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Keybot 3 Results  shop.allforpadel.com
  Intervju: Lon Safko – Z...  
Je potem sploh še ustrezno govoriti o zgolj digitalnem marketingu in zaposlene imenovati na funkcije, kot so vodja digitalnega marketinga ali upravljavec družbenih omrežij, če je pač vse marketing?
Is the term digital marketing obsolete? Does it still make sense to give employees titles such as “head of digital marketing” or “social media manager” when in the end of the day it all comes down to marketing?
  Urban Cvek - Vas zanima...  
Urban Cvek je pred petimi leti atletski dres in tekaške copate zamenjal za digitalni svet. Lotil se je študija računalništva. Kmalu za tem je želel rešiti problem navigacije po nakupovalnih centrih in trgovinah in soustanovil start-up Shopster ter tam prevzel vlogo tehničnega direktorja.
Urban Cvek swapped his running shoes for the digital world five years ago. He started studying computer science. Shortly after, he wanted to solve the problem of navigating shopping centers and shops, and co-founded the start-up Shopster where he took the role of technical director. During this time, he perfected his technical knowledge. Half a year ago, he decided to use his knowledge of networks and machine learning to solve the problem of collaboration between businesses and social media influencers. He co-founded the start-up Influee, a platform for influencer marketing, where he assumed the role of CEO. Due to the use of algorithms for network analysis, the platform offers not only collaboration with influencers as other platforms do, but also a detailed analysis of the profile of the influencers and the measurement of the actual effect of each influencer.
  Piškotki - Sempl 2018  
Za namestitev gumbov družabnih omrežij, kot so Twitter, Facebook in YouTube, in za povezavo na ustrezna zunanja družabna omrežja ter spletna mesta so potrebni skripti s spletnih domen, nad katerimi nimamo nadzora.
To install social network buttons (such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube) and links to the corresponding social networks and websites, we need to use website scripts that are outside of our control. Please be aware that these sites probably collect data on your behaviour online, including on our website.