvernement aura son mot à dire à ce sujet. Les programmes électoraux étaient comme toujours plein de promesses et très vagues. Le parti du vraisemblable nouveau chef de gouvernement, Zoran Janković, veut investir dans les emplois qualifiés apportant une plus-value à l'économie et soutenir les initiatives et les projets d'entreprise créateurs d'emplois. Espérons que ce ne seront pas seulement des paroles en l'air et des mesures générales."
Unemployment has risen sharply in Slovenia since the start of the financial crisis, and is now twice what it was three years ago. The good days are over, the business paper Finance writes and demands labour market reforms from the next government: "Our entrepreneurs, the true source of economic growth, never stop repeating one thing: we need a flexible job market and lower taxes on labour. And they are right! Let's be honest: the golden era when everyone had a permanent job is over. We must now get used to the new, uncertain times. And the new government will also have a word to say here. As usual, the electoral programmes were full of promises and very vague. The party of the man who will presumably be our next prime minister, Zoran Janković, wants to invest in highly skilled jobs with added value for the economy, and to support entrepreneurial initiatives and projects that will create new jobs. Hopefully this aim will not be limited to words and generalised measures."
Elle entreprend des études universitaires en composition auprès de Dusan Radić à Novi Sad et Zoran Erić à Belgrade, puis complète une maîtrise au côté de José Evangelista à l’Université de Montréal au milieu des années 1990.
Serbian-born composer Ana Sokolović, who has lived in Montreal for two decades, has been immersed in the arts all her life. Before taking up theatre and music, she studied classical ballet. She studied composition at university under Dusan Radic in Novi Sad and Zoran Eric in Belgrade, then completed a master’s degree under the supervision of José Evangelista at the University of Montreal in the mid-1990s. Her work is suffused with her fascination for different forms of artistic expression. Both rich and playful, her compositions draw the listener into a vividly imagined world, often inspired by Balkan folk music and its asymmetrical festive rhythms. The winds of change brought by her work quickly vaulted her to a prominent position on the Quebec, Canadian and international contemporary music scenes. In the winter of 2012, she was recognized as a national treasure by Quebec’s ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine.
L’Assemblée Générale réunie le 16 juin à Bordeaux, à la Cité du Vin, a voté à l’unanimité en faveur du statut de membre actif souhaité par l’Association Sud Africaine des Sommeliers et l’Association de l’Ile Maurice parrainés toutes deux par l’Union de la Sommellerie Française, ainsi que pour l’Association des Sommeliers du Montenegro parrainée par la Slovénie. Bienvenue à ces trois nouveaux membres actifs et à leurs présidents, Higgo Jacobs, Jérôme Faure et Zoran Avramovic !
On the 16th of June, the General Assembly met in Bordeaux, at la Cité du Vin and voted unanimously for the active member status regarding the South African Sommeliers Association and the Mauritius assciation both sponsored par the French Sommeliers Union, as well as the Montenegro Association sponsored by Slovenia. Welcome to these three new active members and their presidents Higgo Jacobs, Jérôme Faure and Zoran Avramovic !
  2 Résultats www.lesecretdumarais.com  
Ce que retiendront également les délégués de l’A.S.I., c’est la personnalité et le talent exprimés par Milorad Cilic qui exploite le domaine Cilic. S’il approche la quarantaine, il est encore un jeune vigneron qui s’est affirmé dans le sillage de son père, Zoran.
What the A.S.I. delegates will also remember is Milorad Cilic (domain Cilic)’s personality and talent. Yet nearly 40, he still is a young wine grower who asserted himself in his father Zoran’s steps. A front-line enologist who sat for forty years nonstop on the state commission of wine assessment and shared his knowledge. A savoir-faire that Milorad, member of the eighth generation, successfully cultivated by discovering the wine growing and crafting methods in France, Argentina, Chile and the United States.
d. Module 4 - La lecture préparatoire sur la mer Zoran
d. Module 4 - The Zoran Sea Pre-Reading
Chef du gouvernement: Zoran Milanovic
Head of government: Zoran Milanovic
  3 Résultats scc.lexum.org  
Zoran Zlatic      Appelant
Zoran Zlatic      Appellant
À la cérémonie de signature, M. Fetai, Ministre de l'économie et Coordonnateur national pour l'accession, était accompagné par le Vice-Premier Ministre, M. Zoran Krstevski, le Ministre des finances, M. Nikola Gruevski et le Ministre de l'agriculture, M. Marjan Gjeorcev.
At the signing ceremony, Mr. Fetai, Minister of Economy and National Coordinator for the Accession, was also accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister, Zoran Krstevski, Finance Minister, Nikola Gruevski, and Agriculture Minister, Marjan Gjeorcev.
  2 Résultats www.magnoliasorrento.it  
Dans le cadre de sa première visite officielle en Macédoine, le chef de la diplomatie du Kosovo rencontrera son homologue macédonien Nikola Dimitrov, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères de la République de Macédoine, puis le Premier Ministre, M. Zoran Zaev, ainsi que le Président de l'Assemblée de la République de Macédoine, M. Talat Xhaferi.
In the framework of his first official visit to Macedonia, the Kosovo's Chief Diplomat will initially meet with his Macedonian counterpart, Nikola Dimitrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, then with the Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, as well as the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi.
Le Docteur Zoran Micovic, Direction des Services Vétérinaires du Ministère de l'Agriculture, des forêts et de la gestion des eaux de Serbie a informé l'OIE qu'un exercice de simulation d'influenza aviaire se déroulera à NiÅ¡ du 10 au 15 novembre 2008.
Dr Zoran Micovic, Veterinary Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia informed the OIE that a simulation exercise on avian influenza will take place in Niš between 10 and 15 November 2008.
Ana Sokolović est née à Belgrade (Serbie) en 1968. Elle a étudié la composition auprès de Dusan Radic à l’Université de Novi Sad, avec Zoran Eric à l’Université de Belgrade, puis a obtenu une maîtrise avec José Evangelista à l’Université de Montréal.
Ana Sokolović was born in 1968 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. She studied composition at the University of Novi Sad with Dusan Radic and at the University of Belgrade with Zoran Eric, prior to completing her master’s degree at the Université de Montréal with José Evangelista. Her repertoire includes orchestral and piano works and several chamber music compositions. She has also written numerous theatrical scores. Between 1995 and 1998, Ana Sokolović received three prizes from the SOCAN Foundation Awards for Young Composers. In 1999, she was awarded two prizes in the CBC National Young Composers’ Competition, first prize in the “Chamber music” category, and the major prize, in “All categories.” In 2005, Ana Sokolović received the Joseph S Stauffer Prize from the Canada Council for the Arts. In 2007, she was awarded the Opus Prize for “Composer of the Year” and in 2008, the SOCAN Jan V Matejcek Prize for the “présence exceptionnelle de la musique de concert pour l’année écoulée“ (exceptional concert music presence during the past year). In December 2009, she received an award from the National Arts Center in Ottawa consisting of commissions, artist-in-residencies and teaching projects for the next five years. In 2005 she created her first opera, The Midnight Court, performed by the Queen of Puddings Music Theatre Co. During the summer of 2006 the work had its European premiere at London’s Royal Opera House. Currently she teaches composition at the Université de Montréal. In 2011-12, Ana Sokolović was the Société de Musique Contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ) Homage Series composer, an event where her works were showcased at more than one hundred events and concerts.
Le Docteur Zoran Micovic, Direction des Services Vétérinaires du Ministère de l'Agriculture, des forêts et de la gestion des eaux de Serbie a informé l'OIE qu'un exercice de simulation d'influenza aviaire se déroulera à NiÅ¡ du 10 au 15 novembre 2008.
Dr Zoran Micovic, Veterinary Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia informed the OIE that a simulation exercise on avian influenza will take place in Niš between 10 and 15 November 2008.
Chef du gouvernement: Zoran Milanovic
Head of government: Zoran Milanovic
Chef du gouvernement: Zoran Milanovic
Head of government: Zoran Milanovic
  89 Résultats www.daihen.co.jp  
Zoran Lucic
Quentin Monge
Nom du produit: ZORAN 74 MANTEL
Productname: ZORAN 74 MANTEL
  3 Résultats www.canadainternational.gc.ca  
Finances : Zoran Stavrevski
Finance: Zoran Stavrevski
  3 Résultats csc.lexum.org  
Zoran Zlatic      Appelant
Zoran Zlatic      Appellant
  8 Résultats www.sanu.ac.rs  
Secrétaire : académicien Zoran Petrović
Secretary: academician Zoran Petrović
  8 Résultats berrendorf.inf.h-brs.de  
Apartment Zoran Privlaka, Privlaka Type d'hôtel: Hôtel
Apartment Zoran Privlaka, Privlaka Type of the hotel:Hotel
Chef du gouvernement: Zoran Milanovic
Head of government: Zoran Milanovic
  4 Résultats www.euro.who.int  
Réunion le 4 octobre 2011 entre Zsuzsanna Jakab, directrice régionale de l'OMS pour l'Europe, et Zoran Stankovic, ministre serbe de la Santé. Photo : OMS/Oluf Christoffersen
Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe, met Zoran Stankovic, Minister of Health of Serbia on 4 October 2011. Photo: WHO/Oluf Christoffersen
d. Module 4 - La lecture préparatoire sur la mer Zoran
d. Module 4 - The Zoran Sea Pre-Reading
chambreChambres[*PHOTO_INDEX*] / [*PHOTO_TOTAL*]Partager:Apartment Marina CentarSur demande4https://www.booking.com/reviewlist.html? tmpl=reviewlistpopup;pagename=apartment-zoran-centar;hrwt=1;cc1=me;target_aid=333255;aid=34709600347096
roomRoomsPhoto [*PHOTO_INDEX*] of [*PHOTO_TOTAL*]Share:Apartment Marina CentarUpon request4https://www.booking.com/reviewlist.html?tmpl=reviewlistpopup;pagename=apartment-zoran-centar;hrwt=1;cc1=me;target_aid=333255;aid=34709600347096
Ana Sokolović est née à Belgrade (Serbie) en 1968. Elle a étudié la composition auprès de Dusan Radic à l’Université de Novi Sad, avec Zoran Eric à l’Université de Belgrade, puis a obtenu une maîtrise avec José Evangelista à l’Université de Montréal.
Ana Sokolović was born in 1968 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. She studied composition at the University of Novi Sad with Dusan Radic and at the University of Belgrade with Zoran Eric, prior to completing her master’s degree at the Université de Montréal with José Evangelista. Her repertoire includes orchestral and piano works and several chamber music compositions. She has also written numerous theatrical scores. Between 1995 and 1998, Ana Sokolović received three prizes from the SOCAN Foundation Awards for Young Composers. In 1999, she was awarded two prizes in the CBC National Young Composers’ Competition, first prize in the “Chamber music” category, and the major prize, in “All categories.” In 2005, Ana Sokolović received the Joseph S Stauffer Prize from the Canada Council for the Arts. In 2007, she was awarded the Opus Prize for “Composer of the Year” and in 2008, the SOCAN Jan V Matejcek Prize for the “présence exceptionnelle de la musique de concert pour l’année écoulée“ (exceptional concert music presence during the past year). In December 2009, she received an award from the National Arts Center in Ottawa consisting of commissions, artist-in-residencies and teaching projects for the next five years. In 2005 she created her first opera, The Midnight Court, performed by the Queen of Puddings Music Theatre Co. During the summer of 2006 the work had its European premiere at London’s Royal Opera House. Currently she teaches composition at the Université de Montréal. In 2011-12, Ana Sokolović was the Société de Musique Contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ) Homage Series composer, an event where her works were showcased at more than one hundred events and concerts.
La deuxième partie de la matinée a été dédiée à un débat avec les membres, modéré par Cyrille Langendorff (CREDIT COOPERATIF) sur comment renforcer les fonds propres des banques et institutions financières éthiques, thème particulièrement prenant dans cette période, où les membres de la Fédération représenté par  Etienne Bonvin (BAS), Stefano Boffini (CASSA PADANA), Zoran Besak and Kresimir Prevendar (EBANKA) ont apporté des présentations exhaustives par rapport à leur expérience et solutions dans ce cadre.
The second part of the morning was dedicated to a discussion with the members, moderated by Cyrille Langendorff (CREDIT COOPERATIF), on the way to improve the capital of ethical banks and financial institutions, a very important issue in the current circumstances, where some members of the Federation, represented by Etienne Bonvin (BAS), Stefano Boffini (CASSA PADANA), Zoran Besak and Kresimir Prevendar (EBANKA) made comprehensive presentations dealing with their experiences and solutions in their context. SEFEA, the operational tool of the Federation, represented by Giacomo Pinaffo, outlined possible useful tools.
  2 Résultats www.ke.undp.org  
(Mr) Zoran Stevanovic
Fax: (20 2) 578 4847
  2 Résultats www.undp.org  
(Mr) Zoran Stevanovic
Fax: (20 2) 578 4847
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