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Keybot 3 Results  twohomelands.zrc-sazu.si
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To kar malo preveč deskriptivno besedilo odkriva, kako Republika Slovenija s svojimi institucijami zakonsko in normativno ureja področja ter rešuje konkretne težave, s katerimi se soočajo povratniki in njihovi družinski člani, in kako (če sploh) se v raznih smernicah, izhodiščih ali konkretnih akcijah opredeljuje do tega fenomena.
This nearly too descriptive a text reveals how the Republic of Slovenia with its institutions legally and normatively regulates various fields and solves concrete problems the returnees and members of their families meet with, and how (if at all) the state defines in various guidelines or concrete actions towards this phenomena. A review of different fields reveals that an active policy, which would encourage or at least more complexly and synchronically solve the phenomenon of remigration, does not exist. The legislation, ministries and other state institutions with their laws, guidelines, starting-points, programmes and other actions, are dealing with remigration only partially and sporadically.
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Koordinacijski odbor za vprašanja naših delavcev na začasnem delu v tujini pri RK SZDL Slovenije je kot osnovni nosilec povezovanja vseh posameznih nosilcev dejavnosti v SR Sloveniji na tem področju uresničeval svoje naloge s tem, da je obravnaval in spremljal celotno problematiko na področju odhajanja na delo v tujino iz manj razvitih (Pomurje) in obmejnih območij SR Slovenije.
In the contribution, the problematic of workers on temporary work abroad or emigrants is dealt with, which presented a significant composite part of the entire social policy in the social-economical development of the republic, communities and local communities. The coordination committee at the RK SZDL of Slovenia for the problematic of our workers on temporary work abroad as the basic connector of all separate carriers of activities in the SR Slovenia in that field was bringing into realisation its tasks by dealing with and monitoring the entire problematic in the field of going abroad for work from the less developed (Pomurje) and bordering regions of the SR of Slovenia. The socialist alliance differentiated politically between migrant workers and emigrants and consequently treated them differently. It was about different orientation as migrant workers wished to return to their homeland while emigrants aimed at staying abroad and acquire foreign citizenship. For the both different goals were being set: as regards emigrants, it was necessary to engage in the economic field, deal with the question of their return to the homeland and enable them equal rights as workers in the homeland.
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Celotno avstralsko družbo bistveno zaznamujejo tri obdobja v obravnavanju priseljencev in potekajo od politike bele Avstralije do nediskriminatorne imigracijske politike, imenovane avstralski multikulturalizem.
The entire Australian society is essentially marked by three periods in regard of dealing with immigrants; they go from the policy of white Australia to non-discriminatory immigration policy, called Australian multiculturalism. All mentioned periods substantially influence the Australian education system as well. Australia has long ago accepted the standpoint that mastering English language is the key to a complex participation in Australian society. What is new in multiculturalism policy in comparison to the previous two periods is that it does not demand oblivion of the cultures of immigrants. A variety of aspects of Australian way of life exists, which the newcomers must accept but at the same time it is anticipated that immigrants and their children might want to preserve their customs and tradition. That reflects in education as well. Multicultural education is not a part of the curriculum in the form of a specific subject, for example mathematics. Subjects, which at first sight reflect multiculturalism most are English language as a second language (ESL) and languages other than English (LOTE). Multicultural education as such must be a composite part of all major education fields and must be reflected in the ethos of schools.