zuckerberg – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 2 Results  hayatiemniyetliyasa.com
  How Billionaire Techies...  
« In a knowledge economy, the most important resources are the talented people we educate and attract to our country, » Zuckerberg wrote in an op-ed announcing the group. « A knowledge economy can scale further, create better jobs and provide a higher quality of living for everyone in our nation. »
“In a knowledge economy, the most important resources are the talented people we educate and attract to our country,” Zuckerberg wrote in an op-ed announcing the group. “A knowledge economy can scale further, create better jobs and provide a higher quality of living for everyone in our nation.”
  How Billionaire Techies...  
The immigration-reform advocacy group founded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg —FWD.us (pronounced « forward U.S. ») — and funded by fellow Silicon Valley entrepreneurs including Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer — is rolling out a plan for the 2016 election that will include « substantial » investments in battleground states.
The immigration-reform advocacy group founded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg —FWD.us (pronounced “forward U.S.”) — and funded by fellow Silicon Valley entrepreneurs including Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer — is rolling out a plan for the 2016 election that will include “substantial” investments in battleground states.