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  4 Treffer www.glf.dfo-mpo.gc.ca  
Depuis 2005, la pêche du crabe des neiges dans le sud du golfe du Saint Laurent, y compris les groupes autochtones et traditionnels, ainsi que les détenteurs d'allocations temporaires, utilisent un système de surveillance des navires approuvé par le MPO dans les zones de pêche du crabe (ZPC) 12, 18, 25 et 26.
Since 2005, the Snow Crab Fishery in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, including Aboriginal and Traditional groups, and those fishing Temporary Allocations, use a DFO approved Vessel Monitoring System while fishing in Crab Fishing Areas (CFA) 12, 18, 25 and 26. License conditions include the installation and continuous operation of VMS equipment on all vessels while engaged in fishing in activities in CFAs 12, 18, 25 and 26.
composée de ZPC (zinc plaqué cuivre);
the composition is CPZ (copper plated zinc);
Zone préalpine des collines (ZPC)
before-alpine hill zone
  88 Treffer www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca  
De plus, en ce qui a trait à l'allocation du quota de pêche de la crevette nordique, 51 p. 100 de l'augmentation du quota de 2003 dans la ZPC-1 et 67 p. 100 de l'augmentation du quota de 2004 ont été accordés à des intérêts du Nunavut.
Fisheries allocations to Nunavut interests have been increasing over time. In the late 1990s, DFO's turbot fishing plan provided that 50% of any increase in the Sub-area 0 turbot quota go to Nunavut interests. Since then, there has been no increase in quota in Division 0B, however 100% of the increase in Division 0A has been allocated to Nunavut interests. As well, in terms of the allocation of quota for northern shrimp, 51% of the SFA-1 quota increase of 2003, and 67% of the quota increase for 2004 was allocated to Nunavut interests.
  90 Treffer dfo-mpo.gc.ca  
De plus, en ce qui a trait à l'allocation du quota de pêche de la crevette nordique, 51 p. 100 de l'augmentation du quota de 2003 dans la ZPC-1 et 67 p. 100 de l'augmentation du quota de 2004 ont été accordés à des intérêts du Nunavut.
Fisheries allocations to Nunavut interests have been increasing over time. In the late 1990s, DFO's turbot fishing plan provided that 50% of any increase in the Sub-area 0 turbot quota go to Nunavut interests. Since then, there has been no increase in quota in Division 0B, however 100% of the increase in Division 0A has been allocated to Nunavut interests. As well, in terms of the allocation of quota for northern shrimp, 51% of the SFA-1 quota increase of 2003, and 67% of the quota increase for 2004 was allocated to Nunavut interests.