zwei – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  tode | la contre-inform...  
Zwei Welten (Allemagne, 1930, 15') - Werner Hochbaum
Zwei Welten (Two Worlds, D 1930, 15’) - Werner Hochbaum
  marion hamm | indymedia  
[23] Cf. Marion Hamm, Michael Zaiser: com.une.farce und - zwei Modi oppositioneller Netznutzung. Dans: Argument 238, p. 755-764.
[23] See Marion Hamm, Michael Zaiser: com.une.farce und - zwei Modi oppositioneller Netznutzung. In: Argument 238 (2001), p. 755-764.
  tode | la contre-inform...  
Le troisième exemple datant de la République de Weimar est le film de Werner Hochbaum Zwei Welten (Deux mondes, Allemagne, 1930), qui fut réalisé à l'occasion des élections du Reichstag du 14 septembre 1930.
The third example from the Weimar Republic is Werner Hochbaum's film Zwei Welten (Two Worlds, D 1930), made on the occasion of the Reichstag elections of September 14, 1930. It is undoubtedly one of the most interesting election films of the SPD (Socialist Party of Germany), which is based entirely – in the tradition of The Shanghai Document – on a sharply contrasting montage between rich pleasure-seekers and poor proletarians. Elegant tennis players from high society engage in small talk, while an army of unemployed people marches by in the streets. A golf player sporting a monocle toasts his fellow sportsmen, while people seeking work stand in line at the public employment office. The wealthy, golf-playing industrialist is driven home by his chauffeur, while one of the unemployed walks back to his desolate back-yard flat. Other tenements, back-yard alleys, narrow lanes, shacks and bedraggled half-timbered houses file past: the homes of the proletariat. Meanwhile, the industrialist changes into a Nazi uniform and visits his bored mistress in a salon. As is frequently the case with Hochbaum, detail shots, such as pulling on the armband with the swastika, contain the essential characterization. Rarely has a film so succinctly and sharply described the close relationship between industrialists and fascists.