zwart – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Comités de la Chambre d...  
M. Jake Zwart: Je n'ai pas examiné ce système de très près. J'estime que c'est celui qui a le chèque en main le dernier qui impose des conditions; c'est pourquoi je préconise un crédit d'impôt plutôt qu'un système nécessitant des justificatives qui fait que mon argent sert à financer la fonction publique.
Mr. Jake Zwart: I haven't looked at their system in very much detail. My bias is that the one who holds the cheque in their hand last is the one who attaches strings to the money, which is why I would look for a tax credit rather than a voucher system, which would mean my tax money goes to the government. The government has its bureaucracy there that siphons off some of the money, and then they send a cheque back to me or to a private school and attach their strings. So I would encourage a tax credit where those kinds of strings would not get attached to the money.
  Comités de la Chambre d...  
M. Jake Zwart: Non, je n'ai pas approfondi la question. Cependant, je pense que nous savons que les frais annuels d'éducation d'un enfant dans l'enseignement public se chiffrent à environ 5 000 ou 6 000 $ par an.
Mr. Jake Zwart: The quick answer is no, I have not gone into more detail on that. However, I think we all recognize that the average money per year that it costs to educate a child publicly is in the range of $5,000 to $6,000 a year. I'm told by people who have visited both school systems extensively that private education tends to be better and less expensive. So education goodness or quality of education is not tied to money spent, but tying that deduction to the amount that would otherwise be spent would be a good starting point.