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Keybot 3 Results  yeah.paleo.ch
  Paléo Festival Nyon | D...  
Kalt lassen können sie keinen, diese Luzerner, die sich auf verschiedene und vielfältige Einflüsse berufen, hie und da vom Grunge zur New-Wave und einem Spritzer Punk hüpfen, das Ganze in einem resoluten Eighties- und Nineties-Ambiente.
Dans La Tente have crossed the Sarine in order to bring us the kind of rock music we all love. Hard not to be impressed by the band from Lucerne with their patchwork of different influences, ranging from grunge to new-wave with a soupcon of punk, and their clearly eighties and nineties ambiances. "Music for drunken hearts" is how they define their sound. The charm that oozes from the group’s performances is surely due to their deliberately vintage, slightly old-fashioned style. We love it!
  Paléo Festival Nyon | K...  
Er pendelt zwischen Blues und Folk hin und her mit hie und da ein paar Prisen Reggae und Soul und gestaltet so ein unglaubliches Reich von multikulturellen und modernen Klängen, die er gekonnt mit den tief aus seinen Wurzeln geschöpften Musiken verbindet.
Sunshine, joy, dancing and the brightest of smiles, Kara Sylla Ka is an extraordinary beautiful ambassador of Peulh culture. Seeking inspiration in the music of Fela Kuti and Ali Farka Touré, the Senegalese griot is a complete artist. Wandering from blues to folk with the occasional detour via reggae and soul, he has unveiled an incredible universe of crossover and contemporary sounds skilfully blended with music drawn from deep down in his cultural roots. One of our favourites!
  Paléo Festival Nyon | T...  
Diese Australier, Adoptivsöhne der Beatles und der Cream mit hie und da einem Quäntchen MGMT, haben gleich schon beim Erscheinen ihres ersten Albums "Innerspeaker" im Jahr 2010 weltweit grossen Eindruck gemacht.
What can we say about this band that come to us straight from Australia? Maybe that Tame Impala are a sort of prodigal synthesis of some of the biggest pop rock groups the world has ever known: adopted sons of the Beatles and Cream with a hint of the breath of MGMT, these Australians made a huge impression the world over after the 2010 release of their first album, "Innerspeaker". On record or live on stage – where the trio turn into a foursome –, it would be difficult to remain indifferent to the sophistication of their arrangements or to the mind-blowing, psychedelic melodies.